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Book online «Cry Baby, Destiny Broyles [free ebook reader for iphone .txt] 📗». Author Destiny Broyles

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 ~Side note~ Im well aware of ALL the spelling errors! I dont have the best keyboard in the world, (most likely from dropping my laptop 24/7) And, don't worry, I just type very fast and don't catch all the mistakes in time. sometimes I forget to check them. Please refrain from being a total douche like some people.(: Ive read stories with awful typing errors, but im smart enough to understand what they mean, and also kind enough to not point them out. So, take time to understand that not all people are the best typers and writers. I'm not doing this to be the best speller or anything, I love wrting and when you get really into writing, you can't help to make mistakes. Who knows, maybe, (doubt it) if this books ecome super popular, then I will focus on my "spelling errors", but for now, i'm writing because it helps with my anxiety. So, I further apologize for any spelling mistakes, and maybe give me some tips in writing. because, I am an 18 year old with no fucks majority of the time, and I can care less. Thank you for taking time to read this! Also, remember, don't be an asshole about books on here. People make mistakes. who said anyone was perfect, hmm? Anyways, thanks! I love you all who DO support this book, and maybe has the time to understand and read this part. Its not the best story, but At least its not twilght.(;
xoxo Destiny


When life gives you lemons, you expect everthing to go well, right? But people often forget that in orer to make lemonnade, you need water, sugar, and a whole lot of fucking lemons, No one every metioned that once I turned 18, that life would be shit. i probably should of already known that, considering I have a shit family. I often wonder , "what would my life be like if My parents wern't so self indulged in their work?" or "What if my sister wasnt so perferect?" or, "Why does your brother do so many drugs" You know? Maybe God was like "Oh fuck this one, lets make her have issues". Becuse God is  douche, and he totally hted my ass. But also, i'm glad my prents dont give a shit about me, or what I do. They work too hard to notice any of my issues. Thats Probably why they sent me to a therapist. Or its also why they make my stuid sister go with me everywhere. Maybe They just overly care and im just a selfish tenage girl that doesnt know what shes gonna do afer highschool. Does anyone ever know? cause I as sure dont, and people thing I know every dmn thing. But the truth is, I don't. I dont know why things happen the way they do. "Maybe it's "fate". Or just maybe, god id gonna throw me a loophole this year, nd not fuck me over like every fucking year. I have  strong sense that this is gonn be a great year. I hope. 


