» Humor » Forever Worldwide, Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C [10 best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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Chapter One

"Hey, Azaria wait up'' I sigh to myself and fake a smile before turning around.

''Hey Kyra, what's up?'' She looks like she had ran a mile not down the corridor to get to me.

''Mr. Arnold said that since I missed all of lesson last week to practice for my AMAZING dance performance last night. that I should come to you since you made a ton of note for the English exam'' She brags then eventually gets to the point.

Holding back the urge to slap some sense into her, I rummage through my bag and hand her my notebook filled with all the notes that I'd made last week.

''Here. But I need it back ASAP'' I warn her. She just roles her eyes and flips her hair over her shoulders . Muttering a small ''Yeah, whatever'' She struts off like she owns this bloody school.

Kyra Stokes. The girl who is the most 'fake' from all of girls in my school. She acts like she owns everything and whenever something doesn't go her way, she will go complain to daddy or if somebody gets in her way, she'll squash them like a bug under her foot. You'd think that all girls with blond hair are just bimbos (no offence to anybody with blonde hair though) trust me, even with dark chestnut hair, she makes blondes look like Einstein.

I'm guessing your wondering if I hate her that much then why did I give her the notes? Well you see, her parents know mine and whenever she would get a bad grade in the past she would always go complain to her daddy and somehow mysteriously my parents would find out. I'd always get the lecture of how I should help her, achieve higher and so on. So to cut the lecture crap that I'd know I'd get if I didn't help her, I just gave her my notes.

Releasing another sigh I walk out of school and into the place that my friends and I like to hangout. Sitting by our tree, I plug in my headphones and close my eyes. Not even fived minutes later I feel someone smack the side of my head.

"Ow you bish, you could have warned me'' I grumble and get up. Ace just smirks.

''I could have but it was more fun getting you up this way'' I glare at her and sit more comfortably.

''Whatever'' I mutter and close my eyes again.

''Don't make me get you wet girl, you know I will'' Ace warns. I don't heed what she says and mutter a simple 'Ha, I'd like to see you try'.

My eyes shoot open and my body jumps up when I feel water connect with my body. I look down to find my white shirt now see through, allowing everybody to see my purple pokka dotted bra. My cheeks heat up a little and I look to find Ace grinning mischievously with a 2litr bottle in her hand.

''Ace you might wanna run now'' Jay, another one of my friends warn her.

''I think so to so....... BYE!'' She throws the bottle at me, attempting to put me off track so that she could gain some time to run for her life.

I smirk evilly ''You better run you evil bish, your soo dead now'' Not caring who sees me, I chase after her.

Acacia Marcella, Ace for short. I have know her for 7 years now, along with Jay and Raiven, another friend of mine.

Ace is the youngest from all of us, She's gonna be 18 soon. She's got black/brown hair that nearly reaches her butt and its super straight. Emerald green eyes, her skin is flawless and she doesn't need any make-up to catch the eyes of most of the guys. Ace isn't very tall nor is she short, I'd say that she is around 5''4 and is cute for her height. Like the rest of us, she has to abide by the school rules and wear uniform but that doesn't stop her from keeping her tie super loose, to be honest I don't blame her..... seems like the school wants us to choke to death or something by making us keep our ties perfect all the time.

Jaya Mackenzie or Jay for short, she's like one of the guys. She is more confident in talking to guys, I'm not talking about flirting or anything like that, no. More like they treat her like a younger sister or in some cases a big sister. Jay likes to dye her hair a lot. She's had purple, blue, green, mahogany, you name it but she has gone back to her natural hair colour. She hates make-up and likes to keep her face from looking like a doll, her mom sometimes wished that her daughter would act a little more girly sometimes, but knowing Jay, she's kill you before you got close to her. She loves sports, she can do Karate and boxing so most guys be careful of her because when she is pissed off you'd better run.

Raiven Garcia. Out of all of us, she has the brains, in top sets for nearly everything. She has stormy grey eyes and raven black hair, thus her name Raiven. From all of us, she is like the momma. The person along with Jay who we go to when we need a person to talk to or need advice.

Did I forget to introduce myself? Well I'm Azaria Ximeria, an average girl with jet black hair and purple eyes, weird I know but they have always been like that colour. I'm not a big fan of make-up but I wear it here and there, I'm going to be turning 18 in a few weeks and I guess there's not much to know about me really. I'm just a girl who's not really sure of life right now.


