» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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strong armed with an assortment of bats and knives dressed in tracksuit bottom's jean's and bargain basement t-shirt's and coats. They turned as I stepped out. "I'm sorry guy's but there is no more space here we cant take anyone else" I said calmly and confidently. "Were not asking" The biggest one and obviously the leader said he had a blue and white track suit top jeans and Adidas trainers on and a wooly hat over what I think was a shaved head. " Neither was I" The group laughed "Oh so your going to stop us" He advanced towards me he had a crowbar in his hand. "Actually I hoped you would respond to my good manners and politeness" Another laugh erupted from the group. The man smiled he was missing his left front tooth he started to turn away then suddenly he swung the arm that had the crowbar at my head I stepped back and staggered just keeping my balance. The group roared with approval again. I dropped to a knee to regain my balance the man advanced he he stuck his head down to my level that was when I struck. The front drive was lightly graveled I had gathered some up and threw it in his face he staggered blindly dropping his crow bar I picked it up and smashed it in to his stomach he groaned lowering his head I booted him in the face he went down. His group look shocked "Take your friend here and get out" The group looked in 2 minds then a bang rang out I looked towards the car Jon was out and had the rifle perched on the edge "1st shots in the air second blow's your face off" he said. The group took off running only delayed by helping there boss up and carrying him away he was cursing loudly. "Never knew you were such a good negotiator" I said "It's amazing how much more reasonable people are when you can blow there heads off" We chuckled phoned Toby to let us in unpacked the car and entered. Turns out Toby was right by the front door with the shotgun the girls and Sky had taken refuge upstairs they had managed to keep Sky in the dark over what was happening. We explained to the girls what had happened and took turns petting the dog Sky obviously being the most enthusiastic. I headed in to Jane's room to test an idea I knocked "Come in" Jane was flicking through one of the magazines "I got you a present" Duke barreled into the room slobbering on his owner delighted to see her. After 5mins of baby noises the greyhound settled down and rested his head on her lap eyes half closed I sat down on the floor. "The creature that attacked you would you recognize it if you saw it again" I inquired "I could never forget that thing it was so different from the others" "Describe it to me" "Why?" "Because you may not be infected" The answer struck her in to silence she quickly recovered and described the one that attacked me at the house to a tee from the look in it's eye the clothes the way it moved. I showed her pictures of zombies on my phone she instantly picked out the one that attacked me at the house again. "That was a human" I said. "How do you know?" she replied. "I kicked it in the crotch and it muttered oh fuck Jesus Christ don't think normal zombies do that" "So I can come out and stay here now unlocked from the radiator" The look of hope in her eyes was powerful. "I said yesterday if you weren't infected there would be a vote your not infected so there will be a vote" She nodded glumly and looked at the dog he seemed happy "We are gonna eat then we will all come in and discuss what to do next o.k?" She nodded. We ate then the politics began every one had a chance to say there part but Jane would not get a vote we voted and the decision was in.
