» Horror » Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #10), DeYtH Banger [books suggested by elon musk TXT] 📗

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Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #10)

by DeYtH Banger


 This book is part from book series (Fresh-Short)



Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #1) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #2) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #3) by DeYtH Banger  Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #4) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #5) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #6) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #7) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #8) by DeYtH Banger Reddit Collection (Fresh-Short #9) by DeYtH Banger


Other Works


 If you are interested in reading other works by DeYtH Banger





1. All As None (Deeper Level Drop #1) by DeYtH Banger

2. Protocols (Deeper Level Drop #2) by DeYtH Banger

3. Deep Legend (Deeper Level Drop #3) by DeYtH Banger

4. Protocols 2 (Deeper Level Drop #4) by DeYtH Banger






IF you Are interested in "Who Am I?" and you want to know me better.










1. The Life Of One Kid (The Kid.D #1) by DeYtH Banger

2. The Life Of One Kid (The Kid.D #2) by DeYtH Banger

3. The Life Of One Kid (The Kid.D #3) by DeYtH Banger

4. The Life Of One Kid (The Kid.D #4) by DeYtH Banger

5. The Life Of One Kid (The Kid.D #5) by DeYtH Banger

6. The Life Of One Kid Part-1 (The Kid.D #6) by DeYtH Banger

7. The Life Of One Kid Part-2 (The Kid.D #6) by DeYtH Banger

8. The Life of One Kid Part-1 (The Kid.D #7) by DeYtH Banger

9. The Life of One Kid Part-2 (The Kid.D #7) by DeYtH Banger







1. Brain on Porn (Social #1) by DeYtH Banger

2. Brain on Porn (Social #2) by DeYtH Banger









1. Bridge Of Writing (Domination #1) by DeYtH Banger

2. Bridge Of Writing (Domination #2) by DeYtH Banger






Content  Series Other Works


Part 1



DeYtH Banger We can't? Lie of Life What's wrong? Thinking (Part 2) (VG) FrREe Comedy: God Comedy: I am Reading Comedy: It Happen Now What's Life? Help You don't "UNDERSTAND ME" Afraid of.... WHAT?



Part 2


The Secret Doctors of NASA: A Psychologist’s Suicide The Secret Doctors of NASA: A Dentist's Discovery I know why we never returned to the Moon I participated in a Social Credit System experiment: My Year in the Simulation I Know Why the U.S. is Creating the Space Force, and It Isn't What You Think “I’M SURE YOU UNDERSTAND.” Cracks and Bones Normal Porn for Normal People Incubators INSTANT MESSAGING Regret It Started as a Leak I don't let my son inside the house At the End of the Line I had an imaginary friend as a child If Hell exists, I found the gate. Never Take Advice from the Toilet Stall Graffiti THE SUICIDE KING The only magic trick I know How to feel more human Everybody Who is Dead Flies on Shit You The Wolves What About This



Part 3



Weariness of Men The Truth The Arkansas Prison System Cold Dark Corner I Will Wear Masks Burn The Beauty Losing Myself Darkness' Grasp Just A Small Cut THE ICE CREAM MAN THE ORACLE A Questionable Glory Hole I'm away, so leave a message after the beep! Still Alive What Do I Know? Standing at the door. THE TERRIBLE OLD MAN JEFF THE KILLER (REBOOT) THE CAT WITH HUMAN TEETH BAD TRIP WHEN SCIENCE FOUND GOD My son disappeared six years ago, and I keep finding his belongings. Someone is skulking around my house and trying to intimidate me.





Part 1

 Life sucks... just throw a balll!

DeYtH Banger

 Stories/Poems/Comedy/ and more




We can't?


by DeYtH Banger


Moral rules... life and people...

You can't

- Shout
- Eat
-Distinguish (Anger)
- Hatred
- Jealousy


Just supress this all emotion... no need to express them... keep them down... down... fucking down burried in you... 

It's kinda of my kinda of fetish of talking and ruining all types of belief... I like to end up here and tell the people truth. So wake up, wake up... the truth is that everything which you know about life is a lie... all your data is constanly being tracked and read and people sell everything which you do online.

Let depression strike
Let stress strike
Let anxiety strike
Let it go
Let it go
Feel it
Feel it

Try to focus on my voice... or let's the holy spirit of physical body... voice


And focus

Jealousy is the new shit which girls like
Anger is the new shit which girls like
Anxiety and stress is the best shit on the market... and I am selling it

Just feel it
Just feel it
Go deeper
ask yourself

go more deeper



Me: I hate myself?
Master Dooozy: Why?
Me: I wake up today... at 3:00 am... by dick was a boner and it happen
Master Dooozy: What?, Why?
Me: Some crazy fucked up sexual thoughts were coming... as far as most people know... you can't supress such type of thoughts... they were comming up and up and up... they were going like a pile of shit... And 
Master Dooozy: What?, Why?
Me: I started jerking off... first the idea was to put my hands... in my pants and make one fast stroke... but... the moment I put my hand and started stroking my cock... I started loving this whole process...
I got all type of reason ("Why's" and "What's"... like I don't have friends, so what... today I didn't do anything... people hate me... I am depressed... I hate myself... I didn't do anything with girls....) and from a fast drop and fast stroke it went insane levels...
Master Dooozy: Why?, WHat?
Me: I was depressed, I was stressed,... I got anxiety... why not?
Master Dooozy: Why?...What?

Note: And you go deeper and deeper in the pain the idea is to let it experience it?

And this all tips were from Jullien from Real Social Dynamics... and what I can say... pain doesn't go way the moment when you deepn the whole level.


Constant trauma,
Is going to be upon,

Lie of Life


by DeYtH Banger




The day passes, the hours also... the minutes = also... the day is on it's end... the minutes and seconds are already in the past. Waiting for the future... the whole movie is going to end in the future.... it started from the past and it continues in the future... we are in the middle... always on the run...

JUST, JUST ALWAYS running from life. Kids, Parents, Young and Old Fucks... all of them run and run and run... they reach a age in their life and they stop running and now the clock... starts


and that's how life goes on... it's like the arrow from the clock.

Note: Let me explain the whole lie... which was created from the begining up to the end... the lie is that all you know is a illusion... don't take anything... everything is a way of brainwashing and brain damaging.

I am not a brag out... biatch... I just don't sleep... I just don't like the whole process of sleeping... it's like getting daily manipulation on sleeping levels... but being awake... does






you are



I am not talking about waking up with masturbating and master and jerking off

I am talking about comprehension?


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