» Horror » BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «BITE, T.D Jackson [a book to read .txt] 📗». Author T.D Jackson

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Ty took over. Sky was already up sitting on her bed Hey are you hungry I asked no Thirsty? No OK. Our clothes had dried from the night before and she ha already gotten dressed can we look for my Dad today? Well let's see how it go's I said but I think you should stay here for the moment it's not safe out there she nodded sadly and pretended to go back to sleep. I sighed and went back to my room and turned on the TV society is breaking down a few channels manly those further north are either not on or showing constant repeats electricity water and internet are still up though I looked at our supply of food we haven't even started on it yet we managed to scavenge a few things on the way to the last stand yesterday but none of us has any real appetite. Guns Jon said what about them I replied only half interested. The gun shop around the corner.I told Toby there is no gun shop in this town. There is though he showed me a site on my laptop country ware and firearms I looked at the address it was only round the corner. It's to dangerous Is said that's the 1st place everyone is going to go and the people that own the store and have a lot of guns probably want to keep there guns and won't think twice about trying to blow our heads off. At that moment Toby called he was again put on loudspeaker and the argument continued. Even when we get there the place could be locked down the shutters closed how will we get in do you have a pair of bolt cutters handy? The guns are all probably in cases well we can smash the cases and what about the people there already do you know how to fix a bullet wound? This silenced everyone I walked over and looked out the window there were 5 Viven's outside I quickly ducked back down. Well what do you want to do then get a car get more supplies are we moving to Toby's flat no not yet at least but if we can get a car we always have a getaway option. Where do you want to get the supplies from? Cotswold's it involves going in to town and even tough its close I don't want to lump the stuff back by hand. None of the people in our group have a drivers license but Toby and Jon know what they are doing and I have an idea Jon probably had the most experience so he was elected to drive. Now to find a car. It didn't take to long to find something literally on the next street me and Jon had headed out the back nothing saw us and we took off at a quick jog within 100 meters we found a Green Ford Fiesta Ecocentric great miles per gallon 4 doors and they did an awesome test on Top gear the driver side doors was open like someone had jumped out and left in a hurry behind us we could hear the monsters groaning as they made there way to what they hoped would be there first meal of the day. We approached the car Jon on the drivers side me on the other i peered in to the back seat nothing there keys are in it Jon said he also checked the car and got in almost a full tank I climbed in shotgun and Jon started her up. I stopped him from pulling out Are you mad I said? What? Put your seat belt on Oh yeah just in case we get stopped by the police my mind flashed back the officer from last night a wave of guilt rolled over me Jon pulled his seat belt on and we headed to pick up Toby. The drive to the store was uneventful apart from the shouts and smashing of glass Jon wanted to stop at the store he insisted had guns but we stuck with the plan survival equipment 1st. We pulled up outside of the store well it's less of a store and more of a landmark. The store is a all stone building with 5 Roman esque pillars at the entry way holding up a roof that was also very Roman looking it was what you would think a temple would look like. But now it had been converted in to Cotswold an outdoor survival store spread over 3 floors 1st was women s wear 2nd mens and 3rd survival equipment. The plan was simple me and Toby would head in Toby would head straight to women's for some clothes for Sky then he would head upstairs to join me in the search for equipment whilst this was going on Jon would loop round the block and wait for the signal to park up we didn't want our ride getting swamped or stolen we stole it first. Me and Toby got out we could see a buzz of activity inside people shoving and rushing to get what they could. We made our way in the alarm was going off for obvious reasons someone had thrown the cafe table outside through the window not that anyone was going to respond to the alarm apart from them.I headed straight upstairs trying to avoid the most crowded parts this area was a little quieter I pulled out my list and began to pile up everything I needed there was a hand on my shoulder I knocked it away rolled and pulled out the baton Toby burst out laughing shut up arsehole and help me find what we need Whats left on the list Lantern Stove and fuel and a couple of hand axes. All of that what have you been doing whilst I was downstairs Hey up your arse with a piece of glass Oh yeah you would like that he retorted Jog on. We quickly found everything we needed I ran off and grabbed some heavy duty shopping bags we bagged it up and called Jon to let him know we were ready to be picked up we headed down the stairs Toby was in front of me a lanky man walked over to Toby and proceeded to try and snatch the bag out of his hand Toby held it firm and proceeded to tell the man what he thought of him he responded by punching him in the face. I walked over to the man extended the baton and smashed it straight in to his kneecap he collapsed in pain get your arse up and lets go I said to Toby we grabbed our bags and got to the car a few Vivens were in the area now Jon had obviously taken one down judging from the splatter on the windscreen. We put the supplies in and drove off as we turned a corner I told Jon to stop the car a man was on the floor bleeding from a wound to his throat next to him an overturned shopping trolley full of boxes I umped out and grabbed as many of the boxes as I could manage got back in. Wat you got Jon asked Mobile phones I said Oh sweet have you got the latest I phone you mean they have brought another one out fuck me Jon whats wrong with you has the new one got a new picture on it or something God your old he said Shut up and keep driving I laughed. We stopped in a parking area reserved for permit holders only all though i doubt we were gonna get clamped today we were a couple of hundred meters away from the house so the things wouldn't be attracted to the noise we got out light up cigarettes and discussed the next move. The obvious thing to do would be to move all our supplies and ourselves to Toby's flat but I didn't want to do this just yet with the building still full of people and the possibility of them trying to steal what we had acquired this was a real possibility after what had happened to Toby in the store Jon still wanted to go to the gun store this lead to another argument that lead to shouting which was interrupted by moans not to far away this snapped us back to our senses we agreed that everything we had gathered today would go back to Toby's flat with the exception of Sky's new clothes we would remain in our own place and pack everything up for removal. A group of about 30 undead rounded the entrance to the parking area. I'm getting out I said Are you mad Jon replied look you are gonna need time to unload all this stuff you cant do that with those things hassling you I'll distract them while you do it unload the car park it somewhere safe and head back. He nodded I climbed out and looked at the group of monsters Jon drove off I extended the baton and walked slowly towards them and started shouting making sure I had there full attention the group advanced on me I skirted the outside edge smacking any stray hands that came my way with the baton I was behind the group now and they were slowly turning to face me I lead them down the hill further away from the house stopping occasionally to let them catch up and yelling the odd insult not that they could understand it but it made me feel better. When we reached the base of the hill I sprinted back up the hill passing the creatures heading back through the parking area calling Ty to open the back door I was out of there line of site when I entered the back gate and headed in to the house. I locked the door behind me and Sky ran up to hug me hey you miss me I said she nodded I have a present for you I took my backpack off and pulled out some of the clothes Toby had got jeans and fleeces mainly but she seemed happy and ran off to change. How did it go Ty asked Place is going to hell I said Toby and Jon are taking the supplies to the flat and we are gonna start packing up here soon to move it over there. I rang Toby and surprisingly got an answer thought you and Jon would still be unloading no we finished that 10mins ago he said that's weird Jons not back yet I hung up on Toby and called Jon it rang and rang but no one picked up I called 5 more times I text ed saying if he didn't reply I was going to kick his arse still no reply. 2 hours later Mid-day Jon still isn't back and no response on his phone Sky asked me where he is I told her he is out with Toby but I think she knows I'm lying where the hell is he? The news is not much of a distraction anymore evacuation centers are being set up all round the country they advise that everyone should head to the nearest one immediately we wont be doing that this thing has gone to far already to be stopped.
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