» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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direction there was a timer on the side counting down from 5 seconds "FUCK!!" Tooth threw himself to the floor the red box landed next to him it counted down 5 4 3 2 1. A small poof of smoke came out of the top of the box Tooth wet himself and a message was displayed on the box HA SUCKA!!
We ran to the car and jumped in laughing we had walked into the lions den and walked back out maybe we would survive this.
Are You there God? It's Me

We dropped Jane off back home and immediately set out again we headed to the territorial army base 2 miles away. We had seen at least 60 people in there base and we could not take them on our own. The remnants of the last stand were still further down the road so we could not the destruction. The base seemed in good shape there was a large white office building at the front painted white with 2 red painted bomb shells and a large missile on the lawn. The base from the front was about 100 meters wide and you could see a parade ground which was as deserted as the rest of the compound seemed. At least the fence still stood it was sturdy and metal with a sliding gate at the front. It would be difficult to climb but if no one was going to answer the doorbell that would be the only option. We pulled up to the gate and rolled down the window, before all this happened and the dead started walking 2 guards would come out with mirrors on sticks to check underneath your vehicle but that didn't happen. I hit the intercom button no response "Don't tell me we are going to have to climb the fence" Jon complained "I don't particularly want to do it either you know" We waited but dead were starting to take notice of us so we didn't hang round we got out locked the car and started to climb the 10ft fence.
I dropped down on the other side and kept watch as Jon climbed down "Cant you move your arse any faster?" "Cant you stop bitching like a little girl?" I smiled and pulled out a phone and dialed Toby answered " Tob it's me" "Who else would it be?" "Maybe one of the undead pocket dialed" "Maybe" "Anyway were over the fence and inside we cant see anyone at the moment were gonna have a look around is Jane O.K?" I never got answer I had to hang up me and Jon threw ourselves against the wall of the office building. 2 dead soldiers lumbered past us we quickly dispatched them "Guess they didn't make it either" A search of the base yielded nothing no usable weapons and any that were there were either locked up or were in areas crowded with dead we retreated back to the front of the office building "DAM IT" Jon booted one of the red painted shells "There must be someone around here with a fucking pulse apart from us and those fuckers" I held my shoulder I had removed the sling so I could climb the fence but it still hadn't healed I had dislocated and fractured that arm when I was 12 and it had only taken a couple of weeks for it to heal I hoped it would be the same this time. We stood there and smoked trying to think of anything we could do any where we could go to get help but nothing came to us "Hastings" Jon said finishing his fag and stubbing it out "We don't know if they barricaded themselves in time dude we cant move everyone on the off chance of theirs a safe place and we cant drive the roads will be fucked we cant walk it's to far" "Dude it's 30 miles" "30 miles through zombie infested territory" "There is one last option" "We fly?" "No we take the train" I was gobsmacked "It's not that stupid an idea there relatively easy to drive the train line hear go's to Hastings the power is still on so the rails will still have power" "No it's a great idea lets hop on a several hundred tonne train we have no idea how to drive and go on a magical adventure what if the tracks blocked?" "We get out walk down the line til we find another train do you have a better idea?"
We headed home and discussed the plan with the others though it sounded stupid it seemed like our only option eventually our food would run out our defenses would crumble or we would be overrun by Tooth's gang or zombies. Me and Jon would go Jack would talk us through everything by phone he had been considering a train escape before we met and had devoted a lot of his time to the idea "I'm coming to" "No you are not!" I would not have this argument with Sky "My grandparents live there" "No it's to dangerous" "Then why are you going?" "Because because someone has to go get help and that's me and Jon" "I want to help" "Sky no" Sky looked like she was going to burst into tears I had never raised my voice to her before, she walked over to me and sat down "Please I know where they live I know the address and everything" I decided to test her I deliberately typed in the wrong address in to Google earth 3 times before entering it correctly and she picked it out "Now can I go then you wont have to worry about me any more I know it makes you mad. I sighed and hugged her "Sky you don't make me mad you make me happy I just worry about you" "If I'm with you you don't have to worry" Oh crap
It was a short drive to the train station we had taken enough food and water for a week for the 3 of us Sky was in the back seat. Jon was not ecstatic about the idea but the look on Sky's face had prevented a flat out refusal on his part, we had left everyone else and the guns with the others so they could look after them selves sand we had taken the Astra instead of the Fiesta so they could all fit inside comfortably. We got out of the car, the station was deserted of all life and death a train was at the platform the buttons to open the sliding doors were still light so there was power. I picked up Sky and put her on my back. The train doors slid open nothing came rushing out at us so we moved up the carriage to the drivers compartment. We closed the door behind us as Jon settled in to the chair called Jack put him on loudspeaker while I kept watch. It takes years to master how to drive a train but providing we kept our speed down we should be able to avoid a derailment and a horrible death. Jon flipped a few switches and eased forward on the dead mans handle we were moving. I checked the 1st carriage behind us all clear and me and Sky settled down in to a couple of seats she started to color and I found the snack trolley. The crisps and fizzy drinks were still in date so we stuffed ourselves and brought some up to Jon. We were going about 10 miles an hour I had moaned at Jon for going 20 but then I don't like going fast even in cars, it would take us at least 3 to get there so we settled in.


The train lumbered along the tracks the clickety clack was soothing it was nice to let our guard down for a bit. We all had a turn driving the train including Sky that cheered her up we had passed Battle and Roberts bridge and were on our way to St Leonard's, we had not run into any trains on our side of the track and progress was smooth apart from the odd undead on the line which required me to get out behead and drag off the line. I climbed back on board cleaning the spike on the baton on a seat "I need to pee" Sky was dancing around trying to hold it "O.K hold on a sec" I entered the drivers cabin "Gonna go and find the toilet dude" He grunted ""O.K then lets o find the toilet" We exited the carriage I had cleared and moved on to the next one. 3 carriages down we found 1. It was a sliding door one, I checked the rest of the carriage and found nothing I hit the open button. A girl in her mid 20's came flying at me teeth bared and bloody, I was caught off guard and she knocked me to the floor I put my hands up to stop her getting at my throat but I dropped the baton in the process and it slide away under a seat "Sky get back in the carriage" She did and the door slid shut behind me. I kicked the girl off me and she flew back and hit a pole I got to my feet and tried to reach under the seat for my baton, the girl quickly recovered and came at me again I wrapped my hand around the baton just as the train shuddered sending it rolling out of reach. I got to my feet, was the train speeding up? No time to think about that now. The girl slammed into me again knocking me against the exit doors, I felt them start to slide open that shouldn't happen unless the emergency release was... an alarm rang out ah that would explain it I dropped onto my back and tried to force the girl out the now open door. I had to hold my head up to stop it dangling out the doors the girl dropped to her knees onto my chest and started to try and paw at my face she bit my gloved hand as she was focused on that I took the opportunity to punch her in the head a couple of times This made

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