» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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booted me in the stomach one last time and walked away. My vision faded death embraced me.
"What the hell happened to him?" "Someone stabbed him" "Is he O.K?" "He has been stabbed how do you think he is?" "Is he going to make it?" "I don't bloody know I'm not a doctor" "Put him in bed" "Wheres Tom?" "Sky get out" "What happened Tommmm"
1 hour later
Tom seems to be stable Jane is still missing people are with Tom out of commission people are looking to me for leadership and I have no answers for them. Considering the scene we came across at the shopping center we could be attacked at any second we have done what we can to reinforce the downstairs we have boarded up the windows on the ground and 1st floors unless they can throw like mother fuckers they aren't going to be able to throw a petrol bomb through the highest window's. Sky has not left Tom's side and won't eat. We have heard nothing from Jane."So what do we do?" Toby broke the silence. "We wait for Tom to wake up we go from there" Ty chimed in. "We cant sit here with our thumbs up our arses for that long" Jack countered. "We should leave" Lara said Heads turned in her direction. "We cant just stay here they know where we are now were sitting ducks" "And go where?" "Any where" "Jon do you wont to join the discussion here or just stare a hole into the wall?" Jon light a cigarette. "We cant leave we have no where to go we need to reinforce our position do we have any more boards for the windows?" Jack gave the answer "No were out but there is a scrap yard about 30 miles away we load it up with sheet metal bring it back and I can reinforce this place to the hilt" "30 miles is quite away to go man" Toby questioned. "What if something happens while were gone I'm guessing this is more than a 2 man job" "If we want it done this year yeah it would take me you Ty and Jon to load it" "Leaving us vulnerable at home" Jon pondered. "We need to take this chance right now they could be here any time we need to do this now" "I agree with Jack" Jon said. Eyes turned on him. "He who hesitated is lost we move or we die here moping Lara and Jenna will stay but I'll show you how to work the gun's tonight we will be as quick as we can but for a while your on your own" They nodded "Everyone else agree?" They nodded. "O.K go get some sleep big day tomorrow" Jon went and sat with Sky for a bit watching over Tom. "He wont die will he?" "No he wont die he's far to stubborn for that" "Why's his arm in that thing?" "It's a sling I think its fractured that will help support it" "O.K" She feigned understanding. "Come on time to get some sleep" "Cant I stay here?" "No now come on off to bed" Jon tucked Sky in in Jane's room just in case Tom turned during the night. He climbed into bed exhaustion swept over him and the task ahead of him weighed upon him as he slept.
Scrapped Lives

Jon Toby Jack and Ty drove up to the chain link gate. Jon was behind the wheel of the Astra, the car was cramped and smelled of old cigarettes. Jack hopped out and snapped the padlock off with a pair of bolt cutters and they drove through. "Dude this car is shit" Toby had to yell to make himself heard over the engine which sounded it like it was on it's last legs and was probably attracting dead from miles away. "Feel free to get out and work by the look of you you could do with one" Fuck you" Jon interceded before the argument went from jokey to nasty "O.K ladies put your handbags down your dresses are both lovely" Ty giggled and punched him on the arm. Jack stopped to attach a new padlock to the gate so they would not be interrupted during there scrap run. "Maybe we could fortify this place?" Ty suggested "Yeah sure we are in the middle of no where and with no place to scavenge" Toby scoffed. "Actually now he mentions it might not be such a bad idea" Jack said "The fence is here already theirs a warehouse to sleep in running water probably" "Well lets keep it in mind for the future but for now focus on what were doing" Jon parked facing the gate just in case they had to exit quickly. Everyone jumped out Jack headed straight for the warehouse and scanned the large area, it was almost empty apart from a few pallets of bricks and a forklift there was a metal stair way leading up to a catwalk where there was an office and break room. "Not as much here as I hoped" Jack shouted back. Something groaned from behind one of the piles of bricks. A man who had obviously been a builder before his death emerged in to full view the left half of his face had been torn off and dried blood was on his fluorescent jacket he started to shamble over to Jack "Guys little help" Toby brushed past him "I got it I got it" He swung Jacks newly designed bat and caved in the things skull "Your car still sucks by the way" "What ever " Jon headed over to a beaten up old Ford transit it was locked and he was forced to jimmy it open with a crowbar luckily enough this was an old model try this now a days the alarm would go off. He opened the door checked the front and back of the van whilst Ty kept watch. Back in the warehouse Jack had turned on the forklift and was scooping up the pallets of bricks whilst Toby grabbed what sheet metal he could find along with a few bags of cement. "Come on get your arse in gear it's not that heavy" "How about we swap I drive the forklift and you carry the bags of cement" "You have a license?" "No" "Well guess you cant then" "Oh yeah you never know when the forklift inspector might pop round. They both shared a laugh.
