» Horror » Above all the pressure of walking in your shoes, Andrew Bustos [adventure books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Above all the pressure of walking in your shoes, Andrew Bustos [adventure books to read txt] 📗». Author Andrew Bustos

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The tattered remains of something deep within

"I often used to question my very existience, and to this very day the question still remains unanswered by even me. The constant comparisons on why i couldn`t act normal or more like you? Why is it no matter what i do i can never escape these comparisons? You are the cause of my demise my antagione. I cant seem to justify the breakdowns that leaving my faith in your hands has cause." I stop writting for just a brief second just to hear the sounds of nature. Then Lucas comes in and tells me that mom has decided that we are moving far away from this god awful place that soceity calls a town when its nothing more than that of a worthless pile of infest land filled with life that should be extinguished. But instead of saying that I must utter out more reasonable words. "Where are we going this time?" I manage to fumble out of my mouth, he just walked away saying,"you will see when we get there." That very moment my heart sank saddness began to fill my heart and soul I knew where we were going.It was a very cold night that night in the house I had just eaten dinner and I had just crawled into bed. Dreams were something i really didnt wish i had that very night they escalated into nightmares. "Andy! Andy! come to me you know that you can`t stay away from me." the voice said I asked it why it wouldnt leave me alone its followed me everywhere in my dreams and was very persistent in getting what it wanted and i had no clue in detail what the damn thing wanted. "You have been scaring me since I was six years old who or rather say what are you and what do you want with me?" I screamed this at the top of my lungs and i begged for it to tell me what it wanted but it didnt want to all that was said is that it will all come in due time. What does that mean? Am I apart of something I cant know about? 

 The cool morning air greets my sense of smell I take a deep breath and rub my eyes in hope that all is well, but as i look to the foot of my bed somethings standing there, its not human it has some sort of mask on I paralyzed in fear for i dont know what it is  but in the back of my mind I know what it is I feel something tug on my shirt but I dont see it. "Andy...Andy wake up" my mother says I finally come too shes shaking me trying to get me to wake up, all I can sputter out is "what do you want mom", "I heard you screaming something I couldnt make it out but I wanted to make sure you were okay. Well are you?" she said all of this with a look like you would find on the face of a very inquisitive child`s face. So i just got up and got dressed for yet another day of ignorant people who knew of nothing going on in the world around them, and while she was still standing there I spoke few words yes mom im fine how long until we leave this place ? Now I have her mind in my hand she just looks like she forgot what she was going to say and walks away. As i stand there looking puzzled for a moment in time that seemed forever I finished getting ready for the long day ahead of me. 

After the whole day feel like i wasnt there I was simply out of it I just sat with the family using no words just sitting there. Then the time came for me to go upstairs for bed so, i began my nightly routine and toward the end of brushing my teeth i felt something wierd I felt like i was choking I reach into my mouth and pulled out something i couldnt even bear to stand seeing I pulled out a piece of something black I stood there holding it in my hand I put it up to my nose, and I took a small wiff of what it was and gagged it was burnt flesh. How..? And as i regain my senses I glance slightly at mirror and there is a black figure charred as if it were a marshmallow you left in the fire for to long as I turned to run I turned to fast and hit my head on the door of the bathroom and hit the floor and lied there until i felt it was safe, then I ran to my room and sat in silence the remainder of my consciousness.

When I awoke I realized that there was blood beneath my head from where I hit it on the door great i smirk how am i suppose to hide this thing? I still havent grasped the fact the reason I was knock out to begin with the figure in the mirror he seemed utterly familar to me like I would know him but my mind wouldnt let me remember. After I realized i was still slightly bleeding i cover it up and then walked into my room turned on music, lied down on my bed wondering when the last time I had a good night sleep it wasnt for a very long time this "problem" is a very perplexing situation. As I lie there thinking Lucas thinks he cool jumping into my room acting his shoe size instead of his age " I`m an airplane Andy !!!" hes says as hes acting out the motions of an airplane." Lucas your twelve not four, so unless you have a valid reason for coming into my room uninvited or not asking get the hell out!!" He runs out about as fast as he came out, finally less stupidity to deal with now I can try to sleep more and not have any dreams this time, I can feel my eyelids begin to heavy and then nothing. My mind is still wondering in the peaceful state of sleep that I am in until my mind is infultrated with the dreams that have been plauging me since a young age. The scenery the air is smokey filled with ash and very heavy, smells as if something is deceased the smoke is coming from the right of me in a desolate  house I screams coming from that very house it sounds like noises a wounded animal would make then silence. A silhouette begins to move in from behind the thick ash filled air I can see almost no features of a human being and believe its something else but I cant move from my place, my body was frozen in that frame of time. This figure inched closer and closer it stopped about twenty feet from me I could see what looked like a face of a human black as ashes pieces of burnt and decayed flesh hanging off this corpse but why would I have called it a corpse I thought this over a period of a few seconds, then finally realized that it was indeed something abnormal unfolding before my very eyes. He inched closer until he was within touching distance I could see his eyes and all of the burnt flesh around his body. but his eyes something about his eyes that seemed like I knew them to well like a past lover or family member. I think that i knew that figure that well anyways the eyes being a yellowish tint from decay and being burt I could still make out a pair of baby blue eyes, a sound went off before I could speak he turned away and started walking away. W-wait w-who are you.. the sound got louder and louder a siren sound for emergency warning my vision began to shake I was tripping over myself then the sound got so great I held my head and let out a scream and fell to the ground. 



Searching for the ones who dont show themselves

After that dream I dont think I ever fully recover from my Hypnophobia but I always seemed never to elude the dreams of those people. But also in reality I could not escape them either because I see them outside of my dreams, Where was I going to be safe. The burned man seemed to play a larger role in this i though because he tried to make physical contact with me both in the dream and outside of it so there must be some significance between him and I there has to be. A knock on the door "Andy sweetie are you ready to go?" mom asked me. I thought for a moment what is she talking about? Then I realize that is was a Saturday a day we normally go out with friends of the family. "Do i have to mom i really dont feel like going anywhere you guys can do if you want." I managed to get out before she could speak again, "If you dont really feel good why dont you lie down and get some sleep" She said. I wanted to shake her brains out and yell at her do you have any idea why I cant sleep! But i just nodded and did as I was told,for that was better than anymore talking between us. I waited until I could hear her leave because the floor boards creaked underneath any weight what so ever. So as I lie there hoping i didnt fall asleep,that the excact moment my eyelids fluttered and slammed shut. This again wonderful i thought to myself it was the same scenery as last time with the burned man, but something was different the house was in ashes the man was nowhere to be found. W-where is he? I walk through the ash filled street I went by a school it looked like it had not seen proper up keep for a long time the rust on the metal and the crumbling of the outside bricks told me this. Where was I? This part was not familar at all it but at the same time it felt like I knew this place all to well the school itself look like I would know it. I swear I know where I am, something cracks behind me I spin around so fast that whatever step on it saw me move and started running towards me. I turned and ran as fast as I could screaming on my way I heard it breathing behind me. I kept running and screaming then as I was running I spotted an open door a gas station. The sign said Pete`s self serve gas station, I ran into the door and slammed and locked it behind me but I kept holding onto the door as if I

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