» Horror » CreepyPasta Short Stories, Lucy Redwood, Kate Redwood, Moonlight Redwood [best e book reader .TXT] 📗

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to go talk to her, and he did. Now in Susan's room, she saw him and said "Liu? Is that you? I'm glad you came, I hope to resist as you had resisted what happened to you, I love you Liu, I do not want to die, but if I do I don’t want you to kill yourself, I love you too much to die for me, I know what you did, I know you kill criminals, and although not a very noble, mission you have, do not stop doing what you do Liu. "He spent an hour in which they talked, in which he said all he had to say, he did not want to lose it, he did not want to lose the only person left for him in this world. The doctor came in and said "We need to operate Mrs. Woods will recover." She was taken to the operating room, where it lasted for three hours that seemed eternal. Liu wanted to gouge his eyes out of despair, but hope that Susan survived was why Liu was still standing. After the operation, the doctor who took care of everything said "The operation was a success, she is stable, in the morning she will wake and after two weeks she may leave the hospital." Those words touched Liu so much, he felt so calm knowing that Susan would be fine.Liu was in his room all day waiting for Susan to wake, she then woke up and said "Who are you and where my parents are?" Those words filled Liu with sadness, Susan had forgotten him, but he had to do something to remind her when she recovered, he took her to the hospital where they met, she said "Is that you, Liu? you’ve changed. "She began to remember, he took her to his old house, and she remembered that they were there, he kept taking Susan to all the significant places they were at during the week, until they got to the restaurant that Liu had proposed at, she remembered everything, hugged him and said "Liu, now I remember everything, thanks for being with me until I regained my memory." Then Liu said, "You did the same for me, I owe you that much Susan." He kissed her, but when they parted, Susan began to convulse, it scared him a lot and he took her to the hospital.Liu would not leave her alone when she needed him, he stayed there waiting for news from the doctor, and the doctor said "I'm sorry sir, but your girlfriend is dead." That phrase filled Liu with sadness and hatred, he took the doctor by the neck and threw him across the room, there was no reason to hold back, he began to kill everyone in the hospital, men, women, children and sick, he killed them all, he could not bear them to live and his Susan not to, she could not die and he would not let that happened, but it was inevitable, Liu’s clothes were full of blood of the innocents, his hands were drenched in blood and his eyes had changed, so he decided to do something, he went for a knife and started cutting a heart into his chest, the initials of Susan and her time of death, their anniversary and the date when they met, then Liu went for a needle and thread and he sewed the edges of his lips into a smile for anyone to see and suffer inside. When he finished, Liu went home, grabbed his leather clothes and things that he used to kill, and left, never to return, now, Liu lives by killing all those who are happy, but when people die, they will not see it, but killing consoles Liu, if you see him, run and do not show your happiness, for if you do you will die in a very ruthless and twisted way, so twisted you won’t be able to tell your body from what it was like before meeting him. Nina The Killer



She started as a normal fan girl of Jeff. Nina and her two best friends would talk about how much they loved him, and that he was `beautiful". One day, while walking to school with her brother, Chris, she was jumped by a group of bullies lead by Claudia. Nina was furious as they beat her brother. She started to beat the kids till they fled. This made Nina feel great. She walked home with her brother and cleaned his clothes. The next day, she was with her two friends and her brother. The same group of bullies jumped them again but this time, they had knives. They stabbed both of Nina's best friends and slashed Chris's arm. They started to chase Nina, but she hid in an old warehouse. Claudia tried to find her, and started calling out for her. Nina took a crowbar and had the crowbar gripped in her hand. Claudia had spotted her and was charging at her, but Nina slammed the crowbar in her face. That's when Nina snapped. Claudia fell to the ground as Nina beat the crow bar into her face and stomach. "This is what you get for hurting my friends!," she yelled, still beating her face until Claudia took her last breath. This made Nina feel amazing. She thirsted for the urge to kill, then she remembered, her friends. Keeping the bloody crowbar in her hand, she ran back to the spot where her friends were stabbed. There was an ambulance and 3 police cars. One police officer spotted Nina and pointed a gun at her. She dropped the crowbar and fell to the ground. She could see her brother, sitting on the sidewalk, next to two body bags, which contained her friends. The officer alerted another officer and walked towards Nina. She was crying. The officer asked what happened and Nina explained about the bullies, but didn't explain the part about why she was covered in blood, or had a crowbar

