» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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Cloak and Dagger

"If you look book at the history of Britain during the Empire many people and countries rose up against it only to be viciously struck down. This fighting spirit and tenacity is in all humans. We now face a new threat something we have never seen before, they have few weaknesses you cant negotiate with them they wont stop they wont show mercy all they will do is kill kill kill. But dont forget humans are very good at killing thins to, we have wiped out entire species before with out even trying we can do it again" It was odd to see a message proclaiming genocide as the answer. I put down the newspaper that looked liked it had been typed up on a laptop printed on a household printer and photocopied. I got up from the camp bed we were in a small church hall and were the only ones here the rest of the 30 beds were empty all neatly lined up and made waiting for new arrivals that would probably never arrive. The hall was quite comfartable the vicar had given us some biscuits and tea, I'm not a fan of tea but after a cold night with out sleepig I gulped it down. I rolled over and tried to sleep.

A Hastings Hotel Room

"These two look promising" A tall man clean shaven passed 2 manilla files across a heavily scratched oak table to a short man with grey hair but with a few faint patches of black scattered across it he wore a grey suit and white shirt un-buttoned at the top and shoes that were poished to perfection. He opened the files and stared at the information for a while almost as if he could find more information than what was actualy printed "Their very young" He turned a page "No military experience no fighting experience hm a cleaner and a shop assistant an odd combination" "But they survived a long trip and their accounts speak volumes it's all to well detailed to be made up their survivors" The grey haired man frowned at the files again "They came looking for safety and they say their are more of them in a place called Tunbridge Wells" "Yes Sir 6 more to be precise, they also warned of a large group of thugs that have taken up residence in the court house" "Hm it says here he managed to kill their leader?" "Yes but apparantly it was in self defecne he showed the officer on duty a stab wound he apparantly recieved from him," "Then fights off 2 armed men on his own one handed walks up to the thus doorstep  fakes a bomb and survives a train crash?" "Yes Sir" He stared again at the file and picture attached something was odd about it. The face that looked back was clearly young younger than he should of looked but the eyes said so much they seen a lot but still retained a softness about them, oddest of all was the fact that he was smiling "You see this? And this one to" He holds open another file with Jon's picture in it "Look at them their smiling. What does that tell you?" The other man shrugged "I'll tell you they are completely insane or they are some of the mentaly toughest people I have seen" "Is'nt that also a trait of serial killers?" "These day's more serial killers would be handy... we can use them" He closed the files "Will they be willing though Sir?" "They don't have a choice in the matter"

At The Church

"Wake up!" I was roughly shaken awake by a man in army fatigues. I grabbed my baton thinking we were under attck "Whoa no need for that son" "What do you want?" "We need you to head across the street to the office building for work assignment" ""We wont be here long enough for that" "I'm sorry Sir but I am ordered to escort you there now we need everyone to pitch in together" Despit a few grumbles we complied I had no urge to be arreted and thrown in to military custody. Their was a makeshift school in the church where Sky could stay she was not eager to do so but I think it will do her some good spending time with kids her own age. We crossed the deserted street and entered through a set of revolving door's with an arned guard on either side. We walked up to the reception desk a young soldier took her names and previous work experience and told us to take a seat. After about 5mins Jon was called away to a room whilst I waited. A after about quarter of an hur I was told to head upstairs 1st door on the left. I went up and ranninto a soldier who asked me to turn over any weapons I may be carrying I did and he waved me towards a wooden door it was locked the soldier wandered over and unlocked it, the door opened it was pitch black inside. Suddenly I was shoved in to the room the door slammed shut behind me, I was in complete darkness. Lights flickedon temporarily blinding me. My vision returned I was in a small room with a wooden table and chair. But against the far wall one of them, it's leg was tied to the table it turned to look at me and moan, it was a former soldier his uniform shredded and bloody he was bootless his comrades had probably taken them. I tried the door locked. FUCK. The rope holding the thing to the table snapped as it leaned towards me, it fell flat on it's face that made me smile despite the situation I was in. The room was bare apart from the table and chair. I advanced kicking my heel to extend the stilleto I tried to kick it in the head but it caught my leg pulling me to the ground, I booted it in the face with my free leg and it's relinquished. I scrambled away, I picked up the chair, I turned and broke it over the things back this had little effect but it wasn't meant to. One of the hair legs was still in my hand now ending in a jagged point. I waited for the creature to it's feet then I drove the spike through it's eye socket, it dropped to the floor. I moved away from the now re-dead corpse and sat on the table. What the hell was that? Did Jon habe this happen to him? The door opened and I jumped off the table flipped it over and scrambled behind it. 2 armed men stormed into the room guns drawn a man walked between them he was a little shorter than me with severely  graying black hair, I got up from the table he walked straight past me like I wasn't there he looked at the dead soldier then at me "Shame we are going to have to get catch another one now" He sighed "I don't have to kill that one bare handed to do I?" He looked at me as if he had just noticed I existed an interested look in his eye which quickly faded he turned to the 2 men "I think we are going to get 2 chairs Mr. Jackson appears to have destroyed that one and a cup of tea would you care for a drink?" He turned to me "A pint?" "It's 9:30 in the morning" "Jeez is it that late? Better make it two pints then" A couple of minutes later we had both taken a seat me being closest to the corpse and furthest from the door. stirred his tea whilst I looked in amazement a as a can of Budweiser was opened and poured into a glass for me then the 2 guards left leaving me with the man, we sat in silence for a moment "I was joking about the pint you know" Nothing no smile nothing "I think you are hot...ok then how about telling me where my mate is?" He took a sip of tea butcontinued to say nothing. I took a swig of beer "I'm having a wonderful time I enjoyed meeting your friend" Another sip nothing "Can I go?" Sip "Can I stay?" Sip "Can I have that potted plant in the corridor? It would look great in my house" "Your friend is fine" His sudden answer suprised me "He is talking with one of my associates now" "By associate do you mean zombie friend or human?" "See for yourself" He passed me  an ipad on the screen was a black and white camera feed showing a room exactly the same as this apart from it was Jon and a bearded man, there was a corpse in the corner it looked like it's head had been smashed repeatidly in to the wall the cracks on the walls supported this. I handed back the ipad "My name is Kane" "And what can I do for you? Any more of those things roaming round you want me to deal with just send them in the room til I drop" "It's funny you should mention that" "Why?" "Because we have work for you" 


Are you Tom Jackson?

"Well that's nice and all but I have my own problems people trying to kill me and all that" The man sniffed "Yes I heard about that I aso heard you killed one of them" "I didnt want to but it was self defence" "Mmm you dorealise everyone is struggling right now we need to band together" His tone was so calm almost like the world was not ending my tone was not "Then they can help their dam selves I'm busy and I dont paticuarly feel inclined to help people who ock me in rooms with viven's" "Viven's?" "It's Latin or something for undead the points is I'm leaving" I got up stormed past the man and opened the door a soldier was behind the door and he wasn't about to move. I slammed the door shut and stormed back to my seat "I'm staying" I took a swig of my beer "What do you want?" He paused and stared at his tea before he talked "Our world is changing Mr. Jackson" "Tom" "Sorry?" "Call me Tom Mr Jackson is my fathers name" "Very well look around the world has gone to hell their are few places in the country that are secure the police force has literally been destroyed the army cant defend against the Viven's as you call them and police the

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