» Horror » UNTITLED, Hailey Kline [most romantic novels txt] 📗

Book online «UNTITLED, Hailey Kline [most romantic novels txt] 📗». Author Hailey Kline


When I was a child, I was absolutely terrified of anything and everything. I have an older sister who loved to do anything and everything to scare me. As I got older, I began to obsess over the things that use to scare me. Ghosts, monsters, demons, you name it, I was obsessed with. One thing that I was obsessed with more than anything was ghost hunting. I would spend a big chunk of my day Googling different haunted places to go hunting in, then I would pack up my gear, and head out the next day. One particular day, my friend Bella had told me about an old abandoned house just a couple hours away that was said to be haunted by multiple spirits. Of course, I was excited to go, but I couldn't wait until to next day to leave, so I told my friend to pack up her bags, and I got my equipment ready, and we were off. About an hour and a half into our mini road trip, the sun started to set, and the road became more and more desolate, and about forty-five minutes later, we had arrived at the house. It was absolutely beautiful. It was a small, quaint house, with only three bedrooms placed right in the center of a huge piece of land. It looked like people still lived there, but the overgrown fields and completely dead garden told me otherwise. We proceeded up that walkway, onto the porch, and inside of the house. Everything was left in the house, furniture, clothes, toys, bills, food, everything was left behind, almost as if something so horrific had happened that the family had to leave immediately and never wanted to return back to collect their personal belongings. Before we left, I had invited Kyle and Tyler to meet up with us at the house, they too loved to ghost hunt with Bella and I. Bella and I began setting up some equipment, so by the time Kyle and Tyler arrived, we would be ready to start investigating. They had arrived at the house shortly after we had gotten there, and at around eight o'clock, we began our investigation. 



For the first thirty minutes of our investigation, things were going well. We had caught a few EVP’s, and that was about it. You can’t expect a lot to happen as soon as you pull out your equipment, so a lot of patience is necessary for ghost hunting. “So, does anyone by any chance know that history of this house?” I asked everyone, hoping to have an answer. I usually do some research before I go to haunted places, but I was too excited about this one, I completely forgot. Sometimes I go to abandoned buildings that are haunted, and this was my first time going to an abandoned house. Who wouldn’t be excited about that? Bella knew a little bit of the house's history, but not much, so we put our stuff away and began to do as much research as possible. Now, I’m not sure if this history is exact, but this is the story that we found:

The construction of the house began in 1921 and was built by the original owners, Marlene and Charles. The house was built with their own two hands from wood that was gathered from burned down homes, abandoned homes, and just about anywhere they could acquire free or cheap wood from. The house, including the barn, was completed in 1923. The original house consisted of two bedrooms, a front room, and a kitchen, with an outhouse located a few yards away from the house. At this point, Marlene and Charles had five children, Abigail, two years old, Johnathan, three years old, Samantha, five years old, Sophia, seven years old, and George, nine years old. Marlene, Charles, and their five children worked together on the farm, the men would work in the fields, and the women would take care of the farm animals. It was a cold winter morning in 1925 when the barn unexpectedly caught fire, taking the lives of Sophia and Samantha, who were unable to escape. The family rebuilt the barn,and placed a memorial of their two lost daughters behind it. In 1926, Marlene and Charles went on to have another child, a little boy, Charles Jr. In 1930, tragedy struck the family again when their house caught fire and claimed the lives of Charles, George, and Charles Jr. The only parts of the house that were burned were the back bedroom and a small part of the kitchen. Unable to rebuild, Marlene, Abigail, and Johnathan moved in with family, who lived a few hours away, leaving their home behind and abandoned.

In 1936, a new family bought the land and began to rebuild the home, adding an extra bedroom and a larger kitchen. Not much is known about the new family, only that they did not stay long in their new home. Another fire broke out, and the family a left, unable to repair their damaged home. For another few years, the house sat abandoned. Rumors began to spread that the home was built on a Native American burial ground, and people became fearful of living anywhere near the home. The house sat abandoned until 1940 when it was finally torn down, and the land was put up for sale. In 1945, the land was purchased by a new family who had just moved to the state, and they began to build a new home. Unbeknownst to them, the house they built was eerily similar to the original house. Another barn was later built by the family. The family had five children, Stephanie, two years old, Addison, three years old, Ryan, five years old, David, seven years old, and Michael, nine years old. In 1950, tragedy struck the family when their house caught fire, only burning the back bedroom and part of the kitchen. No lives were lost, and the family rebuilt, much like the second family, they added an extra bedroom, larger kitchen, and this time, they built an indoor bathroom. A few years later, in 1953, the barn caught fire, claiming the lives of three of their children, Stephanie, Addison, and Ryan, and the mother. The father took the remaining children and moved in with relatives. Once again, the house sat abandoned and a burned down farm. This time, the rumors solidified, and no one, absolutely no one, went anywhere near the property.


This was all that we were able to find out about the house, but this was the story Bella knew:



Publication Date: 01-03-2017

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I would like to thank my family :)

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