» Horror » Terror Hell:, Nick Venom [top novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Terror Hell:, Nick Venom [top novels .TXT] 📗». Author Nick Venom

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any plan to upgrade it was shot down---that would constantly run and could not be stopped. The guns being outlawed didn’t give many of the community a chance to survive the initial chaos. ‘

Without a way to protect themselves, they were murdered brutally by the roaming monsters.

“Pay attention, don’t let your mind wander,” Red instructed the group. “The Sprinter monster could and will outrun us even on our best days.” 

“Sprinter?” Freddy questioned. “Who’s that?”

Red shook his head, glancing behind him. They went through the backdoors of the Town Hall, crossing through the backyard of Town Hall. They stood behind the house neighboring Town Hall and in the direction of the Kerupt house. “Sprinter is what I call the monster that used to be Grace. As for Gary, I call him Muscle Monster.”

“You’ve been out the longest of us all. Have you seen the other two monsters? I see Stacy-” Kaylee glanced in the direction of the Outpost, noticing Brainy hovering near it. “-over there.”

“I call Stacy… Intellipus. An intelligent octopus.” He remarked, making something up on the fly. “As for the other monsters, one’s dead and the other…” His voice trailed off. He didn’t want to reveal that he was harboring the fifth parasite.

“Wait, one’s dead?” Carter asked, standing in the middle of the single-file line. “How do you know?”

“Mert found it before it could turn Tom into a monster. However, he didn’t realize that they were being controlled by a parasite at the time. He watched as his wife underwent the monster transformation before killing her and the parasite together.”

“I doubt that the coward killed the parasite.” Carter retorted.

Red glanced over his shoulder, glaring. It was true that Mert was a coward, but Red didn’t like him saying it out loud.

“Did you see the parasite?” Freddy asked, standing in the back of the line, trying to break the sudden tension. “What was it? An earthly being or…?”

“It was a slug-like creature. An ugly yellowish-green color. It infected Edith by going in through open holes and taking control of their minds. They become monsters. How these parasites got here is something I will never know.”

“They came in the meteors. Could it be related to the government?” Carter asked while staring off into the sky.

“I doubt it,” Red remarked. Carter opened his mouth but Red shushed him. “Keep quiet, we’re approaching the remains of the Kurupt house. We’re going to cross the street here and go in through the front door. The Intellipus is hiding behind the building while Sprinter and Muscle Monster can see us from the front. Let’s be quick and avoid being seen.”

The group nodded. Red quickly acted as a lookout, about to send everybody into the store. However, a sudden pain prevented him from speaking. His body locked up as his mind began to be filled by the parasite talking to him.

“It appears that my brethren have been growing hungry.” The parasite growled. “Don’t worry, kid. With me in your mind, they won’t kill you. Your friends, on the other hand…”

Red understood what the parasite was saying. “...r-... r-r-r-run!” He shouted.

“What’s wrong, Red?” Carter asked. He passed Mae, who stood behind Red, and leaned close to Red. “Heart attack?”

“R-R-R-R-” Red stammered, unable to spit out another word again.

Freddy glanced behind him, his eyes widening. He let out a loud gasp as the Muscle Monster emerged into the backyard, his melted face dripping off ounces of rotten flesh. The monster raised one of its buff rotten flesh arms high into the air. 

Kaylee, who was positioned behind Carter, heard Freddy’s audible gasp. She turned around to face the monster popping his head into the backyard. She let out a loud blood-curdling scream into the air, alerting the other.

“Kaylee, what’s-” Carter turned around and watched as the Muscle Monster raised his limb into the air.

Mae turned around, watching in fright as the Muscle Monster threw his limb down. The limb connected with a frozen Freddy, smashing him to bits and pieces. The monster raised his limb, showing off a puddle of blood and body parts that used to belong to Freddy. He was killed instantly by the force of Muscle Monster’s attack. The attack rendered him dead and dismembered.

The sight was too much for Mae to watch, turning away from the body and crouching down. She grabbed her head and slowly rocked back and forth.

Carter, on the other hand, was frustrated by Freddy’s sudden death but not deterred. He yanked Kaylee away from the scene, tugging on Mae to follow after him. Red, who had been locked in place, began convulsing. He threw up blood and phlegm in front of him, staining the grass.

“Kaylee, grab Mae. I’ll take Red!” Carter shouted, grabbing him and throwing him over his shoulder. He grabbed the walkie-talkie off Red’s body, pressing the button to transmit his message while sprinting away from the scene. Kaylee followed after him, dragging Mae along with them.

“Open the backdoor Mert!” He shouted into the walkie-talkie. “If you don’t, I’ll haunt you in your dreams!”

Carter led Kaylee and Mae to the backyard of Mert's house, banging on the backdoor. The door was then swiftly opened up by Mert, ushering them inside. They pushed themselves in, dropping Red off on the couch while Mae went to a corner to sob about her brother.

“What happened?” Mert asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Everything went downhill. We lost a kid.”



Chapter Ten "He's a monster"

“Freddy was killed by the Muscle Monster. And-” Carter glanced at Red. “-something’s wrong with Red! I don’t know what happened. We were talking normally then, all of a sudden, he locked up in place and began convulsing!” 

