» Humor » Call Us The Failures, Ann Nicole [fiction novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Call Us The Failures, Ann Nicole [fiction novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Ann Nicole

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had planned on doing it he stopped me and told me he was gay. Yeah, not the best way to be let down. So being the good friend that I was, I let him go around saying that he had sleptwith me to get him a good cover up.

I turned back around in my chair before asking, Lillian, "Hey, you want to see a magic trick?"

Lillian snorted, "More like do I want to see your witch craft."

I sat up in my chair. "No, but i'm sure you experiment with Voodoo dolls in your spare time." I said, rolling my eyes. "Now back to my question. Would you like to see a magic trick."

Lillian pushed a stay piece of black hair behind her ears, frowning as she watched me. "No." She stretched, "But if it'll get you to shut up go ahead." She replied, her brown eyes studying me.

"Okay." I smiled lifting up one of my hands for her to see. "Do you see this?"

She glanced at my hand. "If you're talking about your cracked hands and hideous nails, then yes. I see it."

I glared at her. "No. Just watch my fingers." I said, as I began twisting my fingers. "Now when I count to five I want you to stare at my right hand, got it?"

She nodded. "Yes, now let's get this over with."

I began to move my fingers one at a time. "This is 1. This is 2. This is three. And this is 4." I song.

Lillian watched my fingers all come up one by one as I reached the last one. "And this is five." I said, dropping all my fingers but the one in the middle.

Lillian's face grew red. "Y-You.." She stammered. You could practicality hear the anger in her words.

I dropped my hands, and began laughing extremely hard. The look on her face was priceless.

"Ms. Victoria!" Mrs. Day screeched. She looked at the angry Lillian behind me and then back to me. "You," She pointed, "And you. Office now."

Lillian was the first to stand up and head out the room. I stood up reluctantly before following her out of the classroom.

When I finally reached the principal's office, Mr. Heather was waiting by the door with a dull look of disappointment plastered upon his face. I gave him a huge grin as I patted his shoulder, walking past him.

I looked over at Lillian to see her glaring at me. If looks could kill, I thought as Mr. Heather shut the door and retreated to his desk.

♣ ~ ♣ ~ ♣

"Now, Ms. Barkley." The principal said addressing me. "It has been brought to my attention that you were harassing Ms. Falters." He looked over at Lillian's crying face. What a little sneaky-

"No need to be so formal, Renold." I said leaning back into the soft armchair. "Call me Marie"

The principal stood up. "Ms. Barkley, you do not address me by my middle name! Do you understand? " He yelled.

I nodded. "Hey, you're right." I agreed, holding up my hands in surrender. "We're good enough friends to be on a first name basis. Aren't we, Jerry?" I asked. "Heck, you can even call me Victoria. Or Vicky if you want. Vicky just seems more personal." I mused.

Mr. Heather stared at me in disbelief. Trying to comprehend all of what I had said. It was quiet until Lillian spoke up.

"Can we please get back to Victoria's punishment?" She demanded.

The principal nodded before coming back to me. "Like I was saying, Ms. Barkley, Did you or did you not flip off Ms. Falters?"


"And your answer?"

I crossed my feet over each other. "Didn't do it."

"You liar." Lillian screeched.

The principal looked back at me picking up his phone. "Mrs. Taylor, could you please contact Ms. Barkley's paren-"

"Okay!" I shouted, holding up my hand for him not to continue his call.

He sat the phone down, glancing at me expectantly. "And your answer is?"

I rubbed my knee. "I mayor may not have flipped her off."

"And do you regret it?"

I looked at the hard look of disapproval covering his face when an image of Lillian's angered face popped up in my mind. "Nope, it was priceless."

He grumbled. "Well, your parents want be too thrilled when they hear this." He said, and I sunk back into my chair. Lillian put on her usual smirk and looked at the teacher.

"But Mr. Heather." She drawled. "That wouldn't be the onlything her parents wouldn't be thrilled about."

Mr. Heather stared at her silently before asking, "What do you mean?"

Lillian crossed her arms over her chest and smiled. "Nothing really, unless you consider doing drugs on the school property something major." She said innocently.

Mr. Heather glanced at me. "Is this true, Ms. Barkley? Were you doing drugs on school property?"


"You are such a liar. I saw you!"

"Ms. Heather if you do not answer the question truthfully I will be forced to make you take a drug test."

