» Humor » milk and cookies, alice haze [non fiction books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «milk and cookies, alice haze [non fiction books to read TXT] 📗». Author alice haze

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Wheat and Cow



He turned. A cookie in his mouth. Hair and uniform all messy. He jerked his head -asking what's the matter.


"Wait for me, Cookie!" She stood at her doorway. So very neat as usual.


"Then, hurry up! I'm not going to be late because of you."


"I haven't drink my milk, yet."


"So, drink it up."


"It's still hot."


He sighed. "Alright, I'm coming up."


Cookie and Milk were neighbours. Cookie's family rented the lower level while Milk's rented the upper level. Both parents worked around the clock to feed their family. Thus, they spend a lot of time in each other company. And they had agreed to go together at the first day of school. Well, actually Milk asked for it as she was nervous.


Cookie climbed the stairs and took the mug of hot milk from Milky -her nickname. He then went inside Milky's home and poured the milk into a small flask which he grabbed from under the kitchen counter. 


"There." He handed the flask to her.


"Thanks, Cookie!" Her eyes brightened up.


"Yeah, c'mon. We're so gonna be late." He gentelly took her hand. Milky happily followed. Humming cheerfully along the way. Fifteen minutes after that, they arrived just in time for the school bell. 


Milky looked around. Everywhere she saw parents sending their kids to school. She silently lowered her head. Clutching tighter at Cookie's hand. He turned to her. His heart felt a slight pang of hurt seeing her so sad.


"You see, most of the parents send their kids only at the first day of school. And after that the kids got to go by themselves. Nothing to be so down about." He said matter-of-factly -keeping off any emotions from his voice. His eyes straying away -not wanting to look at her sad face.


Milky nodded weakly, "But at least, they didn't have to go to school alone for a day."


Her eyes began to mist. Jeez, not good...not good. Get a hold of yourself. Some people get way worser than you. She shook her head before looking up to Cookie -forcing a smile.


"Hahaha...Cookie, it's fine. I was just..." She tried to let go of his hand.


But, Cookie held her hand tighter. He looked at her straight in the eyes. Determination sketched all over his face. Milky's eyes got wider -confused and startled. She caught herself thinking, 'What got over Cookie now? Is he angry because I act such like a big baby?'


"You will never go to school alone. Not from the first day. Not ever. You got me. And I promise you that."


Milky smiled a little. And slowly it turned into a big grin. 


"You got me too, Cookie!"


Cookie grinned back. He patted her head.


"Yeah, sure, Milky."


She gave him a cheeky smile and started running. "Race you to class!"


Cookie was stunned for a minute before snapping back to his sense.




And off he went after her. "Just you wait till I get you, Sneaky!"


Milky just laughed. Enjoying the wind brushing her face.





The class was a little bit crowded with all the parents squishing in -trying to comfort their little darling. Milky nudged Cookie and pointed at the teacher. Mrs Cucumber was not very cool at the moment. She was a complete mess trying to raise her voice over the sea of wailing and sobbing children. Milky and Cookie laughed secretly. Mrs Cucumber neat hair tied in a bun was now looking like a ball of knoted up string. Her glasses slipping constantly on her sweaty nose that was carefully powdered in the morning. Her hands flapping like a chicken desperate to fly. Tomato sauce can be seen on her white blouse -directly over her chest. What's the ketchup doing there on the first day of school is a great mystery.


"Looks like someone got murdered," Cookie can't help smiling.


"And turned into a zombie," Milky added. Giggling but not the girlish one.


The parents were not helping either with their negotiations with their children. It was like all the dealer in the world had come to make their deal. Or like a market where mothers bargained for the lowest price.


"A whole box of candy, then I won't force you to stay, dad."


"No, a big choc bar and that's my last deal."


"Mummy...the girl next to me gonna have a big choc bar...I wanna to..."


"Oh, this is so not happenning to me..."


"Alright, if you stay in school for a whole day, I'll get the bunny you want so much."


"Noooo...boohoo...I don't wanna the bunny...."


"Then, what do you want???" Clearly at the edge of blowing up.


"I want youuuu...booohooo...daddyyyy..." Eyes so big that puppy's eyes can't even beat. Small delicate hands stretched out for his beloved daddy.


The father was suddenly chocking back tears. He hugged his daughter tight. Comforting her. "Ok, ok...I'm here, I'm here...don't worry, sweetie..." What was I thinking, sending my little one to the cruel world.




"Yeah, sweetie?"


"Can I have a bunny?"


The father became speechless. What the...?!


Such annoying kids -so ungrateful. Cookie made a boring face to the-drama-bunny besides him. Just then, he spied a couple of empty seats besides the window at the last row. 


"Hey, Milky. Let's sit there..." He grabbed Milky's hand and started dragging her.


Then, he sat down and sighed. It's only 8.15 am but he felt worn out already. He turned to Milky. "Wake me up when..." Suddenly he froze. The girl also froze. 






Cookie ignored her. He shoot up like a rocket and looked around frantically for Milky. Dang, she must be frightened out of her wits by now. How could he be so careless. He started pushing his way through the crowds of kids and parents. 


"MILKYYYYY!!!! WHERE ARE YOUUUUU???" He pictured her all alone and oh, so very lost. Sobbing and crying out his name. He held his aching heart. Oh, poor poor Milky.




 He turned his head quickly it nearly snapped. "MILKYYY!"


 She waved cheerfully at him."Hey, Cookie! I'm right here!"


