» Humor » Secret Valentine, VeroMaria [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Secret Valentine, VeroMaria [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author VeroMaria

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Chapter 1: (Monday) Cupids Bubbles

Hi, I am Veronique and I love Valentines Day it’s the day me and my friend Taylor can be cupid and co-cupid. It was fun to play as cupid and use bubbles instead of just arrows with hearts at the end of the bow. Anyways I was an only child but my friends were like my sister and brothers. So kick back and relax. I am going to tell you a story that is half-true. Also, listen very closely to hear the first two letters that start your name my friends.

Today was Monday, a week before Valentines Day. I could tell there was going to be many break ups and make up.

When I woke up this morning, I stood there, thinking and then my phone blinked with a text ring. The text conversation:

Taylor: Hey sleeping cupid 

Me: Just getting ready for school and trying to get dressed ah! I am going to fall.

Taylor: Aha, ha girl that is funny: D

Me: Yeah well, guess what?

Taylor: What?

Me: I got some heart bubble bottles!

Then Taylor called me. Then we yelled.

Both of us: Cupids Bubbles!

Later after our silly morning, we met school in the morning. It was cold in the morning. We met up by the counseling office. Taylor and I go Victor Azury Valley High. When we met, we walked around the school for a while until the bell rang for class.

“So girl how we going to do this this year?” Taylor said looking at her phone.

“I don’t know.”

“Yeah this is high school and it’s going to be harder to be cupid” she as she looked up to the sky.

“Anyways we got to get our valentines for Valentines Day who are you looking forward to being your valentine?”

“Someone back at home he is home schooled and who are you looking for as your valentine?”

“I’m not looking at anyone.”


“Well because I haven’t met anyone yet!”


Then the bell rang. We said our goodbyes and went to class.

When I entered class, I sat next to my friend Brenda.

“Hey” Brenda said to me.

“Hey Brenda how are you?”

“Good and you?”

“Eh…cool I guess so what are you drawing?”

She looked down at her drawing on her paper.

“I’m drawing a girl version of cat in the hat but in amines”

Brenda is awesome when it comes to drawing animas. She was good and her drawings were cool too. She can draw almost anything if you just asked her.

“Ok class we are going to the prep rally” Mr. Germy said.

“Yes!” the whole class yelled.
“So yeah anyways Veronique who is your valentine? I got Patrick,” Brenda said.

“I don’t yet.”

“How about Constantine?”

“Constantine? Who is that?”

“Remember the kid I said? The one that I straightened his hair yesterday.”

“No… I know who he is I just don’t know what he looks like I never knew who he is.”

“Oh… well why don’t you ask him to be your valentine I think you have him for 4th period.”

“I don’t I know I really like blind valentines.”

“Whatever I think you should ask him he is really funny and cool.”


After our conversation from coming to the class down to the gym, we found a seat on the bleachers. The thing I did not like about the prep rally is that nobody had spirit unless there was a mini game or cheerleaders (which is mostly the boys). The dancers were good to not get applause. The choir was to quiet and the band class was too inspirited. Anyways the rally began I was already getting a headache from all the talking and yelling in the gym. The band picked up there flutes, drums, and started to play. They were not so bad this time. My friend Suzuki Kiowa played the flute she was good but not really.

“Oh my gosh! Look he’s right there,” Brenda, said pointing into the band.

“Who?” I said looking around in the band “Suzuki?”

“No! Constantine”

“Oh…” I said lying back against the bleacher again.

“Ha ha look he’s dancing!” she said laughing.

Then I looked back at him he was doing the stupidest dance ever but it was still funny. Then I realized that this was the first time I have ever seen Constantine. He had weird hair that was puffed up (it was true ha!). He had a gray jacket that looked like his favorite jacket because I think there was one time that Brenda told me that he was always wearing that jacket.

After the prep rally, it was time to go to 2nd period Algebra the boring class. Mr. Sync always did the problems so fast no one could understand and he always came with some catch phrase to embarrass or making fun of the kid he chose to pick on.

“Get seated and get out your warm up paper,” the teacher said as he stood at the door keeping it open for the kids.

“Hi Mr. Sync!” Lana said as she entered class hopping with joy.

“Good morning”

“Hi Mr. Sync!”

“Good Morning Lana.”

