» Horror » Terror Hell:, Nick Venom [top novels .TXT] 📗

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were preparing for scavenging.” 

Realization set in. Because Roseanne and Red established a scavenging group, there had been more than enough for monsters to be attracted to Town Hall. The Muscle Monster’s slow uptake made them believe that they would be safe behind walls.

However, safety will never be an option for the survivors of Solaris. Their communities and safe havens were keeping them refrigerated until a monster decided to open the door. 

During the chaos, Red scanned the area, searching for survivors to help. Unfortunately, every survivor that escaped the building was pummeled to death by the Muscle Monster, who lingered over the building for more prey. 

“Help me!” He heard Roseanne shout from the building. Red couldn’t see the person she was hanging onto, hidden by the remainder of a crumbling wall, but the person lost their grip on her. She was brought into the air, screaming the entire way, before the Muscle Monster slammed her body into the concrete. He brought her up again, her face disfigured by the slam, before slamming her back into the harsh concrete. The monster repeated this process until she was a slab of bloodied meat with no features. The Roseanne that everybody was familiar with---and sometimes hated---was no more. She was nothing more than a corpse laying on the concrete. Nothing more than a sack of flesh with no describable features or differences. She resembled every other corpse on the street and within Town Hall.

Red fell to his knees, his eyes widened. His mind couldn’t process the scene unfolding in front of him, overwhelming him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“Mind is faltering… it’s almost time.” The parasite croaked as Red suddenly collapsed to the ground. Mae reacted quickly by grabbing him, holding his head, as he began to foam at the mouth.

“We have to return to the house now! Let me carry him!” Carter grabbed Red’s now unconscious body, throwing him over his shoulder. “Mae, run back and be ready to lock the door,” Carter ordered. Mae nodded, spinning on her heels and sprinting towards Mert’s house. She waited for everybody to pass by her before she locked the door 

Once inside, Carter laid Red on the floor as his body began to spaz and kick around. “Mae! Kaylee! Make sure his head is elevated and he doesn’t injure himself.” Carter ordered before facing Mert. “Is there anybody left?” 

Mert shrugged his shoulders before taking his walkie-talkie out. “Town Hall has been destroyed. This is… Mert. I’m with Carter, Taylor, Mae, Kaylee… and Red.”

“What about Freddy?” Mae’s mother asked from the walkie-talkie.

Mert let out a large sigh before handing Carter the walkie-talkie. Once in his hands. Carter explained the tragic death of Freddy to his mother to which she responded with a single painful screech. Carter nodded his head, apologizing for his death, before handing the walkie-talkie to Mert. 

“He’s calmed down!” Mae exclaimed.

Carter shifted his attention to Red, ordering them to move Red to the attic for the protection of the group. “I don’t believe that Red will become a monster,” he muttered while staring at Mert, who looked down at the table that he sat at. Mert held his shotgun close to his chest, reflecting on his actions with his reflection staring up at him from the glass dining room table. 

Carter, on the other hand, didn’t need time to reflect. Instead, he quickly understood that what they needed was not time for reflecting, but a leader. He stepped up to the plate, ordering everybody---except for the slightly broken Mert and damaged Taylor---around to fortify the house. 

Everybody with orders followed them to the letter. The screams and sounds of the Muscle Monster’s fist pummeling Town Hall had dispersed, throwing up an eerily silence in the atmosphere. This silence, however, came with its benefits. Everybody worked quickly and with motivation. 

Mae took full responsibility for Red, pushed by a passion of love that she refused to communicate. She had a crush on him, but couldn’t reveal it due to her feeling of embarrassment and Red’s foaming. It wasn’t the ideal time for her to confess her love for him. 

While she dealt with Red, Carter established a night watch that would ensure the house was monitored twenty-four hours, seven hours a day, in case of emergency. They had seven people in the house, less than what Red told them, but they could never be too sure. Why should they trust a slug parasite alien, anyways? 

Dawn broke across the sky by the time everybody was fast asleep. Carter tried his best to fall asleep, but something was irking him. Was Red a monster like the others or was he not like them.

While resting against a hard corner, he continued to mutter to himself softly.“Red is human. He’s the same kid that I’ve always known. He can’t be a monster. He’s not one.”


Brad barged into the Town Hall, searching for Roseanne in the rather small building. He passed by survivors sobbing in corners and corpses littering the middle. A piece of the roof had landed atop a family, killing them instantly.

Disgusted, he looked away from the scene and continued forward. He quickly reached Roseanne, who was hiding from the monster. The Muscle Monster was plucking any survivor he saw and smashed them on the concrete. Roseanne was trying to avoid that ending.

“Roseanne,” he whispered, waving to grab her attention. Once she looked in his direction, he motioned for her to sprint over to him. She shook her head, pointing up at the monster overhead. “I’ll distract him, I need you to get over here. I helped create a community we can stay at, for now.” He whispered to her. She, again, shook her head. She refused to bulge.