Human's are worse than Zombie's

They are back. I woke up early this morning and heard shouting I woke Jon and Toby we headed downstairs. On our way downstairs we heard glass smash Toby had grabbed the shotgun Jon the rifle we hopped down the now destroyed staircase to the lobby. Someone was poking there head through Jon ran up and proceeded to shove the barrel of the the rifle into there face. The head quickly withdrew. I stepped up to the door. The man who had stuck his face through the door was the guy who was missing his front tooth yesterday now after meeting me it looked like he was missing both. "Yes gentleman can we help you?" I said lightheartedly. "You prick" The man went to grab me through the window but soon reconsidered when he saw Toby with a shotgun aimed at him. "You wont pull the trigger" Tooth said. " Why not try and step inside then?" I asked. He stood there and considered me for a moment. "You are leaving us out here to die" "I'm sorry but we cant take any more and I don't trust you" He looked angry but kept his cool. A creak came from above us Jenna was making her way down the stairs. Tooth saw her "Hello darling why don't you come out here and meet a real man?" Toby did not react well to this moving forward I brought my hand up to stop him. "Look we can have this pissing contest all day but it's not going to change the fact you are not coming in" I tried to look intimidating we eyeballed each other from across the door. I could here barking suddenly Tooth stepped aside another member of the group was holding two pit-bulls by there collars. "Let us in or we send them in" He said slowly his voice dripped with malice. I didn't know what to do. "Get upstairs" I whispered to Jon. We began to walk away. "Times up" The dog's were let loose they came barreling towards the door Jon aimed and shot hitting one of the dog's the second though got through i stepped aside and it missed me I took a swing with my baton and missed. The lobby is a small enclosed space not the best place to combat a dog Jon and Toby could not fire with out risking hitting one of us. A scream the dog had locked on to Jenna's leg. She was shaking it but it's grip was iron tight. I ran over and booted the dog with my steel toe capped boot's I felt rib's crack. It flew across the room and hit the wall.I snatched the rifle from Jon went to the door and unloaded at the scum that was outside the gun had a 10 round clip I'm not sure if I hit anyone but they took off running and there was blood on the floor. I turned round Jon and Toby were looking at Jenna's leg. I went to look at the dog it was lying on it's side struggling to breathe it whimpered as I got closer. It was not the dog's fault humans had taught it to do this I stroked it's head as I plunged my knife in to it's skull. We carried Jenna upstairs and laid her down on a sofa the wound was large ragged. Jane came in and told us to get out of the way. We managed to stop the bleeding and Jane cleaned the wound the best she could. Toby stayed with her me and Jon went back downstairs and cleaned up the mess using some old wooden panels to fix the window. "Told you she would come in handy" I said to Jon as he hammered the last panel in to place. He grunted. Jane was allowed to stay by the group unanimously in the end Jon was the last to agree but he had agreed.Jane had instantly started work keeping the room we had quarantined her in as her own she started he;ping with the washing and cooking and in the last week since that vote had happened drawn up a fitness regime for all of us mainly cardio so we could outrun the dead. We finished barricading the door and headed upstairs Jon would wait on the 1st floor with the rifle just in case they decided to com back. Wen I got up top Sky was waiting for me "Tom come look at my drawing" "In a sec I need to go check on Jenna" "Is she OK?" Concern growing in her voice. "I'm sure she will be fine why don't you go pick out the pictures you want me to look at 1st?" She smiled and ran off.
6pm Jenna is not doing to well she has a high fever and the wound look's infected.
10am No improvement in Jenna fever is still high.
11am We have made a difficult choice someone is going to have to go to the hospital to get antibiotic's this is dangerous not only because it is a hospital full of undead but the fact Tooth and his gang could reappear while were gone so we need to send a weaker team to the hospital. I have to go I know where everything is Jon is also coming he has been teaching Jane and Toby how to use the weapons better without expending ammo of course. Before we left I spent time with Sky looking at her pictures she drew one of her house her mom and dad and me she got the bad haircut down perfectly we were all standing outside in the garden no zombies around no nothing the sun was even smiling. I put them up on the wall and gave her some math and History homework to do whilst I'm out because I'm mean like that she pulled a face but got started. Jon and Toby were waiting for me on the 1st floor. "Don't worry dude we got this" I said throwing a bat to Jon. "If you don't come back with the stuff I'm kicking your arse" he said. Me and Jon headed down and out the door in to an undead world.
1pm We arrived at the hospital. We headed in to the underground parking area we elected to walk due to the possibility of cars blocking the way we encountered large number's of undead but they were avoided. The door to the parking area slammed shut behind us. We started to walk through "So where are we heading Jon asked?" "We need to go through here up a flight of stairs jump the pharmacy counter and find antibiotics then straight back out simple right?" Not a second after I completed that sentence did the moans begin hundreds begin piling down the ramp we had just walked past "Fuck run to the door on the far side" We got to the large door and pulled it open the

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