Kaylee was busy watching over Red, noticing that he began to foam at his mouth. She nervously glanced around for aid or a reason for his condition. Taylor, who was standing in the opposite corner of the commotion, caught Kaylee’s glance for a single moment before turning away and heading to the basement. 

“I’m not… sure… what’s wrong.” Mert bluntly stated.

Carter grabbed Mert’s collar and rammed him into the wall. “You’re saying that you don’t? Stop being a coward and spill the truth, Mert!”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Kaylee shouted, getting up and running to the side of the men. “Stop, you’re hurting him. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with Red, nobody does!”

“He has to! Think about it.” Carter said. “Didn’t you find it weird that the kid who looks up to him like an uncle, was about to be sent on his own to his death? Why would he treat his nephew like that?”

“I…. I…” He muttered. “I… I didn’t want to.”

“Didn’t want to do what?” Carter pressed.

“I… didn’t want to send him on his own, but..” Mert’s voice trailed off. He planned to have Red search for supplies and die there, ensuring that his hands were clean of blood.

Carter turned his attention to Taylor, who fled to the basement. “Taylor! Get up here!”

Taylor peeked into the room from the basement. “Y-Y-Yes?” She weakly muttered.

Carter signaled for her to come closer. “Do you have anything to say?” He asked her, furious at both of them. “Why did you let Red go on his own?”

“I… He’s a-” Taylor started. 

“Guys?” Kaylee asked, pointing at Red. He stopped foaming and convulsing, laying silently and still. This frightened the group, pushing tensions to an all-time high.

“What happened to him?” Mae asked, exiting her silent sobbing phase. She wiped away her tears and crawled towards Red, staying by his side. She grabbed his hand, retracing her hand almost instantly. It was dead-cold. “He’s…” Her voice began to break.

“What?” Mert asked, his face flushed. “What’s wrong with him?”

Taylor watched from afar as the group stood silent. They were being presented with the fact that two were dead within an hour. They lost Freddy to a monster and lost Red to an unknown cause.


“Your mind is failing,” the parasite muttered.

Red awoke in an abyss, looking around the darkness, seeing that he was by himself. He walked forward slowly, trying to figure out his surroundings. After walking, he jogged, then ran. No matter how far he ran, his surroundings never shifted - stagnating.

“You’re slowly mutating.” The parasite muttered, emerging as its true form. A yellowish-green slug creature that walked on two small insect legs. The parasite’s face fit proportionally on its head, resembling a human except for its third eye and exaggerated mouth.

“I-I’m wh-what?” He asked, shocked at the parasite’s form.

“You will soon lose control,” the parasite muttered; its words echoing throughout his mind.

“I can’t… I would hurt my friends.” He protested.

“You don’t have a choice. Your only option is to give up and allow me to take over.” The parasite intended to strip away Red’s feeling of hope, but he underestimated him. Red’s consciousness fell deeper into the abyss of despair and regret, slowly deteriorating his body within the abyss. However, even if he regretted being alive, he understood that he was. By being alive, he also understood the consequences that would affect his friends. He couldn’t allow himself to hurt them, even if he wanted to kill himself. 

Mert and Taylor’s shift in attitude affected him more than he believed. They were shining light beams in his life, but the lights were extinguished. They disappeared within an hour, reverting to demons plaguing his mind. They no longer brought him up, instead, tearing him down.

Unfortunately, his mind swam in a dark abyss, surrounded by a lack of light. With no pillars of light in his life, he would remain in the abyss, depressed and alone. A feeling that was apparent in both reality and his mindscape.

Somehow, however, a light source appeared in front of him. The light beam wasn’t as bright as Mert and Taylor’s pillars, but they were sufficient enough to bring him back. 

The parasite, who had been waiting for Red to fully give up, was angered by the light pillar. He moved quickly to intercept Red but was too late. Red was back in control, diminishing the parasite’s control. He approached the light, grabbing at it.

“He’s alive!” Mae shouted, hugging the awoken Red. She embraced him tightly, crying into his shoulder. 

“What happened while I was gone?” He asked, staring at Carter still holding onto Mert’s collar. Carter noticed the stare, loosening his grip. Mert took back his collar, distancing himself from Carter. However, he wasn’t distancing himself because of Carter’s actions, but to grab his shotgun.

“What happened to you?” Carter asked Red. “You locked up and began convulsing on us. What was that?”

“Uh,” Red muttered. Revealing the cause of his action could break his final light pillar, refusing to do that. “I don’t know.”

“Yes, he does!” Mert shouted, pointing the shotgun at him.

“What are you doing?” The rest of the group, except for Taylor, shouted simultaneously” Carter quickly acted, stepping in front of the shotgun.

“He isn’t the same person anymore. You don’t know what happened to him,” he muttered.

“What do you mean?” Kaylee shouted, raising her eyebrows.

“So you did know what happened!” Carter shouted, balling his fingers into a fist.

“Wait, we can explain.” Mert glanced over his shoulder at Taylor. Taylor?” He asked, motioning for Taylor to explain the situation.

“Red-” Her voice trailed off. However, she quickly regained her voice. “-he’s infected. A parasite is inside of him, the same ones that created the monsters outside. He’s a monster,”

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