» Humor » Best Friends Forever?, Blue Moon [best classic novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Best Friends Forever?, Blue Moon [best classic novels .TXT] 📗». Author Blue Moon

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Chapter 1

Best Friends Forever? : Chapter One :


I entered the school, stepping out of my car and was instantly greeted by my 'friends'. Yeah, so called friends, all of the girls were friends with me only because they were eager to know why guys liked me so much. I don't really understand this, whats so great about being good looking? Its always that girls start being envious and worship the ground you walk on and boys keep asking you out. Well, let me tell you one thing, even though many guys have asked me out, I haven't had a boyfriend yet.

Point is, I don't believe in dating, not because I've had a past, but it just doesn't interest me. No I'm not a lesbian, but I just don't feel like dating anyone. I'll do it when someone catches my eye.

And then my eyes fell on two of the hottest guys in school, all girls just go crazy over them. Cole and Bradley Harvard. They're brothers, step brothers to be precise. And they never get along, everyone knows they hate each other. Its not like they fight in the middle of the hallway or anything, but their eyes say it all. You could call it a Cold War kind of thing.

Nonetheless, even though they were extremely good looking, I wasn't attracted to either of them. Neither were they, thankfully, none of them hit on me. We never even spoke to each other once.

"Oh my god Scarlet I love your outfit. Where did you get it?" Joanna gushed, giggling like a five year old. Seriously? I mean come on.

"Yeah my mom designed it for me." I told her and opened my locker to get my stuff out. My mom was a fashion designer, a very famous one at that. She was never home, neither was my father. Needless to say we all were strangers to each other.

"I love that outfit." Another girl grinned at me, I don't remember her name. Whatever, I smiled my widest and walked to first period.

"Good morning everyone. Lets start with the third chapter shall we?" Mrs. Carson announced, walking inside the class.

"What are you doing tonight Scar?" Someone whispered in my ear and I whisked my head to face them.

"Its Scarlet." I said, giving a stern look a guy called Carl. He's been hitting on me since eighth grade, and I've always turned him down, God knows why he's so hell bent on going out with me. Can't someone just grasp the fact that a girl isn't interested?

"None of your business." I said, flashing a sarcastic grin that made him shut up and he turned his face away to the board. I shook my head in exasperation and concentrated on taking notes.




"So you're denying because you don't date, like at all? Or is it just because you're a lesbian." John said, leaning on the locker while I was looking for my jacket. I sighed in defeat. I am seriously tired of people asking me out all day long. I know most girls would kill to be like me but, an advice from me to all girls, when every guy, and I mean every single guy keeps bothering you by asking you out just because you're pretty, its worse than getting third degree.

It seriously sucks.  

I banged my locker shut and turned around, walking away from him. I am most certainly not in the mood to deal with idiots like him. I walked to the parking lot and unlocked my car.  

"Scarlet. Talk to me." John grabbed my arm, turning me around. One fact about me that everyone needs to know, I do not like being touched. I pushed his hand away, shooting a glare.

"Don't you dare touch me." I snarled. He stepped back with a frown and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"There are guys waiting for you to go out with them Scarlet. Don't let them down." He said as I opened the door of my car.

"What I should and shouldn't do is not something you're supposed to tell me. So back off and don't even think about getting anywhere near me." I said, pointing my index finger in his direction and got into my car, hearing laughs from people around.

Yeah, that's what you get when you mess with Scarlet Walker.  

Starting my car, I drove off to home in a minutes time. I swear guys seriously piss me off. I mean have they got no other work except bothering a girl? Come on, get a life.

"Good afternoon miss. Should I get your juice?" Gordon, our butler asked when I slammed the front door shut.

"No thank you Gordon, I'm fine."

"Very well miss. If you need anything..."

"I'll intercom you. I'm just not in a good mood right now. Could you leave me alone?"

"Of course miss. My apologies." He smiled apologetically and walked away. I sighed and made my way to my room, and walked into the bathroom for a shower.

When I got out, it was almost nine in the night. Running a hand through my wet hair, I rummaged through my closer and picked out my pajamas before getting dressed and walking to the intercom in my room.

"Gordon, please get me my dinner."

"Yes miss." He replied and I sat on my bed, turning on the tv. After a few minutes, Gordon knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said and the door opened. Gordon walked inside with a tray of food and set it on the table beside my bed.

"Anything else miss?" He asked.