“Mr. Sync why do you always say good morning and never say hi?” she yelled “hi Mr. Sync!”

“Good Morning.”

Lana growled. I did not know why Lana was not at the prep rally she was in the choir her voice is nice and soft. She is good singing.
“Get seated and take out your warm up paper and do the warm up that’s up on the bored.” Mr. Sync said as he walked to his desk.

“Hey Vero can I have a piece of paper!” yelled someone from the back.

Then I turned and saw that it was my friend Taylor.

“Yeah let me get it” I opened my backpack and took out my folder. I took out the paper got up and took it to Taylor.

“Here you go,” I said as I gave her the paper.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome.”

On my way, back I saw Alexis sitting by my desk.

“Hey Alexis” I said sitting down.

“Hey Veronique” she said with a tired look.

“What’s up with you?” I said curiously.

“I’m just tired.”

“Like always you know what? I should call you sleepy you’re always tired.”


“Ok lets gets go over the warm up…Gentlemen be quiet.”

As he went over the problem, I fell into my little world for a minute and snapped back to the real cruel world.

“Get out your notebooks or piece of paper to write down these notes” the teacher said as he wrote on his little technical board in his hands.

I then got out my notebook and started to write the problem that he was writing on his little board. After I wrote the problem, I got bored and started to doodle on the next page. Then Mr. Sync went around giving a board marker so we can try it on our own on the board.

I swear some people were dumb if they just paid attention to how to do the math problem they would not have to write, “I don’t know” or “whatever” and “I quit”.

Then the bell finally rang. Everyone packed there things and left class.

“Hey Veronique” Brenda said from behind me.

I looked back and waved. Then kept on walking.

“Wait!” she said as she ran up to next to me “you walk fast man your like a spider monkey your just like vroom” she said panting and laughing a little.

“Ha ha sorry Brenda” I said with a smile.
Then we walked up the stairs together chatting about Constantine.

“So are you going to ask him to be your valentine?”



“I don’t know who he is!”

“Ok I’ll tell you about him ok so he made a video game when he was in 4th grade, he loves to draw, he likes being weird, he loves that black jacket he is always wearing , and he is cool, funny, and nice really sweet! What else do you want to know?”

“Ok…” I said looking at her awkwardly and quietly.

Then we walked to class.

“I’ll think about it,” I said to Brenda.

“Ok” she said with a smile.

Then we walked into class.

“Ok guys get your silent reading books out” Mrs. Ace said as she took her glasses off.

Then we all took out a book to read.

“This class is boring,” Brenda, said putting the book to her face to hide her mouth.

“You think everything is boring!” I whispered back with a smile.

“Brenda Vero is quiet,” Mrs. Ace said with a smile.

Then we read our books. I could not help but think about Constantine. I did not know if I should ask him I mean I did not even know the kid! But oh well.

Later after our 20 minutes of reading, we worked in our workbooks.

Nothing really happens in third period so let us just proceed.

I got a little nervous.

“Constantine is in this class,” Brenda said smiling.

“Shut up!”

Then I walked up the ramp and entered the class when I entered the class I saw Constantine. When I saw him close up I realized that I did know who he was he was the one that loved my best friend Suzuki Kiowa.

“Hey” said someone from the back.

When I turned, I saw that it was my friend Ki Ki.

“Hey Ki Ki” I said waving back at her and smiling.

“Hey girl what’s up with you?” she said with wonder.

“Nothing just a little nervous”


“Just reasons”

“Oh ok…”

Then she sat down in her seat. I sat down as well. As I sat down, I was thinking of a way of asking Constantine to go out with me to the winter formal as a friend. It was the only way I could probably ask him to be my Valentine.

“Hey Vero can I have paper?”

I turned to the seat next to me and saw Constantine.

“Oh yeah sure” I said as I grabbed the paper out of my folder.

Then I gave him the paper nervously.

“So um… Veronique can I talk to you after class?” he said as he took the paper from me.

“Sure” I said smiling.

“Ok guys class has begun start doing your entry task,” Mrs. Durrer said as she wrote on the overhead.

The class was freshman seminar. We usually just did some writing, math, and maybe even have a little time to do a read aloud. When we the teacher started to read aloud, Constantine just kept staring at me.

“Hey can I see your sketching pad?” Constantine whispered to me.

“Sure” I whispered

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