» Horror » Blinded, Rebeca Night [inspirational books for women .txt] 📗

Book online «Blinded, Rebeca Night [inspirational books for women .txt] 📗». Author Rebeca Night

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Chapter One (The beginning)

I was so tired after the party. I mean who wouldn't be, it was a sweet 16 after all. I had about 100 guests most I did not even know just friends of friends I guess. The party lasted a good 6 hours. Call me crazy but I like long parties. Yet in all this, not only had I turned 16 I felt like some one had hit me in the side of my head. Not to worry you about my problems I will get onto who I am. My name is Marisa I am like any other average teenager. I am on the track team and love to just be with my friends. I have Black hair and olive skin with light green eyes. Now enough about me, besides I am just so tired. As I walked to my bed I noticed that my room was really hot so I opened up my window (first mistake). Now I had heard of this thing they called the blindness yet I did not know how people got it. Many said it could be from these people that go around at night just looking into windows. The people in my town have always called them the walkers. They never cause harm nor do they ever give a reason for us to fear them. No one in this area has been blinded so why would I be careful to not "invite" them in by opening my window. To me they were just a bunch of rumors nothing that holds any weight. Until tonight, the breeze felt good on my hot skin. After I slipped on my satin shorts and tank top I climbed into bed. I had just gotten this night outfit from my mom. She knew that I loved satin and to wear cool things on these hot July nights. So as I drifted into my dreams I heard something. It sounded as if someone was in my room. In fact I could feel someone sitting on my bed. My mom was out of town and my little sister was only a baby and in her crib. I had made sure that everyone left before I came up to get ready to go to sleep. Who ever this was, I knew that they were not supposed to be here. I had to know so out of fear I tried to open my eyes. I saw nothing in fact it felt like my eyes were sown shut. I tried again and again the out come was always the same my eyes were not opening. It was then and there that I knew what had happened. I had been blinded! I started to scream but before even the sound could come out I felt a cold as death itself hand come over my mouth.
"Hush, you would not want to wake the baby would you? After all you are the one that invited us in."
I knew his voice, it was the voice that I have not heard since my sister was born. This voice was in all of my memories as a child, it was my fathers voice.
"I know, I know, It is probably hard for you to understand why this is happening and why to you. I only wish I knew. My daughter I feel your pain for it was once mine. It seems that you never headed anything I had ever told you. I guess I could have broken the rules and risked my life to spare you and your mother, yet I thought that there would be no need." My father said as he stroked my hair his hand still over my mouth.
I pushed his hand away with my arms. I could not stop the tears that were freely flowing down my face now. He had left us only 1 1/2 years ago, yet it had torn me and my mother apart. It was him leaving us that made my mother leave so often and leave me alone. How dare he come back now and how dare he try to smooth things over on me. Not to mention HOW DARE HE BLIND ME! HIS VERY OWN DAUGHTER! I was so mad at him at my mom and most of all at the stupid tears that would not stop coming down my face!
"It is ok I understand I missed you and your mother so much too. I am forever sorry for coming back like this. Yet now I have you back since you must come with me."
"Now, now I taught you better then that did I not. I am your father no matter what has changed (which is not much) I am still that and always will be. Now I know I have told you what happens if one who was blinded but did not answer the call. Did I not?" My father said trying to smooth my frizzy hair.
"You were not here long enough to tell me anything. In fact I have no idea how or what is happening." I said as the tears kept running down my face.
"Honey, I tried to come back and be with you guys still. It was your mother who finally sent me away and made it to were I was not invited into my own home. I tried to live here with you guys but the conscience was too much for your mother. She would not risk it." My father said as his hand stopped on my face and felt for only a moment warn like it used too.
"Why would she do that she loves you? No matter what I am not going any were with you if mom made you go whatever she can't do that to me. Olivia knows me and me alone. I will not leave her here nor will I bring her were ever you say I have to go. I am not leaving!" I said this time to confused to cry or scream.
"I hope that they have mercy on you then. I pray that they will be good to you because you are my daughter. I hope for your sake they are kind. I will miss you so and if in time you change your mind just invite me in again by your window and we shall go were we belong."
With that he was gone. I kept hoping it was a horrible night mare and that in the morning my eyes would open, but to my dismay they did not. I woke up and everything was still black. I knew were my phone was thankfully. I opened it and dialed my best friend ,Amber’s number from memory.
“Hello? Marisa?” Amber said rather quickly.
“Hi Amber uhm I kinda need a ride to school today and help getting ready. My eyes are really hurting me. I think I may have hurt them last night when I fell.” I said hoping she had not heard about the blindness.
“Ya! I will be right over but are you sure that you want to go to school not the hospital?”
“Ya besides I need to be there today. I mean it’s Johnny's first game as Quarterback.” I had forgotten till just now all about my boyfriend.
“Oh thats right I forgot. Ok I will be right over, Bye.”
After Amber hung up I felt really alone. I had forgotten all about Johnny my hottie boyfriend of 2 years now and was about to have to tell him I am now blind. Come to think of it I have never heard of any one being blinded yet my father made it seem like he was before he left. The walkers seemed to know where they were going so they could not be blinded right? If the rumors are true then the walkers do this but that means I am becoming a walker? I had all this and much more going through my mind so when I heard the door bell I almost really hit my head.
“Come in Amber!” I screamed down stairs.
Amber came upstairs and I heard her take a deep breath. I was sure that I must look horrible. Then she moved over to my dresser I could feel her ever foot step.
"So, what do you want to look like today?" She said after a while.
"I want to look like I always do like Johnny's girl." I knew today would be bad before she came.
I just hope that Johnny dose not see the change in me. I even feel less like myself.
"Ok, Marisa I am gunna do your makeup first then going to dress you in your pink sweatshirt with your black Avenge Sevenfold shirt with your dark blue Seven jeans ok?"
"Thats fine, thank you so much for all of this I will have to get my eyes checked tonight. Good thing my mom has a good job were she is. She sent me 50,000 this month alone." I did thank my mother for that much.
"Do you think that you may get your sight back before the end of this week? I mean it is already thursday."
"I sure hope so. This is weird but if not can you still help me out with getting to school? From there Johnny can help me around." I realized how true that would be only after I said it.
Now he really had to be my Warrior he had to lead me around and help me in what ever this is. I knew he would help me I mean he always had before when I broke my leg and my arm. A shiver past through me, it was wrestling with my father 2 weeks before he left that caused my leg and arm to brake.
“Marisa? Are you ok? You look kinda pale and your crying which is not helping with the makeup.”
It was Amber’s voice that broke my trans.
"Oh I am so sorry I had no idea that I was crying."

Chapter 2 (School)

So Amber had finally finished getting me all ready now it was time to help out Olivia she proved to be much harder then she usually was. I had to hold and sing to her to make her even let Amber touch her. I am now wondering if Olivia was at like a dog being able to sense things that we can not. I pondered this and much more on the way to school it took much longer then I thought it should but it

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