"No that'll be all thank you. You can go to sleep now." I flashed a smile.

"Alright miss." He said and walked outside shutting the door.

I surfed through the channels and settled on a movie, I don't even know what it was since I was busy munching down the delicious chicken.  

I dozed off after finishing the dinner.


I was woken up at the sound of a knock on my door. Opening my eyes, I stood up and unlocked the door. Gordon was standing there, rubbing his eyes.

"Whats wrong Gordon?" I asked, yawning.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you at this time of the night but there are two gentlemen asking for you."

"Two gentlemen?"

"Yes miss."

"What are their names?"

"They said Cole And Bradley Harvard."

I gasped. Why would these two idiots be at my place at two a.m.

"I'll take care of them you can go." I told him and he walked to his room while I made my way down to the living room. Both of them were sitting on the couches, shooting death glares at each other. Okay let me get this straight, none of them have ever made an attempt to speak to me, and here they are, at two in the night, with..bags? What the hell is going on? I approached them and folded my arms, stopping in front of them.

"Umm hey." Cole said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey..?" I raised a brow.

"I know its kinda weird we're here at this time, seeing we practically need acknowledge each other but.." Bradley began when Cole cut him off.

"But I'm in need of a place to live since my father kicked me out..."

"We. We are in need of a place to stay."

"Why would you guys come here for help?"

"Because we don't have any friends who would let us stay at their places. We couldn't think of anyone else since you're the only person who isn't our 'friend'." Cole quoted with his fingers. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. This is weird.

"And you guys think I'll let you stay here because...?"

"You're a caring girl?" Bradley beamed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't. Even though I would like to help, I possibly cannot because I don't think it would be appropriate for us to be living under one roof without parent supervision. Its not right for a girl to be living with two guys."

"We know that. But umm...there's something You need to know." Cole said.

I raised a brow, waiting for them to finish.

"We're kind of you know, different.." Bradley trailed off. I narrowed my eyes, not understanding a word.

"Yeah like really different." Cole have a nervous laugh.

"Its like you know, in a different way its kinda..."

"Look guys, whatever it is, spot it out. I'm not gonna sit here all night." I said and they both looked at each other nervously. Seriously what is it?

"We're gay." Both of them spoke together. My mouth fell open. That is impossible. Completely, totally without a doubt, im-freaking-possible. 


"You guys really think I would believe that?" I shook my head.

"We are!" Cole said.

"Both of you are the most well known players in school. You're both surrounded by girls all the time. How would anyone in their right minds believe that nonsense?"

"That's because we don't wanna ruin our reputation." Bradley looked down to the floor. This is so stupid.

"Yeah. We really are gay."

"If you guys are lying..." I trailed off, pointing a finger at them both.

"We're not. We are gay. So its not a problem if we like live together you know. We won't hit on you or anything. And you also know that we've never hit on any girl. Its just that the girls drape themselves over us and.." Cole started saying.

"Yeah yeah I know that." I nodded. They were right I mean, I'd never seen them ask any girl out, neither had I seen them making out with a girl in public. They mostly hanged out with guys so...

Maybe they are gay. I thought for a while. Letting gay guys live with me isn't a problem as such. At least they won't hit on me, and having friends that don't keep flirting with you all day is something I need. I need actual friends.

After racking my brain for about five minutes, I turned to face the eager looking faces. Whats the worse that could happen? Its not that bad. So I did what I felt was right. I nodded.  

And that, was the beginning of the greatest friendship.

Chapter 2

Best Friends Forever? : Chapter Two :



I was sleeping peacefully snuggled up into my pillow when I was deliberately woken up by the sound of someone yelling on the top of their voices. Who in their right minds would yell at six in the morning when normal people are asleep? I'll give you the answer, those people would probably be Cole and Bradley. Why did I let them stay in my house again? I guess I'm too stupid.

I stood up and opened the door of my room before stepping outside. Both the idiots were standing in the living room cursing at each other. Could my life get any better? I mean seriously,thatwasn't sarcasm. Look at me, I barely even pay attention to guys and here I am, drooling at two incredibly hot guys who are arguing in my room, did I mention they were shirtless? Well, it is most certainly a good sight to see, isn't it just bloody suckish that these two are gay. I mean, the first ones I found seemingly interesting are gay.Sadness. Snapping out of my thoughts, I descended the stairs and stood in

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