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A short story about what would happen if mythical creatures were real on halloween. A group of friends go out alone on Halloween and find they should have listened to their parents. A cute short story.

This is a story about a group of kids that go to Weeping Angels High. A place wear supernatural beings go. What could go wrong?.... So many things..

For Lilah, being new in a small town is a pretty big deal. But when a new neighbor moves in next door, her curiosity brings out the best in her. The new girl, she calls herself Rosalinda, has strange written all over her. Rosalinda soon becomes attached to lilah, an starts to push everyone away from her. Lilah has no choice but to play in her game. But soon everyone will Know what rosalinda really is. She may look innocent and pretty, but behind those Blue, Soul piercing eyes, Hides A deep dark

In a quiet small town fear is a stranger to it inhabitants for a long time safety reigned over the Black feather burgh and its surroundings . But this time only things have changed ...

“... What you pay is what you get.” Those were the last words of Gilbert, one of Alice's only 'friends'. Of course, the fifteen-year-old Brit would never admit it, she was all alone and she didn't care. But after what the German (Gilbert) had asked her, that one word destroyed her mind. "Why?" Why did she hate the world? Why didn't she care? Why was she so alone? She had bullied so many people and taken lives without knowing, just by mistreating the people around her. Deciding that

Three friends: Mary, JT, and Ricky are the best friends you'd ever meet. But When they find a girl tied up in the basement of a old insane asylum will that effect they're friendship forever? And will it change them?Read and find out!;)

Caden Flow, a former physicist student has a big future planned for him. Until the unthinkable happens, a vile containing one of the most dangerous liquids in the world is given to him by his professor, a mistake made by the unwise. When he messes up and everything goes wrong and while the truth unfolds itself in strange events, Caden must deal with the ‘walking dead’ psychopathic people and survivors of the 20th century apocalypse to finish off what he started. Flying ships, riding in APCs

Halloween - a night for fun, treats, and tricks, only once in a while, a trick can be more than it seems. Once in a while, the one tricked ...well...

This book is full of short stories that I have been told or that I made up myself.