» Horror » CreepyPasta Short Stories, Lucy Redwood, Kate Redwood, Moonlight Redwood [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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his mouth and nasal cavity.

Isaac was inches from death when his captor kneeled beside him and spoke into his ear, “It’s been a blast kido, but it looks like our time together is about up. No need for tears though, because I plan to spread my friendship to all the lonely kids of the world!” and with that said, Laughing Jack reached into Isaac’s chest and yanked out his still beating heart.

As his life bled out on that cold wooden bed, Isaac’s life flashed before his eyes. He saw his mother, his father, the boarding school, his victims, and the last thought that fluttered through his mind, was of that very special Christmas where he woke up to find the beautifully hand carved wooden box that contained his very first friend…

There are rumors that, when the police finally found Isaac Grossman’s rotten, maggot infested corpse weeks later on Christmas Eve, that even though his face had been bashed and torn to bits… He almost looked… Happy.


Eyeless Jack



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In the original story, a man named Mitch moves in with his brother Edwin after his house is foreclosed. A week later, Mitch wakes up with a large gash on his cheek. After going to the hospital, the doctor reveals that Mitch's left kidney had been surgically removed overnight.

Around midnight that night, Mitch wakes to see Eyeless Jack over his bed, wearing a blue mask with black liquid dripping from empty eye sockets behind the mask. Mitch manages to grab his camera and take a picture before Jack attacks, clawing at his chest. Mitch escapes and flees into the woods, where he trips and is knocked unconscious.

When Mitch awakens in the hospital, it is revealed to him that Edwin had been killed the previous night. His parents drive him to the house to collect his belongings. When he enters, Mitch sees Edwin's corpse and a small object lying next to it. He observes it find that it is his kidney with a bite taken out of it, covered in a black substance.




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Zalgo, taking the form of a human named Evan Harrison, tricked a human woman named Loretta Swan (a religious zealot who was part of a cult that did unspeakable things for "the graces of God") into thinking he was a divine being who could finally give her the child she always wanted (she was barren). They conceived (with Zalgo abandoning Loretta shortly thereafter) and Loretta gave birth to a completely normal baby girl named Lazari. Lazari exhibited no demonic traits at all until she was 4 years old, where she involuntarily went into her demon form and killed and ate a demonically possessed neighbor (this is when she gained red eyes, jagged teeth and lost the ability to see any other colors besides red).

Lazari's mother then chained her up to the basement walls, completely isolated her from the outside world and beat and tortured her on a constant basis in order to `purge the demon". This continued for 4 more years until Loretta finally had enough, took her daughter out into the woods with her and hung herself right in front of Lazari.

After that... (You can learn more about her adventures in "I Eat Pasta For Breakfast" Creepypasta comic)



Ticci Toby



Toby wasn't always a normal kid. He grew up with many different mental disorders, making it hard for him to fit in with the 'normal crowd', along with a disease that attacked his nervous system, causing him to be completely numb to pain, and an extreme case of Tourette's syndrome. Which causes Toby to make uncontrollable jerks, 'tics', and other abrupt movements, and is most recognized for cracking his neck uncontrollably. Earning him the demeaning nickname 'Ticci-Toby' from his peers. Toby used to attend public school up until the point he could no longer handle the severe teasing and bullying, and so he was then transferred to homeschooling early on.

He grew up with little - to almost no friends. He lived with his mother, his older sister, Lyra, and his father who later lost himself to drugs, alcohol, and gambling and became abusive towards his family. When Toby was 17 years old his sister and he were involved in a tragic car accident, resulting in Lyra's death. After that Toby grew even more troubled, his symptoms worsening, barely eating, not leaving his bedroom, and growing less and less social. He began to lose some fragments of memory, start seeing hallucinations of his sister's twisted and mutilated corpse, and see a strange figure, standing outside of his bedroom window at night. He would take out his stress and anxiety by chewing the flesh from his fingers. His mother was worried about the state Toby was in and had decided to get into contact with a psychiatrist to help with, but it didn't work.

Toby soon lost all control of his sanity and one night attacked and killed his father, and then fled out of the house. Grabbing two of the hatchets from his father's garage, a box of matches, and a gallon of gasoline, he proceeded to set the neighborhood on fire in an attempt to escape from the police. The fire surrounded him and as he was about to give in to his own death, Slenderman appeared and saved him before he blacked out. When Toby woke up, he had no recollection of what happened and all of his memories of his previous life were erased.

Approximately two weeks later, after Toby's disappearance, Toby's mother listens to a news story about the murders of several teenagers. The main suspect is Toby due to one of his hatchet's being found at the crime scene. This marks the moment Toby had officially become one of the Slender Man's Proxies.


Homicidal Liu

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It all started one night, the murderer Jeffrey Woods murdered his parents and his beloved brother Liu Woods; Jeff stopped being the boy who was kind and became a soulless monster that had a pure desire to kill. But Seriously how did his brother Liu survive after receiving multiple cuts and stab wounds all over his abdomen? Liu survived the attack by his brother, barely, His heart felt like bursting from the effort. but Liu continued with the strength from his desperation to live, and go to Jeff, then everything went black and he fainted.It took a long time for Liu to wake up, he was in a fairly lit room, full of tubes and medicine, he could not speak, could not eat, Liu was fed through a tube, breathing through an artificial lung, he could barely make out who he was; just listening to a nurse talking to a doctor, She said "This patient may not survive, he needs many transplants, his left lung collapsed, his heart is very delicate and kidneys are failing, it is almost impossible for him to survive." Those words, they were the proof that Liu had survived what had happened.Then came the day when the transplants would be needed. Liu could not talk yet and was quite sedated, he could not express his joy at that time, so he saved it for when he recovered. The nurse that came in said "Hi, I'm Susan, I wish you the best of luck, you're very strong, barely survived to this attempted murder, I personally wanted to take care of you, because I admire your strength, I wish you well when you leave the hospital." She kissed his cheek and blushed, Liu could not deny she was a very beautiful girl, but he did not know if he would survive this.It was time, the time which fate would decide whether Liu would live or die. The doctor told him that a young strong boy who survived this long, was most likely to survive, they put the mask on and Liu slept, but would he feel what they did to him? At that moment, Liu then felt a cold blade pierce him in the side of the heart, the first cut was the most painful, then something opened his skin, the pain was more intense with each passing second, each cut was more painful than before, but, most painful was when they started cutting his heart and get it out of his body, that moment was just the beginning of Liu’s torture, hours of excruciating pain, every cut, every part of Liu that replaced, each suture, all the pain through his body destroyed what little sanity he had left, until it shattered.Liu spent days in that bed unable to move, unable to speak, just listening to the voice of the nurse, Susan, she was with him, day and night, talking to him, telling him to resist, she wanted Liu alive, Liu wanted to know the truth and he hoped he could talk to Susan and she could hear his voice. A week passed and she came more often, came

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