» Humor » Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali, Missy [great books for teens TXT] 📗

Book online «Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali, Missy [great books for teens TXT] 📗». Author Missy

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Chapter one-
I sat on my wooden floor in my room, and looked at the boxes with my life packed away. I brought my knees up to my chest, and turned my head to the right and left looking at my room. My room… the place where I had sleep overs, played dress up, slept, felt safe, where I danced to music, read, fell asleep to movies… all my memories. A flood of sadness over powered me, and I put my head down, and took a long sigh.
God I am going to be a sophomore, and im about to cry because im leaving my home. I tilted my head back up, and saw a picture frame on the window sill, and I strained my eyes to try and make out the picture better. I stumbled up, and looked down at the picture and I felt tears prickle my eyes. I reached out for the photo and held it close to me. it was when I was in the eight and my dad took me to Alaska. I missed him… this photo was taken a month before he died.
I felt anger build up in me. maybe… because of me he is dead, and I am leaving my cheese state Wisconsin, and moving to f*cking California, because my mom found a new boyfriend. They haven’t even known one another for a month, and we are moving for him. I took the picture frame, and chucked it into an open box and I heard a thud, and I sighed and looked out the window.
“ Mayella,” Mom screamed from downstairs. I continued to look out the window, and I saw all of the moving trucks, and the realization that I was leaving my family, friends, school, home, life, memories…. I couldn’t hold back the tears, and they streamed down my face. This is also the last month of summer, and mom won’t let me stay. She insists we move know so we can get situated or whatever bull she said.
“ Mayella Lin!” I heard her scream louder know. I sighed, and walked out of my room, and stopped at the door, and turned my head, and looked at it one more time, and sighed.
“ I’ll miss you,” I whispered, and walked down the stairs.
“ Hun go outside, because the packers are coming and I don’t want you in the way,” My mom smiled. I nodded my head, and sulked and walked out of the house with my head down in shame. The sun beamed on me, and I looked around the farm, and saw the horses being taken to new owner, and I looked around and saw the apple trees, horses, chicks, pigs, our farm house, and my good ole tire swing. I walked over to it, and took a seat, and closed my eyes. I am not just leaving a house. Im leaving a home… my home! this place keeps all the memories… it feels like I am leaving my father. I don’t want to forget the memories I had with him, and this place helps me with that… know without this place will I forget my dad? I heard someone clear his voice and I looked up, and saw my three ole buds standing there. I did a faint smile.
“ hey ya’ll,” I smiled.
“ hey May,” they all said in unison. Tom, Jim, and Bradley stood there. I have known these guys since kindergarten. Im on of the guys. I aint act like no girl in no hell of a way.
“ So Cali,” Bradley laughed. I sighed.
“ Don’t worry it aint gonna be that bad,” Tom interrupted.
“ yea,” Him said weakly.
“ Awe man you guys know I’mma die the first week,” I muffled kicking the dry dirt with my converse.
“ Naw,” Bradley said. I stood up and waved my hand over my body.
“ Know lookey me. I am wearing completely torn ripped up faded jeans with a Beatles shirt, and my hair all over. I aint wear makeup, I have a horrible temper, shy, and I act like a guy. Have you seen what Cali girls look like?” I asked but put my hand up. “ Lemma tell yeah! They all look like Barbie dolls. I’mma stick out like a sore thumb,” I mumbled. Then they all wrapped their arms around me, and I smiled, and hugged them back.
“ know stop thinking about the negative things,” Tom said.
“ yeah it’ll get better. You’ll see,” Jim said. We broke from the hug and I looked at them, and smiled.
“ I’mma miss you guys…” I sighed. “ I’mma really miss you guys…” I shut my eyes before I was going to cry, and I gave them all a hug, and walked over to the car, and jumped in and put in my i-pod, and brought my knees up and barred my face into my knees. I heard my mom get in the car, and I heard something tap on the window, and I saw they threw a pebble at the window, and they all were standing in the same place watching me leave. I did a horrible smile, my lips trembling, and waved goodbye. We drove for hours with the trucks behind us, and I kept my i-pod on full blasted, and then they were snatched out of my ears, and I looked up at mom, and back down again.
“ Oh Mayella,” She smiled. “ You’re going to love the place! The town! And Jack is a sweet heart,” she smiled. Jack… I hate him! Stupid… ugh.
“ I can’t believe this,” I whispered.
“ Believe what?”