Brad shook his head before looking up at the monster. It popped its arm into the main room, searching for prey. It grabbed the corpse of a survivor and plucked it out, slamming it on the concrete outside. 

“It’s going to find you, let’s go!” He whisper-shouted. Seeing that there were a few corpses near her, she understood that she’ll be unearthed soon. She got up and sprinted towards Brad, but was caught by the Muscle Man’s long beefy arm. He lost interest in the dead and worthless corpse, searching for prey that would scream their beautiful voice out.

It caught Roseanne, beginning to pick her up. Brad rushed to his side, exposing his hand to survivors camped some distance away from Town Hall. He held onto her hand, trying to pull her out of the monster’s grip. However, it was to no avail. It ripped Roseanne out of the building, raising her high into the air to give him a view of the entire community and freedom outside, before slamming her into the concrete with great force. It killed her after a few swings into the concrete.

Brad retreated as quickly as he could, traumatized by what he saw. “She’s dead, she’s dead, she’s dead.” His mind was fractured. He wasn’t able to save her. He only extended the inevitable. She was fated to die on the concrete like everybody else in the building. 

“For the Outpost,” he weakly remarked. “Stay strong for the Outpost.”



Hello All!


This episode acts as the finale of season one, but there will be two extra episodes that follow the finale. Episode thirteen will mainly follow Red and his group while episode fourteen will end the first season’s Outpost storyline. 

The Outpost and Main storylines, sometimes, occur simultaneously. These storylines follow the majority of survivors in the gated community of Solaris and what they have to do to survive with these extraterrestrial monsters roaming around them. The monsters all have their own traits and special abilities with future seasons seeing the monsters evolve. Expect the future seasons to expand on these monsters and survivors. 

Until next time, I bid you all a good day.

Chapter Thirteen "Daybreak"

Dawn broke, glistening sunlight arrived into the room through the small window in the attic. The sunlight awoke Red---who moved from the living room to the attic during the fleeting night hours. He stood up, eyes half-shut, and approached the window. He held his hand up to block the sunlight, looking out at the main street of Solaris. 

“Night is over,” He remarked. He felt drowsy, waking with a half-hour of sleep to his name. “Yet this hell remains.”

He moved away from the window and went to the spiral stairs that connected the attic and the living room. He peered down the stairs at the sleeping bodies in the living room. 

Red crept down the stairs, reaching the bottom. Sleeping on the couch was Mae, sprawled across the piece of furniture. On the floor beside the couch was Kaylee, her limbs flayed everywhere in a weird pose.

Carter was sleeping against a corner, his arms crossed and on his lap. It appeared that he tried to stay awake to guard them, but his drowsiness overtook him. 

Mert, still armed with his shotgun, collapsed onto the dining room wooden table. His head was on top of the table while his finger was behind the trigger of the shotgun. The weapon was pointed at him; a dangerous way to sleep. Fortunately, Mert was smart enough to put his finger behind the trigger and not in front of it. Otherwise, he would be missing parts of himself.

Taylor was the only one awake. She was in the basement---which connected to the living room through a door beside the spiral stairs---which Red could peer down. Taylor looked up at him, a set of normal stairs in between them.

“You’re awake?” She asked, tilting her head. She didn’t realize that anybody else was up and moving aside from her.

“Yeah,” He muttered before heading to the spiral stairs and re-entering the attic. Taylor followed him to the attic, seeing him next to the window. He sat down, cross-legged, and watched as the Muscle Monster and Sprinter paced down back and forth on the main road.

“You… okay?” She asked, her voice sounding small. She hadn’t found her voice yet.

“...” Red glanced over his shoulder at her before nodding his head. “Yeah, I’m… fine.”

Taylor approached the window, sitting down next to him. Red glanced at her before moving an inch to his left. He didn’t feel comfortable with being near her; especially after her crude words.

“How.. how have you been?”

Red stared at her strangely. A rather insensitive question for her to ask. She was the one who pushed him to the edge, nearly filling his brain with negative thoughts and giving the parasite in his brain an opportunity to escape. 

“... Good?”

“Oh, okay.” The conversation was cut and dry; claws on a chalkboard to others.

“Yeah,” he whispered.

“Good. Good.” She peered down the road as the Muscle Monster grabbed a corpse and flung it across the community, hitting a large mansion near the edge of Solaris. “Woah, that guy… monster is disrespecting the dead. It seems like he’s fitting the image of a true monster.”

“I guess I’ll fit that image soon,” Red muttered, staring in the opposite direction.

Taylor was left stunned, surprised to hear him utter such words. She opened her mouth to rebuttal him, but memories of her treatment against him stopped her. She deserved this. She treated him like a monster and he was, simply, playing along with that idea. She created that idea, embedding it

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