The officer escorted Nina and Chris home to their mother, who was terrified at the situation. She brought Chris up to his room and Nina went to change into some fresh clothes. She changed and saw a paper left by one of the two friends. It was a biography of Jeff written in her own words. Nina read over it instead of changing. Then she lost it, She went to the laundry room and grabbed some bleach. She poured the bleach into a water bottle, so it wasn't suspicious. She grabbed a box of matches and walked outside. It was 3:34 PM, and she dumped the bleach all over her body. Then she struck a match. "For Jeff", she said to herself, dropping the match onto her body. She could feel a tingling sensation in her body as she screamed in agony.

She woke up with bandages around her face. She walked to what she thought was a mirror, and started to unwrap the bandages. She finished and saw herself in the mirror. She had almost white skin with a leather-like texture. "I'm beautiful, but not done yet." She punched the mirror corner and picked up a shard of glass. She started to slit the creases of her mouth, just like Jeff. Her mom walked in, horrified by what she had seen. "Aren't I beautiful Mommy?," she asked. Her mom screamed and started to run, but Nina was too fast. She took the mirror shard and slit her mother's throat. A doctor ran in along with 3 police officers. They tranquilized her and took her to an asylum.

She woke up in a white padded room in a straight jacket. A nurse was next to her, stitching up her recent cuts. Nina tugged and moved, but was locked down. It wasn't long before she passed out.

She woke up another time, but in a different room and with no jacket. It was an empty room with a window covered by bars, an iron door, and a small, white bed. Nina had gone fully insane. She ripped apart the mattress getting a spring and calling for help. A doctor came rushing in, and she slit his throat the moment he came in, and ran. She was fast and bolted for the door. People were so scared, the doors got malfunctioned open by the blood on the doctor's tablet which controlled them. and Nina managed to escape the asylum. The first place she went to was her home.

She got there and beat on the door. It was around 3:00 AM so she had an advantage. Her father came to the door and was immediately shocked to see who was at the front door. His daughter, stitched up on one side of her mouth, white and leathery, and standing right in front of him. He tried to shut the door, but Nina pushed him back and he fell on the corner of a table, got cut by it, and bled to death. Then she grabbed a kitchen knife and headed upstairs. She entered Chris's room. "Do you want to join me?" She asked Chris. He woke up and gently shook his head. She nodded and said "good", while plunging the knife deep into Chris' chest, covering his mouth with her hand. Before her brother took his last breath, she whispered, "Go to sleep, my prince" before running out the house in search for her one and true love, Jeff.


Jane The Killer


Image result for jane the killer"


Jane Richardson started off as your typical girl, the talk of the town who's got it all — a lovely girlfriend, a job she enjoys, excellent friends, an amazing family, and a promising future. But in 2002 her world came crashing down when both of her parents, Paula and Bruce Richardson were brutally murdered by the wanted murderer Jeff the Killer. Leaving Jane to have to work more, and earn extra money to support herself and to support her sister.

Flash forward to years later the government chose Jane, after 25 failed attempts (the test subjects died) to hopefully be the one person to survive an injection of 'Liquid Hate'. Liquid Hate is a very risky chemical formula that could, hopefully, power up a human's senses and overall abilities so the number of serial killers could be slowed down. The funding for Liquid Hate cost a total of $6.9 million dollars. Subjects would experience violent episodes and homicidal tendencies for the first minute and

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