“ Ma, you aint even know Jack for a month and we are going moving to Cali for him?” I yelled.
“ Hun… I love him…” She said.
“ You hardly even know him!”
“ Mayella Lin! You watch your mouth do you hear me?” She said sternly.
“ And why you talking like that?” I grumbled.
“ Know what are you talking about?”
I pointed my finger at her.
“ You talking like that. You use to talk like a country gal. Know you be talking like a Cali girl. Your changing already. You aint part of my kin,” I said.
“ Hun it’s not proper the way you talk. You need to stop talking like that. Do you hear me? And I will always be part of your family,” she said patting my shoulder.
“ yeah. Yeah. I hea’ you,” I grumbled. She sent me a glare, and I opened my mouth and nothing came out. I shrugged her hand off me. “ What?”
“ Mayella Lin….” She hissed.
“ Yeah mom I hear you,” I said snarky talking like a city chick. She sent me a glare, and rolled her eyes.
“ Can you gimme back my i-pod know dat we done be talking,” I sighed. She turned her towards me taking her eyes off the road.
“ Mayella,” she said evilly.
“ May you please give me back my i-pod know that we have finished speaking,” I said. She nodded her head and gave me my i-pod and I put it in my ears, and clenched my fist, and closed my eyes… if dad was here he wouldn’t make me change… this aint me. she making me change because of that damn jack. I hate him. I hate that mother f*cker with all my heart. I leaned back in my seat, and closed my eyes and remembered my friends, family, and life. Im leaving my cheese state for Cali…. What am I going to do?
The car came to a stop, and I opened my eyes and it was dark out, and I sat up and looked at the clock. Two in the morning. I sighed, and looked at mom and she looked exhausted. She got out of the car, and walked to the door, and rang the bell. I sat there and got out of the car and looked up at the house… no… this aint a house…. Its freaking huge! Like six of my farms put together. Even bigger. It was a mansion. I was gawking, and I stumbled next to my mom and shifted from one foot to the other, and then someone opened the door, and I looked up and saw a tall man, with black her, Italian, about the same age as my mom standing there. ITS JACK! I glared at him, and my mom hit my arm, and I pouted and rubbed my arm.
“ Come on in. you two ladies must be exhausted. Come and get some sleep,” he smiled opening the door for us. Mom walked in and I stood there looking at the man.
“ Hello Mayella, im Jack nice to meet you,” He smiled.
“ Ditto,” I said walking past him. He closed the door, and mom was leaning on the wall and he swept her off her feet and started to walk up the stairs.
“ Mayella your bedroom is down stairs,” he smiled. I nodded my head and watched him disappear. Gonna put me in the basement don’t yuh! I grumbled some curses underneath my breath, and walked around looking for the door to the basement. I stood their puzzled for a minute, and sighed. I walked past the kitchen, past some extra room, and all the way in the back of the house, by the door to the backyard was another wooden door. I looked at it and then opened it and saw stairs leading down to the basement. They were nice…. I walked down, and there was a living room, a kitchen area, and you walk down the hall and there was a door on the right, one on the left, and one all the way at the back. I stood on the stairs… know which room…. Then I heard voices coming from the kitchen… well basement kitchen… they have two kitchens in this house? I stood on the stairs, and took my last step, and stood there, and saw three head on the couch watching football… three guy heads! I leaned forward and peered into the kitchen and saw two more heads, and once again both guys. I stumbled forward, and the guys in the kitchen turned towards me.
I stood there, and they both looked at me confused and I stood there looking at them and felt my face heating up, and I turned on my heel to leave but ran into something rock hard. I stumbled back, and fell on my ass. I looked up and saw five guys standing around me. I jumped up.
“ I ugh… hmm… I think I have the wrong place,” I muttered. I went to walk past them to go upstairs, but one guy walked right in front of me stopping him. He had jet black hair, tan, tall, he was extremely hot. Looked like a football player. One of the jocks or something like that. I tilted my head up to look at him.
“ You’re a girl?” Was the first thing he said. His voice was deep and sexy. I stood their dumbfounded looking at him. Did he… he did…..
“ Wha- did you?” I muffled looking at him, and felt my cheeks going scarlet red.
“ So your my dad’s new girlfriends…. Daughter… son….?” He smirked. My jaw dropped, and I put my hand on his chest, and pushed him to the side, and walked up the stairs. I went to go open the door, and it was… locked. LOCKED? WHAT THE F*CK! I stood at the top of the

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