» Horror » Rosalinda, Destiny Broyles [read with me TXT] 📗

Book online «Rosalinda, Destiny Broyles [read with me TXT] 📗». Author Destiny Broyles

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For you To Know

Now..Before I go on about what im going to tell you. you must know. everything im about to say is true, and I cant even begin to tell you how scared i am. Or was. But heres my story, Its may be a bit choppy at first, but give me props. I dont wanna wrtie this story as much as i wanna tell it again. Lets start in the beginning, thats where i met her. Rosalinda.

Her Eyes..

"Mom!" I called down from my room. I was bent over my window sill, looking at the moving trucks unload old couches and matresses. A new neighbor, i guess. Well obviously. We dont get That many people here in chicago. We do, but not the part i live in. Im in the oppisite end. the quiet, Nice place. I liked it. My mom liked it. my brother Loved it. He was only 4, but he liked the big space we had. It was very homey. I always felt good here.
"what, Lilah, Im trying to fix you're brother some lunch" she was annoyed as  she talked calmly.
"New neighbours" i say, pointing out the window. She sighed.
Im gonna miss, Mrs. Riley. That sweet old woman. Its a shame her son put her in a nursing home"
I shurgg. I hated Mrs. Wiley. She hated me. But she used to give me Money for helping her clean out that god-awful basement of hers. spiders were everywhere. i had to quit on her cause of that.
"Look. a Girl. She looks about your age, go and introduce yourself" my mom nudged my arm and i smirked.
no way, Look at her. she looks pissed as Fuck" And it was true. her long black hair hung loosly over her shoulder, and she stood there with her arms crossed over her small chest. She was wearing a long sleeved shirt and a black skirt with ballet flats. As far as I could see, she had no make up on. natural was a good look, i Guess. but remember, we live in a world where if you wernt a size 2, you were fat. There goes my modeling carrer.
My mom sighed and just walkedout my room. She knew she wasnt going to win this argument with me, but i felt bad. so I ran past her and down the stairs. She laughed silently and then continued to go to chirs and make him lunch.