 I cross my legs, and fold my hands over my knees, and stare blankly at the pastel wall. God, I hate coming to see Lissa. Shes my therapist, and a shitty one at that. I don't know how mny i've tried to change therapist, But my parents really like her for some reason. I think shes a cunt, and desnt know what shes talking about half the time. But what do i know, Im just a kid, as Lissa says. What does she know? Shes only seen me for about three years, maybe she does know a thing or two about me. I like to mess with Lissa before we talk. She gets really distracted and gets all angry with me. Her office is still gross though. I look around as i always do, and huff.
"Would you like some water, Violet?" The receptionist, Debra, asked me. I turn my heaad to her and sigh,
"No thanks, Debs, If I get water I'll spit it on Lissa." I smile slyly, and she rolled her eyes. She didn't like me very much. Maybe it's because I alwys made as much noise as I could to aggrivate her. today was a win.
Down the hallway, I heard the familiar heel sound, and I stood up. Pulling my bag over my shoulder and crossing my arms, and put a fake smile on. Lissa wlked in and smiled when she saw me. Today she had her brown hair in a messy bun, and wore a blacks tight suit, that, in my opinion, was too much. 
"Miss Violet." She said my name with annoyance and waved her hand so I could follow her. I sighed and dropped my hands to the side and looked at debrah. "bye Debbie"
Lissa's office was at the end of the hall. It seemed like an eternity to get there today. I passed by other rooms where people where talking with their own therapist. some crying, and other just sitting there not saying much. I lways felt bd for the ones tht cried. they seemed like they needed to be there more than me. Lissa stepped to the side of her door, and let me walk in first. i walked in, and sat on the little couch she had in the corner of her office. She shut the door behind her, and made her way to her chair. She didnt sy anything which meant today was gonna be one of those days where she would make me talk. Lissa has two sides. If she talks to be before I wlk in, she'll talk about herself. But if nothing is said, Its gonna be about me, which meant my parents said something, which also meant, I was gonn have to actually explain myself. And I hate doing that.
"is your office the only one with a couch, Lissa?" I asked, taking my bag off, and holding it close to me. She looked at me and sighed. "No, violet, you know this. How many times are you gonna ask me? Hmm..?" She looks at me, blankly. I shrugg and smile. "Its my ice breaker for us, you know that."
She laughs a but, "well, find a new one. But really, Violet, we need to talk about something. how are you feeling?" she opened up a file, and took the cap off her blue pen. Is sighed. Here we go.
"Uh, good, I guess. Nothing has really happened this week." i play with my hands and look at her.
She writes something down in the file. " nothing bad this week? good thoughts?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah, sure, "good thoughts." Lissa always has this thing where she just stares t me to see if im lying or some shit. She probably thinks I just dont wanna tlk or something. I think its true. Maybe. 
"'re taking your pills?" She asked, tapping her pen now.
I look down. "No. I stopped taking them, Liss, I don't need them. I don't neeed any of this. Like, why have I been here for three fucking years? Nothing is wrong with me. My parents are delusional." I say, defensively.
"You think that?" She asked, leaning now. I shrug. "Well yeah, Nothing bad hs ever really happened to me. Now my sister on the other hand, maybe she needs you. Not me. Im fucking dandy". I could feel my face getting hot. I hated my sister with a passion, and She could do no wrong. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
"Im not asking about your sister, Violet, Im asking about you. Your parents said that you didnt have the best childhood ever. I mean, they left you alone a lot, don't you think maybe thats why you ahve a hard time exressing your feelings? Do you ever wonder, "Why cant I make friends?"" 
I slumped down on the couch, and shrugged. "i dont know. I really fucking don't, and I can tell you that I express my "emotins" very fucking well. I don't need to talk to some shrink to know that shit, Okay?" Lissa stared at me, and nodded her head. "Fine, you do? tell me about you life as a kid? did your sister look after you? Did you hang out with your parents? what happened?"
I could feel my hart racing. I never talk about childhood to anyone. I know things happen. but I dont tlk about it. I never do. And I won't ever. So why start now?
"You know, Liss, I dont rememebr. I just know, we were left home alone a lot. My parents would come bck lord knows when and i would wake up to seeing them rush out the door in the morning with Mines, and Jades lunch sitting at the counter. Thats it" I say sternly and blow a piece of hair from my face. Lissa looks down at her file, nd sighs. "Okay violet, if thats all you can remeber. Ill leave it at that, okay?" She says, closing the file, and putting her pen down. I sniffle and look away from her. She knew That i was hiding stuff, stuff that I dont wanna rememeber. In these three years ive been here, never once have I said anythign about my childhood. we always talked bout school, and my famiy, and teenager things. we talked about my friends, and how i fit in t school. Why I was lways changing my hair, or why I was wearing the clothes I wore. Lissa didnt undertsnad me, really. she only wanted to know the bad things, and prescribe me more pills. maybe she thought I ws crazy. maybe I was crazy.
For the next hour we just talked back and forrth about different things. This is how it always goes. She writes her little notes, and i say bullshit answers. just things she wants to hear, not good things, but basic ass answers. Just to get her too shut up about certain things. I could feel my phone vibrate in the back of my pocket, and I wanted to just grab it and not pay attention to advice Liss was giving me. i'd rather be back at home, watching a movie. or some shit. Anything was better than listening to a middle age woman talking about nothing. And the sad part was, I would

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