» Horror » The revenge of the good witch, oku ., kelechukwu ., ikechukwu ., wezzybm . [best chinese ebook reader TXT] 📗

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chapter one

Ah!!!! Ellen screamed as she's been fling down by two men from an angry mob. 


She looked around there was no route of escaping as she been circled. she could see all kinds of weapons brandishing, ready to hit her. Racks, shovels, stick of different sizes... "Wicked witch, wicked witch, !!! Kill her, kill her, kill her !!!! The mob screamed repeatedly.... Ellen managed to raise her head up , she felt a hard hit on her fore-head, blood gushed out. 'wait!!!' a strange voice shouted out from the mob .. There was silence .. Make way !!!, make way!! . 'Ellen , a deep male voice called out .. Ellen raise her head up , her vision wasn't clear ,blood has covered Her sight . she wiped off, she saw a blur image standing in front of her. Her blurness faded as she regain concious from the hit. She was shocked when she saw Richard flint standing in front of her ... 'You Richard, you did this to me'. She sobs, how could you' she stammered . " I'm sorry Ellen , I .. . .. Sorry about what' Richard's father cuts in. 

She's a witch she deserves all this ... 'Ever since you came in, our land has been curse ' one of the mob member shouted' 

Our children has been missing , you ate them, one angry old woman screamed . wicked witch kill her kill her . 


John flint, Richard's father was the mayor of the village. 

. 'Our land was holy until this (pointing at ellen) wicked witch came in, She is the cause of all the pre-mature death in our land , 

'yes !!!! the mob shouted . 

"our cattle's , our grins , even our children are dying because of her !!!!! Richard father shouted furiously, as he glared at ellen . with an evil smile 

" She should be hang to death.!!! 

'yes !!! the mob replied . 

father this is not what we ... 

Shut up!! this is for you son, John whispered .. She even poisoned my poor son's heart ... I said we should burn her, an old man from the mob shouted .. Yesss!!! yess!!! burn her!!!, burn her!!!, both children and adults screamed ... Men from the mob drag ellen roughly and tied Ellen on a wood, poured oil on her .. Any last words witch, john said . Richard was watching the Scene speechless .... 


Ellen looked at John and Richard 


"For this you have done I will be back. I will hunt down your generation and make them feel the pain of my heart". "shut up witch, John said, go back to hell as he drops the fire on the wood .. Ellen screamed in agony, the mob watches as she been burnt to ashes 




Many years later 




Ding dong!! The door bell rings. Jane opens the door seeing a beauty young fair lady , looking so decent, standing in front of her. 'How may I help you' ? asked Jane. 


I saw a notice out, that ..... 

'Oh about the nanny stuff ?, Jane cuts in. 

Yes ma'am, Replied the young lady... Come inside please. My husband and I , you know always out for a business trip. We are looking for some one to take care of the kids while we are out. "Ma'am if that's the case am the right one for the job" Jane stared at the young lady from head to toe.. What's your name young lady ?. 


Ellen , Ellen ma'am.. Ellen then , welcome to the Flint's family........ 




©copywrite2016 by wezzybm

chapter two



So luckily, you are the only one to apply since one week we posted the notice. "Really I must be lucky" replied Ellen.

Unfortunately my husband and I are going out on a meeting, with our business partners, you could stay with the kids if we come back we can discuss about your salary and other stuffs . 

 Yes ma'am that's not a problem' Ellen replied in a gentle manner. 

 Henry!!! Jane hollered ... 

Yes  Darling !!!' Henry answered from the kitchen side. ' 

Come meet the new girl . henry came out, he was puttinon suit just like a gentle business man should. ' She's great henry added'. .. '' you look just like Richard '' Ellen said .. 'Excuse me' .. "I mean, Richard his's my favourite actor, you look just like him ... Everybody says my husband look like this , like that, Jane added .. Honey we are already late I think we should start going, henry said

I told Ellen that she should stay with the kids till we return , she said no problem.. Okay let's go then .. 

Don't be in a hurry let's introduce the kids to her.. Jane called out for the kids .. 

This is.. Marry she's 11 and this is Zack he's is 13 and this is Linda she is 10.

 Mom she is pretty Linda compliments.

.. Thank you. Said Ellen's ....

Kids this is Ellen your new Nanny. 

