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door he followed. I reached for the handle he grabbed my wrist I looked at him "Something I can do for you?" "Get out!" "No chance" I went to turn the handle he gripped my wrist tighter grabbed me by the coat with the other hand and hurled me over the ward clerk's desk and hit the wall with a thud. I got up "Get out" He reached behind his back and pulled out a machete and walked towards me. I jumped onto the desk and booted him under the jaw a normal man would be out like a light but he barely staggered he swung the machete as I jumped off the desk and it stuck into the side of it. I grabbed one of the waiting room chairs and hit him over the back with it ithad little effect he finally managed to free the machete and swung again I rose the chair to block a waste of time all he had to do was simply push forward and with his much larger frame sent me stumbling back dropping the chair he moved forward again. I unleashed my new weapon I hurled a mix of crushed glass and pepper at the mans face I held it in a little bag clipped to my side. He stopped in his tracks pawing at his eye's.

Where was he? Where had that shit head gone? He was gonna fucking kill him the smug little bastard he looked round the court room the door had not opened or closed and he was to close to the court room door for him to get through with out knowing. He was still here. Wiping his eyes one last time he made his way towards to the waiting room's he kicked open the door of each tiny cubicle all empty just past the waitng room's were a kitchen and a server room for the computers. He kicked the door of the kitchen off it's hinges.

Jon and Toby had finished clearing the 1st of their 2 floor's. Their had been very little resistance only 2 people were able to oppose them and were shot. The rest were injured and quickly surrendered Toby was still in favour of shooting them but Jon calmed him,they locked them in a room and finished sweeping the floor and moved on to the next.

"Where are you!!!!" The man bellowed he was frustrated he could not find him any where. In fact Tom had not gone far at all he had ducked back under the court clerk's desk he was now advancing up behind the man knife in hand he was just behind the man when he turned. Tom tried to make the final few steps but the man was suprisingly quick he moved forward to meet Tom knocking the knife away and grabbing him by the throat slamming him against the wall lifting him 2 feet off the ground. The man stared into his eyes as if detirmined to see every ounce of life drain out of his opponent "Any last words" Tom tried to splutter something but couldn't "What was that? " The man asked but didn't release his grip he raised his machete again over his head then a sting in his stomach he looked the down, the boy had booted him in the stomach he started to laugh as he looked back at his victim the foot moved away from his stomach and blood spurted out he released his grip and held hs stomach. Tom fell to the floor and backed away from the man grabbing his knife. The man sank to his knees, Tom breathed heavily got to his feet turned his back on the man analked away. The roid junkie looked at his chest a large puncture mark in his black tank top and a pounding sound in his head no that was not in his head he looked in time to see the stilletto go through his eye socket.

The top floor was dark all the light's were off what little light their was came through a few window's Jon peeked in to an office room. Empty they checked all the room's they had to force most of the door's "Jon!! Get over here calm down don't worry were here to help you" Jon ran over. A skinny women in torn clothes was at the door window tears in her eyes. Oh God they werent using them for? It seemed they were Jon tried the door locked of course "Get away from the door we will get you out" The girl moved away from the door. It took a good few kicks but the door was eventually taken off it's hinges. The room stank of shit their were 10 girls in the small room all pale and skinny a bucket in the corner was the only toilet "Please don't hurt us" The girl who was at the door approached them "Were not gonna hurt you were here to get you out come on"

I cleared the gunk off my shoe and looked at the body on the ground I didn't feel any pity. I walked towards the court room door and opened it. His honour was sitting on the Judges chair a drink in one hand he looke up and laughed as he saw me come in "OH so your back what do you want? Come to laugh at me and my spectacular failure?" I stopped half way down the aisle "What here to kill me?" "You killed a couple of friends of mine" "So what you killed a good 50 of mine" "You attacked us 1st and 2nd and 3rd before we replied and even then only to get our friend back" "Bah details I hope they suffered" "Not as much as you are going to" "Oh really you think I'm going to let you kill me?" He reached down under the deskand pulled out a double barrelled shotgun I dived for cover under the seats as he fired off a single barrell and the seats next to me exploded. I heard Tooth jump down to the court room floor and he took a loud swig of his drink I moved back a row of seats "You arent gonna win I have a gun this time just please come here so i can shoot you" He was obviously drunk "O.K since you asked so nicely" I threw a chunk of chair one that he had blown apart earliear into the air he fired at it now was my chance. Tooth was trying to reload the gun whilst trying to not let go of his drink at the same time whilst pissed a bad combination, I leapt on to the back of the seats ran across them and flew towards him sending the gun him and the drink sprawling I landed on top and swung at him he blocked and headbutted me  knocking me off  he scrambled for the gun I grabbed hold of his ankle and jammed my knife into his foot he screeched in pain grabbed the guns shaft and swung it so the barrell clubbed me on the back. He pulled the knife out of his foot and tried to reload again. I grabbed the barrell and pointed it away from me and reached for my baton Tooth raised a foot and kicked me inthe stomach but I did not let go of the gun. We both staggered to our feet fighting for the gun I tried the stilletto but Tooth saw it coming and sidestepped it "Ha" I head butted him instead he staggered as he did I swung my elbow round catching him in the temple he fell leaving me with the gun I threw it away and pulled out the baton "Wait wait wait" He backed away slithering like a snake "You kill me then what it wont change anything it wont fix anything" I stopped he smiled "You know I'm right this is not who you are" I extended the baton and drove the spike into his chest "Don't tell me who I am" I pulled the trigger.

Jon and Toby opened the court room door Tom emerged looking beaten hair a mess.

I looked past them at the group of girls they had rescued "Fan's of your's?" Jon lauughed "You could say that" "You guy's all right?" "Yeah were good" Toby replied "How bout you" "Yeah as awesome as usual"       


Field Report's

Activities of Agent(s) Crow Bear

The survivors of the farm car fortress Crow and Bear rescued have been resettled at various locations.

Rebel groups that have been attacking survivors based out of a court house have been pacified.

Both Agents survived.

Note: Crow's brother possible recruit for Ghost.

Note: Agent's Crow and bear may be compromised psychological evaluation reccomended.

End of Report

International communication's

All countries are reporting massive out breaks their state as follows

Continental U.S: Overrun 84% Population death (At last contact) No government leader ship contact Note: Possible nuclear release

Europe: Overrun 95% Population death Limited government leadership contact

Australia: Overrun 96% Population death Governemt organised resistance in place

Canada: Overrun: 90% Population death No Government contact

Korea China Iran: ?% Population death Government refused contact

All other countries are unknown or can not be verified at this time

End of Report


2 years later

Since the end of the world humanity has done little to stop it strggling to survive is all we can do. Tunbridge Wells has now been fenced off a 10 square mile area. Me and Jon played a part in luring the dead away from workers so they were not hassled seeing as we were so good at it the 1st time. Kane has invited us toreturn to Hasting's but for now we will stay. He could not find Sky's parent's in the end and she has returned to stay with us. Survivors arrive from time to time increasing the numbers here at the outpost to a few hundred not including the 90 or so soldier's. We are still using old world currency so we are pretty much skint again maybe time to give up on saving the world and start a scavenging bussiness.


                                                              THE END





Text: T.D Jackson
Editing: T.D Jackson T.J.H. Jackson
Publication Date: 02-09-2013

All Rights Reserved

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