At the flats
"Sky come on you cant sit here all day again" Lara had been trying to tempt Sky away all morning. "No someone need's to stay with Tom until he wakes up" "Sky he will still be here even if you walk into the next room for something to eat come on you can have anything you want" Sky knew that she was not going to win this argument. Reluctantly she got up and headed in to the next room. Lara poured her a bowl of shreddies there was no milk but she compensated by loading sugar on them. Jenna was in the kitchen talking to Jon on the phone apparently they were going to be a while problems with the forklift. "Tom any better?" "No still out" "O.K well we be back in a few hours if anything happens let us know" She hung up and sat down with Lara and Jenna. "Did you do the home work Tom gave you?" Sky nodded. "Do you want to read a book?" Sky shakes her head "Watch a film?" She shakes her head again. The conversation is interrupted when the lights go out. "There go's the grid" Jenna sighs "I dont think so" Lara look's out the window. "Look the sign across the street is still on it just means the meter is out we just need to plug the key into the pay station take it downstairs and plug it in" Yeah one problem the meter is outside in that shed thing" "It's fine I'll be out 2 mins max" "Maybe we should wait til they come back" "Don't be a wimp I'l go" Jenna frown's "It will be fine really 30 seconds max" "Oh Jesus Christ" The shout came from the next room. Sky jumped up from the table and Lara and Jenna soon followed. Tom was sitting up in bed clutching his right arm still in a sling. "Your awake" Sky jumped up to hug Tom"Ow ha ow ok darling it's nice to see you but be careful I feel look someone just stabbed me" Lara entered the room "That's because you got stabbed" "Huh I guess that would explain it where is everyone?" "They have gone out to get materials to strengthen our defense" "So who's here?" "Just me Sky and Jenna" "Well who's watching the front?" "Right now Jenna" "O.K help me with this shirt I'm gonna watch with her" I managed to put on a white short sleeved t-shirt before standing up and quickly sitting back down. "Man I'm shattered" "Yeah you lost a lot of blood and we have been pouring pain pills down your neck you are going to feel like shit for a few day's now get your arse back into bed" I didn't have the energy to argue as soon as put my head on the pillow I was out again.
"O.K I have the electric key charged I will be back in a sec" Lara exited the building and turned the corner there were a few dead around but by the time they could reach here she would be back inside. The door to the shed was stiff and required a swift kick before it opened but she located the appropriate charging unit plugged it in and turned to lock the shed door behind here. As she turned around there were 2 people standing behind her 10ft away. Dressed in jeans and white tank tops that only flatter muscular arms instead this just showed how skinny they were they were both sporting shaved heads and ridiculous amounts of gold chains a couple of wannabe rappers. Lara moved slowly back to the flat door and they followed she started to run so did they. She got to the door and pulled it open as she went to slam the door behind her they reached the door one of them reached through and held the door open Lara kicked him in the crotch and made to climb up to the 1st floor but as the man fell he grabbed her ankle she kicked but couldn't break free. The second man entered and made his way to Lara he dragged her to her feet and held a knife to her throat.
"How's the van coming Jon?" Ty asked still keeping watch over him "Would be a lot quicker if you shut up" "Jeez sorry" "Not long be" The van roared into life. "Right now" Jon finished. They had loaded almost everything up despite a few problems with the forklift but Jack had fixed it simply

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