'honey,  Henry said .. Henry phone rang .. See they're already calling ..

 Okay ,, Bye bye Jane waved to the kids .. Bye,  the kids waved back.

The left .. The kids stared at Ellen..


' Do you believe in witches '? Ellen asked 

Yes, the kids reply..

I wanna tell you guys a story ...


Long time ago there live a witch who fell in love with a normal human.. 

She was afraid that if the man found out she's a witch, he will run away, so the witch decided to keep her secrets to herself, but their love grow even deeper.. So one day she asked the man 'If she was a witch will he love her the way he do now'  

"I will love you who ever you are, my love for you is unconditional ",

 replied the man which gave the poor witch hope, later the witch told her secrets to the man, that she is a witch .. Nothing change the love was still there even stronger than before .. A plague came upon the land,  the young children , grins .live stocks start to die.. The village was worried.


 ''Is it because the man loved the witch caused the plague? Linda asked ..


 No replied Ellen, you know sometimes climate changes and things will go from normal to abnormal .. '  

So the man blamed the witch for all that is happening. The witch said "because I'm a witch doesn't mean you should blame me for all this" . out of anger the man called her a 'wicked witch' . The witch slaps the man. The man left and let out her secret that she a witch . the villagers gather and burn the witch alive. but the witch promise that she will be back to hunt the man's generation .......

Did she come back ?? asked Linda ... 

Yes the witch is me. 

Ahh the kids were freighten and   shocked... Ah ah ah ah '  I got ya, Ellen said  the all laugh ... The witch must havd felt bad ..Linda added  

really bad, said Ellen 

..did you guys love the story  ?? 

Yess .. Tell us another one

Okay I will . they all laugh..

chapter three



The board members were already waiting for the couples to begin the meeting.

Henry and Jane bursted in,

'Sir you are 15minutes late' says one of the security officers ..' 

I know , I know' henry replied in a hurry. As henry opens the door leading to the main room where the meeting was holding all the board members stared at him. Henry notice the dissapoitment looks on their faces 

' I know I know I'm late and I apologize, please find it in your humble hearts to forgive my wife and i, he said smiling ... 


The boards keep staring at him ... 

Well, henry about the meeting, is postponed.. 

One of the board directors said.. 

Why, why is it postpone is it because am late or what ? .come on I have already apologize for that.

'Not at all we are happy to inform you about the new joining partner' Miss Ellen..


''You look just like Richard'..... Miss Ellen added .. . Richard ?? Henry wondered . '' Nah his's just my favourite actor " Ellen explained . . well, Welcome henry, we may as well discus business.

I'm all hears, henry replied ...

'Richard hmm to keep things short, my enterprise would like to team up with yours.

"miss am Henry not Richard.. So that's just it? Henry asked 

"do I really have to repeat my self " Ellen asked the board members ... 

Henry we have already discus this of cause you were late, the chief director added

'How can you discus business in my absence with out my acknowledgement' Henry yelled.

' honey calm down, Jane whispered.. 

Henry sighed as he start to feel uncomfortable.

Can we talk out side '' the chief director said. As he notice henry sudden change. Henry and the chief Dir went out of the room..

'What the hell are you guys thinking , she might be a fraud ..

'She's no fraud . she's a multi million business woman that base in UK and she returning today, If we can get to sigh deals with her .I swear our company won't regret it, the chief dir tries to convince henry. 6million ! what she's asking is to much, Henry said..

Man you have to make sacrifice to get to the next level chief dir replied. Henry breath in and out calming himself down, okay but what if this doesn't work out, our company could go bankrupt, my company could go bankrupt, But since the board had agreed on it let's go for it ..

Yeah man that what am talking about ...

Henry company sighed the deal with Ellen .. Took some pictures together and champagne tossing to Successful business. 




Henry pressed the door bell ' ding dong 'its rings there was no response, he didn't give up but press it the second time still no response. He opened the door with his spare key , the lights were out, the room was quite as a grave yard . He wondered were the kids could have gone to ..Jane on the other hand checks most of the room down stairs but there was no trace of the kids. 

Zack !!! Linda !!! Marry !!! Where are you .. Ellen!! .. She called out as she approaches the staircase slowly ..

Surprise !!!!!!! The kids shouted, as they jump out from thier hiding

don't you kids ever try that again

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