I walk outside, into the blazing sun. being inside my small little room,seemed a lot better now. I looked down at what i was wearing: tights and a long shirt that went to my big thighs. My hair was in its normal messy bun, and tucked a few strand of hair into my bobby pins. It was decent, i mean, if you are gonna live next door to me, you will always see me in this kinda of attire. i like to call it: lazy.
as i walked along the sidewalk, the girl eyed me and i staopped when i saw them. her eyes. It threw me off, they were..beautiful. i was mesmerized by them. as cliche as that sounds, i was. she was more prettier up close. Am i gay? I like guys. woah, sorry, way off track. back to her eyes. they were a deep blue, and i was jealous of them. but in the moment we locked eyes on eachother, i felt a sudden sadness behind them. i judged her to quickly. i felt my feet move from under me and if she was controling them. it was weird, but i soon snapped back to reality and put a friednly smile on my face.
"Hey there, Im lilah, I noticed you were moving into this house" I looked at it. it was the same old boring house that ive been in tons of time before. it flt weird knowing i would be back over here for awhile at least.
"Thats correct" she said coldy at me "I didnt wanna move, but he made me"
i cocked my head to the side. He? Who was this he?
"My dad" she answered the question i didnt even ask. Maybe from the look on my face she knew.
"Oh..Im sorry. where did you live before?" I asked curiously.
"Sweden. my dad and I, we are of swedish decents, we were living with my gramndma, but..she passed"
Sweden? wow. Looks like a i made an international friend. "cool, thats really cool"
she was standing differntly now, her long pale arms behind her back, and she was rocking back and forth on her heels, showing no interest in me at all. Rude.
"So..what was you're name again. I uh, missed it" I lied to start a conversation. but she didnt miss a beat.
"Rosalinda. Named after My mom. Who..died as well"
I hated the way she just said it so coldly, as if she wanted thme to die, or if they died on purpose. oh great, Ive known this girl for what, 5 minutes, and i dont like her as much.
"Oh" i looked down and my barefoot feet. the shiny black nailpolish was starting to chip off."well, if you ever wanna talk or hang out, i live right next door, just knock whenever"
she smiled. "Ill be sure to do that. i will take that offer up greatly."
I returned a warm smile back, "well..Im gonna go, inside, um yeah. nice talking to you Rosalinda."
She nodded and went to crossing her arms and having a mean expression on her face. i awakwardly turned my back, and started heading into my own house. Funny hing was, she didnt sound like she had an accent, she sounded more american. maybe she was norn here. she did say of swedish decent, doesn mean she had the accent. but she lived there. hm. i wonder.
as i stepped in the house, Mom was holding chirs and ricking him back and forth in her arms. she smiled at me "how'd it go?" She asked.
I shurgged. "Okay. her name is Rosalinda."
"Hmm..Rosalinda..what a nice name. I should of named you that" she laughed a bit, making her brown hair shake with her. "im gonna go lay down with him, stay out here, and make sure no one comes in. last time that happed i almost died."
I smirked. "mom, casey told you she was coming over"
"at 12 in the morning? i think not. your sister needs to call before trying to break in through the window"
I laughed jumping over the couch and turning the tv on. "ill watch out for her, kay?"
She nodded and walked to her room, shutting the door quietly. being alone wasn't one of my favorite things in the world, but sometime it felt nice to just think about all your thoughs alone and process each and every one of them.
i flipped through the channels and sighed. nothing was ever on, and i really mean nothing. it was all crappy shows like disney. oh, i feel so bad for disne. that channel itself has just crashed and burn into the ground. i felt even worse for the actors who had to act all cherry and fake 24/7. i would kill myself if i ever had to meet some of the acotrs now. there are annoying and crazy as hell. I could do it, let alone be on a show where they make jokes about self harm and rape. yeah, they do, ive heard a few phrases from some of the hows. which ones were they. that, i couldnt tell you. i just know they have said some jokes that make me wanna throw my tv across the room. enough about my rant on disney. back to rosalinda, and why i thought she was weird. i mean, i dont like judging people, cause ive been judged all my life from other people and cant stand when someone is secrtly pointing out my flaws and telling me how much ive gained weight over the summer. yes, people, i know im a bit chubby, but blame food. i just love it to much, and cant get enough of it. I swear i ahve ADHD or some other shit like that, cuse i really cant stay on topic for more than five seconds i guess somethign my mind just runs wild and i cant do nothign but sit here and let that happen. thats one bad thinkg about me. I just say whatever come to my mind. im one of those people that "doesnt think before they speak" if i think of something, my mouth opens up and says it. i dont have control over it most times, and just blurt out most stuff. its a bad habit that i should really break.
I settle on a scary movie, and lay down with my head on the arm rest. Looks like i gonna be looking forward to being scared for the next two hours. Just how i like it.

I wake up to the sound of the Doorbell ringing. I moan a bit, and yawn. I must of dozed off during the movie. What was i even watching? i dont even know, im just really confuse. The doorbell rings again.
"im coming! hold on" I say annoyingly as it rings again for the third time. I graon loudly and get up, opening the door with a sudden force "What?"
I opened my eyes a bit more and see Rosalinda with a blank expressiong on her face, looking at me with those blue eyes of hers. "oh, sorry, I just woke up. Im a bit grumpy when i get woken up" I explain.
"Its okay. im the same way. I didnt realize you took naps at six in the evening" she sounded so inncoent and childish. it was kinda scary to listen to, but her voice was kinda..pretty. in a weird, strange way.
" was Watching a movie. I must of drifted off"
"Must of been a boring move. May i come in?"
"Uh..Sure..?" I moved out of the doorway and let her walk in. She looked around and took a deep breath in. "Its looks just like mines. But bigger. Slightly bigger."
I shrugged it off and walked back over to the couch, sitting in the spot that i dozed off in. Rosalinda decided to join me, sitting up staight and her knees together. i noticed she was very tiny. It made me feel fatter. I rolled my eyes at my own thoughs and sat up with her. "So" i started. "Why..why are you here, i dont mean to sound rude. i Ju-"
"I wanna be friends."
Friends? shes asking me to be friends with her?  My thought as i just staretd at her. She smiled just a tiny bit.I just wanted to know why she was asking me to be friends.  I mean, She could of just..i dont even know. what was wrong with this girl. She demanded to be friends with me, as if i dont have a choice. I stood up from the couch and leaned agaisnt the wall and pushed my hair back all dramtically. "Sure, why not. You're gonna need someone to look out for you, i might as well be

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