» Humor » Forever Worldwide, Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C [10 best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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have found out about it already?'' Raiven comments, I nod my head. ''You could stay at mine if you want'' She suggests.''Or mine'' Jay and Ace chip in.'' As nice as ya'll are, I cant and anyways I'd have to face the music sooner or later'' I say ''But thanks guys''Jay drives us back home, me being the first stop. ''GOODLUCK AZARIA'' They all shout.''Cheers guys, I'm going to need it.... maybe more'' I say before walking up to my house.... more like doom! Chapter Three

With a groan I struggle to get my keys out of my bag. I quickly but silently open my door, hoping that my parents or better yet, nobody is home. Closing the door, I tiptoe to the stairs, I manage to make it to my room before I can get busted.My room is very simple really, a queen size bed, with blue and purple clovers, pillows, light blue walls with a few patterns, my white draws, a couch in the corner of the room, mirror  opposite my draws, window is on the right side of the room with blue curtains, brown floorboards and a simple purple rug, a small bookcase across the empty wall to my left and pictures of my friends and I, posters, drawings and little notes scattered across the walls. I wouldn't say that my room is big but it isn't small either, I don't really care, for me its a place that I can escape from life and cocoon myself in my beds warmth.My laptop lay across my bed, untouched. Thank goodness!After getting changed into something more comfortable. I grab my laptop and log in I wait a few minutes and then lo onto a site called 'Quotev', I introduced it to the guys and we're met some amazing people on there. They are soo fun to talk to, we might not be able to see them face to face wise but it seems like even though they can't see you, they wouldn't judge you if they ever did.I go onto my profile and follow any new followers before taking a few quizzes for a while. The small chat box at the bottom of my screen flashes yellow on a person's name.Ryder: HeyAzaria: HiRyder: What's up?Azaria: The ceiling? :LRyder: Haha, very funny :PAzaria: Joking, but nothing really, just a new broken hand that I can add to my record of broken bones I've had so far.Ryder: How? Are you ok?Azaria: Yh, this idiot tripped me up when I was chasing after Ace for throwing water on me and I landed awkwardly landed on my hand.Ryder: I'm guessing this idiot has to be Kyra?Azaria: Yeah >:(Ryder: Did she do anything else?Azaria: Yh, kinda Ace and Jay got super angry and I think they wanted to hu-Before I could reply, my brother came into my room.''Azaria, dinners ready so come down'' He closes the door.Azaria: Gotta go, talk to you later..... Bye  :DRyder: ByeI sigh and log out before walking downstairs into the kitchen.I'm seriously going to need Ace, Jay and Raiven's good luck from earlier.