Chaper Two

I was head on her heels, realising how close I am she sprints as fast as she can.''Ace I'm going to get you for this for sure, one way or another'' Everybody is staring at us by now, I don't understand why though..... I mean this happens nearly everyday.''No you won't'' She shouts back.Speeding up my pace, I shout ''Yeah and why's that?''''Because there's someone in your way'' I don't understand what she means until its took late. I end up flying down the corridor and land awkwardly onto my hand.''Ahhh, you fucking bitch, your going to pay for this'' Great, anyone but her! '' Azaria I am going to pay big time'' She get's right into my face.''If you can't see already, my hand doesn't look right and it doesn't help that you have your caked up face soo close to mine that I can smell your manky breath'' I try to move my head away but she pulls at my hair. ''WTF is wrong with you?'' By this time a massive crowd had gathered around is.''Me? What's wrong with me? You made me break a heel!'' I roll my eyes and kick her legs so that she falls onto the floor, causing her to let go of my hair.''Yeah, your heel might be broken and you can buy a new one but my hand is broken, you think you can buy a new one for me along the way?'' I say sarcastically, trying to get up but failing resulting me to fall onto my butt.''Shut up you bitch, I don't know who you think you are but your soo dead now'' She threatens.I scoff ''Who I am? Oh I'm just Azaria Ximeria, average girls.... not so sure about you though''.Again I attempt to get up but before I nearly fall, someone grips onto my uninjured arm, preventing me from falling. I look up ad find Raiven, Jay and Ace glaring at Kyra and her minions.''I don't know who you think you are but face it, you don't own this school so don't act like you can walk down these corridors like its the red carpet or something'' Ace starts.''Get away from me, you fake twit'' She attempts to smack Ace's face but before she can, Jay twists Kyra's arm.'Have you looked in the mirror lately? Because the only fake one here is you'' She says in an angry yet calm voice.''WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?'' Oh joy! The principle is here to share some of the fun.''Sir, she's hurting me, I didn't even do anything to her'' Kyra starts to cry crocodile tears. Jay lets go of her arm and moves to my side.''Are you ok?'' She whispers, I shake my head.''I think I might have broken my hand''''Jay, what do you have to say?'' The principle faces us after talking to Kyra. Looking at the smug look on her face I know that something is wrong, or is going to happen.''What do you mean sir? I was only defending a friend from getting hurt'' Jay says in a confused voice but I know that she is trying to keep her anger at bay.''From what I hear, the four of you came onto poor Kyra and her friends like a pack of wild dogs''I hear Raiven scoff and mutter ''More like the other way around'' The principle turns and glares at her.''Do you have something to say Miss. Garcia?'' Before she can reply Ace speaks up.''Yeah she does, in what was has Kyra been hurt? Minus her bruised ego?''Principle Mandrix turns back to Kyra before facing us again. ''The fall caused by Miss. Ximeria has caused Kyra to hurt her ankle''''What about my hand huh? I think its broken'' I speak up, the Principle looks at me and then at my hand.''You'll survive'' He says in a flat tone before helping Kyra to the nurses room, her minions follow behind like lost puppies.Before Jay can go back and finish off what she wants to , even with the Principle present, Raiven grabs her arm.''Not yet, we need to get Azaria to a hospital to check up on her hand'' She says.'Who the fuck does that Principle think he is? She says angrily.''Exactly, I honestly think that something fucked up is going on between them, I mean he calls her by her first name either that or he is being bribed'' Ace pipes in.''Guys'' I groan ''My hand''They all snap out of it and quickly assist me to Jay's car. It wasn't that hard, the whole corridor had been cleared as soon as the Principle came.We arrived at the hospital and had to wait a few hours before I could finally be seen. A few X-rays later. it was confirmed that indeed I did have a broken hand. The doctor put my hand in a cast and told me not to wet it before discharging me.''Damn girl, why didn't you get the red one? It'd have matched your cheeks'' Jay remarks.''Nah I'm glad you got purple, it matched her bra..... too bad she couldn't get white as well, then it'd have matched perfectly minus it not being pokka dotted'' Ace winks.''Guys seriously'' I groan when they high five each other.''I'm guessing that your parents

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