Heh, so much for my-innonce-Milky. He wiped his face clear of any emotions. Man, I'm so good at that, ain't I. Then, he walked calmly to Milky and took her hand. "C'mon."


"Ummm...where we're going?"


"To our seats. Duuh..."


"Oh...but, Cookie...I..."


"You what???" Cookie asked impatiently.


"I...I...I already got a seat."


Cookie was flabbergasted for a moment. Then, he let go of her hand. Be cool, man. Why do you feel embarassed??? There's nothing embarassing happening, right?


"Alright, let me see who you are sitting with. If that person is a gangsta, you will..." Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Cool as a cucumber but not as Mrs Cucumber though. He was somewhat impressed by the authority of his voice.


Suddenly, the-previous-girl popped her face in front of him, "YOU WILL WHAT, SIR?!"


Cookie tried to remain cool but failed miserably. He made a disgusted face and shrieked, "EEEEKKKK.....ARE YOU SITTING WITH HER, MILKY??? SHE IS NOT TO BE TRUS..."


Milky put her small hand on Cookie mouth. And he stopped right that minute. Paying full attention to her. Milky smiled sweetly and shook her head, "No, I'm not sitting with Donut, Cookie. I'm sitting with S'more."


"Oh, is that so. Then, that's ok." He sighed in relief. But in Cookie's head he was shouting loudly that he is not ok with it but since he couldn't find a reason for it, he didn't voice it out. S'more, their friend from the kindergrateen who is expressionless, waved at Cookie. He waved back. Well, better her than that's physcho girl. Donut.


"Well, then I'll see you both at recess, I guess," He made a move to go back to his seat when Milky grabbed his hand. He turned around and raised his right eyebrow a little.


"Here, let me clean you up first. You're all messy with that cookie you ate. It's all over you even in your hair." She reached out and brushed the cookie's crumbs from his uniform and hair. Cookie was touched by her action and smiled a little.


"You should be more neat and less messy, Cookie," she added with a concerned look as she flicked off the last crumbs from his hair.


"Yeah, yeah...if you sit with me, then maybe I can be as neat as you," he said -trying to make it sound like he doesn't care. But...yeah, he does really hope that Milky will take the hint.


But she doesn't seem to notice it. "It's ok, Cookie. You're sitting with Mrs Cucumber's niece. She's neat too." 


"Oh, is that so. Yeah, maybe." He sighed miserably. I don't care even if it's Queen Elizabeth's niece.


"Don't look so down, Cookie. You already know her and she came to talk to you just now."


"I don't remember someone came to..." He scratched his hair.


"She's Donut." Milky patted his shoulder and shake it a little in hope it will jog some of his memory.


"Oh, yeah, yeah..." he muttered absently.


"I'm glad you remembered now." She smiled to cheer him up. He was about to return her smile when...







Cookie rubbed his swelling cheek and sighed. Man, that's really hurt. He sat on a hill slope overlooking the school field. Some students were playing football. A breezy wind brushing his messy hair. 


"Cookie, don't touch it. That'll make it worser." Milky sat beside him and gentelly removed his hand from his swelling cheek. Cookie just let her. Then, she produced a large plastic bag full of ice.


"Wa..wai..wait! What's that for?" His face turned green with dread.


"This will ease the pain a little. Come here," she said trying to put the ice on his cheek. He quickly backed off and grabbed her hand just in time before the ice pack touched him. His face greener than ever. 


"I..I...I don't want that, Milky..." he pleaded.


"Co...Cookie?" Milky face turned red. The ice pack slipped from her hand.


"Ye..yeah...?" he stammered. Is that blushing?


"You're hurting me...ouw..." Her eyes at the edge of tears.


"Oh, Milky! I'm so so sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you..." He let go of her hand and tried massage it but she yelped a little. And shook her head while pulling her hand away from Cookie's grasp.


"It's ok, Cookie. Now let me tend to that red cheek." Milky smiled reassuringly. My my...he's so strong. She picked up the ice pack from the grass. Holding his other cheek so he will face her.


", no...I'm fine. Really." He made an attempt to stand up when suddenly he was pushed back to the ground by a pair of strong hands. Donut's. He looked up in time to see her smirking before S'more put the ice pack on his swelling cheek. And S'more accidentally pressed it a little hard than necessary.




Donut held him tighter and S'more pressed harder. So, Cookie had no choice but to shout louder, "WAAAAARRRGGHHH!!!" The players on the school field stopped playing to gave them a puzzled look. Milky waved to them embrassingly. They nodded their heads in return and continued playing.


Milky turned to them back. "Plea...please...stop. Cookie's hurting."


A boy came up from behind. Put one hand on Cookie's hair and freed him from the girls' grasp.




The boy let go of his Cookie's hair. "Sorry. You're just to noisy," he said flatly.


"WHA..WHAT DID YOU SAID???" Cookie shouted. Showing a fist at him.


Donut shoved the ice pack into Cookie's mouth. "Shhh..."


"Oh, Marsh. It's you. You spoiled the fun, " S'more emotionlessly said to her twin brother, Marshmallow. He just shrugged before replying emotionlessly too, "Well, it's his first day. And he already got a swollen cheek."


Cookie took out ice pack from his mouth and threw it on the grass. "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING??? IT'S YOUR FIRST DAY TOO!!! AND I WOULDN'T HAVE THIS SWOLLEN CHEEK IF DONUT DIDN'T PUNCHED ME!!!"





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