Chapter Four

I sit down in my seat as dinner is being served. Nobody talks for the first five minutes until my dad breaks it. (P.s talking in native language but its being written in English) ''So I've heard something'' My dad starts, I look up at him blankly. ''Mmhm?'' I mumble, just get this dang this over with. ''First, how did you  break your hand?'' He asks, I look down and fiddle with my fork. ''Someone got in my way, when I was chasing a friend down the corridor and caused me to fall and land on my hand awkwardly'' I say clearly, hoping that he would understand.He nods, ''Who and why were you chasing that person down the corridor?'' ''Ace, she threw water on me and I was trying to get her back'' ''So who exactly did you bump into?'' He says, I give him a 'wtf' look. ''Why are you asking me these questions if you already know what happened?'' I say, annoyed. Anger flashes through his eyes. ''Her father came and complained to me about how my daughter and her friends hounded her along with her own friends and attacked them'' He bellows. I stay emotionless in my chair. ''I did not raise you like this, I raised you better'' ''Well maybe, you fucked up somewhere along the way, wait I know, you started believe others over your own daughter'' I felt a sharp sting in my right cheek. ''Maybe if you fucking cared once, then you'd realise that half the things that she's says are full of bullshit'' Getting up I leave my plate untouched. ''Azaria, sit down and finish off your dinner'' My mother shouts as I leave the kitchen. I don't reply and walk back to my room. The clock on my wall shows that its 9pm, I grab a bag and stuff a few clothes, toiletries and other necessities before grabbing my car keys. I open my window and through my bad out of it, before getting out as well. I walk to my car and drive off, kinda hard if you ask me, with a broken hand and all. My phone goes off, I ignore it but when I hear a familiar ringtone I answer. ''What? I say ''What do you mean what? Girl you ran away from home!'' Ace shouts through the phone. ''No I didn't, I just packed a few things and left for a bit, I need some time to cool off', and how did you find out?'' I ask. I park my car into the nearest take out place, ''Burger King'' ''Your mom called mine and asked if you came here, she said no and I'm pretty sure that she did the same to the others'' She explains.I groan ''Why can't they stop for a while?'' I scream. ''One sec, Raiven's on the line'' She adds the Raiven to our conversation. ''Azaria Ximeria where the fuck are you?'' She shouts. I wince slightly and mutter ''Burger King'' I hear Ace burst out laughing. ''Only you would do that Az'' She says. ''What? I'm hungry and besides I haven't eaten all day'' I defend myself.''Only you Az only you'' I hear her chuckle ''Anyway, come over your staying at mine'' Before I can put the offer down she cuts me off ''Now'' I hear Raiven sigh ''Call your mom so she knows where you are''We hang up. I hit my head onto my steering wheel, muttering ''stupid, stupid, stupid'' Over and over again.I walk into Burger King and order what Ace and I normally get before walking back to my car and to her house.

Chapter Five

''Thanks for letting me stay over, you didn't have to you know'' I say for the I don't even know how many times. ''Shut up Azaria, you and I both know that no matter what we have each other's back and besides I couldn't leave you out there in the big bad world now could I?" She says sarcastically. ''Yeah, true though'' I mutter. ''Get some sleep, girl we're all going to need it for tomorrow'' Sighing, I get into my Pj's and get into get into the side that I normally sleep on whenever I stay at Ace's. ''Night'' I yawn, I don't even hear her reply because I am out and into my own dreamland.

I feel something touch my face, I open my eyes and shoot out of bed when I find Ace's baby sister's face grinning in mine. ''Da Fuq?'' I scream ''Avery what did you do?'' I ask her, walking towards the mirror. ''Nothwing'' She says trying hide something behind her back, I look in the mirror and freeze. My face has been marked by Ace's make-up. Oh Avery is soo dead by her big sister and me. ''Come here you little rebel'' I chase around the room after her, she giggle causing me to laugh even more. Acting like the big bad monster I pic her up and put my figure to my lips ''Shh, wanna wake Ace up?'' I smile evilly. She nods her head vigorously. We get a bucket of water and scream at the top of our lungs before throwing it all onto her ''WAKE UP ACE''She screams and we runs out of the room with her hot on our heels. We run into the kitchen, somehow, Avery disappeared. ''What was that for?'' She screams. ''Yesterday, you threw water on me so its payback'' I say calmly. ''I was sleeping'' She defends. ''So was I and we're gonna be late if we carry on arguing'' ''More like you are, Avery did that?'' She looks at me, before it dawns her what Avery drew with, ''AVERY'' she goes to search for her little sister. I walk into her bathroom with everything I need and get ready, luckily it didn't take long to get the make up off. Ace walks in and gets ready after I finish. We both take my car to the hell we call school. ''OMG DID YOU HEAR??'' A random chick comes up to us, I think her names, Esme. ''What?'' Ace replies sleepily. ''The whole incident from yesterday it up on the internet'' I look at Ace only to find her looking at me already. ''Show us'' We both say. Esme does, by the end of it, I didn't know what to feel, I wanted to laugh my head off but then I wanted to rip Kyra's head off instead. ''I don't know who did that, but they seriously need to get a life'' I say before walking off.

Throughout the whole day, everybody was talking about the video. By the end of the day, I'd had enough an exploded ''FOR FUCKS SAKE, IT WAS ONLY A VIDEO..... GET OVER IT''

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