» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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by hitting it with a hammer a few times. Toby had wandered off from the main warehouse floor and up on to the cat walk he made his way to the office door and opened it. Soon wishing he hadn't the stench coming from the room was overpowering there were at least 12 dead inside standing not reacting til Toby had opened the door there eyes all turned on him and they moaned. "Fuck guys time to go" He slammed the door shut behind him and ran down the catwalk. Jack looked up from the forklift controls "What do you mean we have to go?" The office door glass breaking and bodies spilling through answered his question "O.K time to go" He moved the forklift forward with the last load of bricks "Get out the way Ty!" He stepped aside just in time as Jack went past him shooting the last load of bricks in. Jon jumped in the drivers seat and Ty climbed in alongside him followed by Jack Toby slammed the doors shut opened the metal gate and hopped in to the Astra stopping only to lock gate behind him.
Jenna had heard a scuffle downstairs and as the 1st guy reached the top she swung the pool cue and broke it over the 1st guys head not that it seemed to slow him he knocked her down. They frogmarched Jenna and Lara into a room and sat them down on the sofa. The taller one pulled out a phone "Yeah boss were in. No only a couple of girls here. No actual girls. Here in 20mins? No problem" He hung up. "Boss is on his way" He sat down on the arm of a chair whilst the other stood in the hallway.
"Tom wake up please get up someones here" Sky shook Tom but he was not waking up. She picked up a cricket bat and made her way to the next room. She had never been so scared in her life as she approached the man from behind lifted the bat and hit him in the lower back with all the strength she could muster. The man barely flinched as he turned to face her. "Got another one" "Need a hand" "With an 8 year old I think I'l manage" Lara jumped up "Leave her alone the tall one slapped her to the floor "Sit down" Sky backed down the corridor the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife "Come on come sit with the rest of us like a good girl" Sky ran into the next room down the hall the man pursued her. " He entered the room but what greeted him was not what he thought the little girl was not cowering under the bed instead she was standing behind him the one the boss wanted dead in his hand a police baton his right arm in a sling he looked like crap struggling to stand.
"You have one chance get out now" The man walked further into the flat "And your going to stop me?" He was close now the knife still in his hand big mistake I headbutted him and took a step back and brought the baton across his face teeth flew from his mouth. My side hurt and I dropped the baton Sky pulled at me "Tom come on theirs one more in there" I looked at her in disbelief but I got up found my satchel and handcuffed the mans arms behind his back "Wait here do not move OK?" "Yeah" "I'm not joking Sky do not move" "O.K" I exited the flat I was not sure if Jon had taken the guns with him and I didn't have time to look I headed next door. Lara and Jenna were on the floor this guy was standing over them a knife in his hand he pulled Jenna up by the hair. I walked quickly forward and tapped him on the shoulder the surprise on his face was obvious as I punched him in the nose he dropped the knife but then tackled me to the ground I swung the baton preventing him from jumping on top of me as I got to my feet he reached for the knife as he stooped I kicked his hand I swung for his head with the baton he ducked and ran out the room into the corridor I chased him down. Sky had wandered out to see what was happening and he made a bee line for her I caught up with him and kicked his legs out he went crashing to the floor. Rage flew through me I stomped on him I turned him over and beat his face with my fists until it was raw and bloody. The only thing that made me stop was that Sky was watching. I got up giving the guy one last kick the other man had now regained consciousness and he tried to back away as I walked towards him. I don't know where I found the strength with one hand to pull him to his feet I slammed him against the wall by his throat and with a voice that was oddly calm for the situation "Can I borrow your phone?" He didn't answer I pulled a knife from my pocket and slammed it in to the wall next to his head. He whimpered "Dam I missed" I pulled the knife from the wall "But luckily for you that means you get a second chance" "My left jean pocket" "Thank you" I reached in and whilst searching for the last dialed number proceeded to bash the man's head against the wall I dialed the number "Jones what do you want were almost there and what the hell is that banging noise?" "I'm sorry that would be me bouncing Jone's head off the wall I guess I'm talking to Jeff?" "YOU!!" "Hey I have a name you know I had the decency to learn yours" "I'm gonna kill you you sniveling little shit" "Yeah yeah sticks and stones but the rising dead will never hurt me etc now i understand your on your way here but my friends have just got back and they have guns and we might not be able to take you all out but the 1st one we are going for is you now I am going to go throw your friends here out on the street if you want them alive I suggest you get here quickly oh and just so you know I'm keeping the phone bysie daises" I hung up just as I saw Jon and the others hop out the van everyone had got back safely I slumped down on the sofa Jones fell to the floor unconscious Sky sat next to me and hugged me.
Taking the Fight

We started unloading materials in to the flats well everyone else did I was having a chat with our new friends "WHERE IS SHE!!!!" I slammed the man I only knew as Jone's against the wall. "I don't know I haven't seen her" "LIAR!!! Fine you want to lie come here" I knocked him to the floor. "Ty go get me the rope" "Why?" "Shut up and get it!" He ran off. "Fine now were gonna play a game it's called tell me what I want to know before you get eaten alive"
We finished loading everything in it took a few hours with all the bricks but at least Tooth didn't show up for his friends so much for loyalty. We tied his feet to the rope and tied the other end to a wardrobe. "O.K last chance to tell me" No answer. "Fine" I pushed him back over the bannister he fell to the ground he stopped 10ft before the floor. He started to scream but it was not the fall that scared him it was what was at the bottom. Holding it's arms up reaching for him an angry zombie its shattered teeth gnashing at the prospect of fresh meat. "Changed your mind dude? I'm pretty sure Larry down there would like a new friend" "I haven't seen her I swear" "Pull him up" Toby Ty and Jon pulled back on the rope lifting him back up a few feet before dropping it again Jones screamed Larry the zombie got even more excited. I headed down 1 flight of stairs and leaned on the railing being careful with my arm so as he slowly spun he could look me in the eye "Now I'm getting bored of this game and if you don't win the game before I get bored you lose and you don't want to lose then I will go get your friend see if he feels more cooperative" "I haven't seen her please I'm sorry" Tears rolled down his cheek. "Your sorry? You threaten a little girl with a knife attack a couple of girls and your sorry? Well that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside here let me cut you down" I picked up Toby's machete and leaned over to cut the rope. "Oh please God stop I don't know where she is" "Fine where are you holed up?" "If I tell you that they will kill me" "If you don't tell me Larry will kill you but with me I will give you a 10min head start" "O.K O,K I'll tell you there at the court" "The local court?" "Yes please let me go" "How do I know you're not lying?" "Does it look like I am lying?" I lifted the machete up "Please you said you would let me go" "Well that's what I call a lie" "No!" This voice took me by surprise Sky came running down the broken stairs and threw herself round my leg "Please Tom don't do it don't hurt him" She looked up at me. My anger faded away "O.K dont worry I wont hurt him go back upstairs" "You promise?" "I promise" Sky walked off. I headed down to the ground floor dispatched Larry the zombie with the baton and Toby and Jon lowered Jones down so he could look me in the eye upside down "You are a very lucky man hold still I'll cut you down I would hate to miss" I swung the machete and the rope broke he fell the last 5ft or so and landed on his head "Oops sorry"
We drove for 2 hours me and Toby until we were on a small country road in Marden. Houses here were separated by fields of nothing just grass so it was practically the arse end of no where meaning the dead were far a and few between. It would have been a good place to setup home for a while if supplies were nearby but none of us knew the area that well and we didn't fancy lots of exploration in an unknown place better to stick to the small town we know. "Here look's good" I pointed for Toby to pull over "Whats different about that bit of hedge to the

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