I groaned. "Did I dodrugs? No. Did I takethem? Maybe." I whispered. "It was kind of like Needle here, Needle there. Needle Needle everywhere?" I said waving my hand in the air.

Mr. Heather rubbed the back of his head. "So you did do drugs on school property?" He questioned, waiting for my reply.

I sat up, placing both of my hands on my knees. "You call it doing drugs. I call it the sharing game." I replied seriously.

"Out of my office, now!" Mr. Heather screeched. I did just as he said. I stood up, sending him a wave goodbye.

"Nice seeing you again, Jer!" and with that I walked out of the room leaving behind a very red faced man.

♣ ~ ♣ ~ ♣

So this leads us to now.

I bit my tongue. "Victoria, we have had enough of the way you've been behaving." My father grounded out, and looked at my mother.

"I agree with your father." She said placing her hands on her hips. "We have given you countless chances to change and every single time you come back and throw it right in our faces. There's nothing else we can really do about your behavior, but there is a place that can."

I sighed. "Mom, Dad, Please." I begged. "I know I messed up again but next time i'll be better. I promise."

"There will be no "next" time. Our choice is final, you'll be attending the behavioral camp next month once all the paperwork is filled out and we have your living arrangements complete."

I grabbed my car keys off of my fathers work desk storming out of the room angrily. I hurried down the stairs, sliding out the front door. StupidParents. I thought as I threw my ten pound book bag over my shoulder and hopped into my car. All I wanted to do today was wake up, go to school, and go home.

It's not like I had plannedto be sent to the principal's office this morning. It wasn't my fault that Ms. Stuck Up Falters couldn't mind her own dang business.

I laid my head down on the driving wheel. Not only had I gotten in trouble, again, but I was also being sent to behavioral camp.

I sighed and started my car before pulling out of the driveway.

Behavioral camp, I thought. I may not know exactly what's in store for me, but one thing I did know for sure was that before I got sent off anywhere I was paying someone a little visit.

Right after I found out where she lived..

Chapter Two

Chapter Two


So far my day had been unproductive and tiring, all thanks to my mom. All she did was nag me from the time I woke up to the time I left the house with –


Victoria wake up.

Victoria get dressed.

Victoria come and eat.

Victoria stop flipping your sister off.

Victoria go to school.

Victoria stop and open your bag for me first.

Victoria hand me the drugs.

Victoria go to school and be prepared for a stern talking to when you get home.




I had thought that since my parents were already sending me to behavioral camp for my previous behavior that they would have just cooled it and let me do whatever I wanted, but apparently I was way off. The way I looked at my sister was wrong. The way I shut the door was wrong. Heck, even the way I breathed was wrong.


I sighed, and dropped my head down on my desk. Today just wasn’t my day. I couldn’t even go three seconds without someone breathing down my back. It was like I was some precious kind of light and everyone was a moth – attracted to my glow for stupid reasons. I groaned and rubbed the side of my head. It’s only today, I repeated quietly, after today everything will be back to normal. But hey, why did I think I could get that lucky?


            “Oh, look who’s down in the dumps today.” A voice from behind me said. I instantly groaned, turning around to come face to face with Drew Jackson. The first thing I saw was the stupid smirk plastered onto his face and his clear blue eyes staring back into my brown ones. He walked closer until he stood right in front of my desk. “So, I heard about what you did to my little brother the other day.” He breathed, leaning his face closer to mine. His hot breath waved over my cheeks as he breathing steadied. “And I don’t appreciate it.”


I pushed myself up from the desk, propping my head up with my hands. “Don’t you have anything else better to do?” I asked, staring into his eyes, “Like being a human sacrifice for a ritual or something? It’s never to late to die.”


He ran a hand threw his dusty blonde hair, and smiled sourly. “Trust me, Cruella, they’ve been trying to get rid of you for centuries, but would you look at that,” He chuckled un-humorlessly, “You’re still here.”


I glared at him, and sat back into my chair. “What do you even want Jackson?” I demanded, angrily folding my arms over my chest.


He shook his head lightly causing strands of blonde hair to fall over his eyes. “Nothing, Doll. Just wanting to know how in the world a girl of,” He looked down at my body and then back at me, “-Your, stature broke my little brother’s nose.”


 “It wasn’t hard.” I said rolling my eyes, “After all, your brother still is a man in training, isn’t he?” I asked seriously. Drew stood back up and situated his football in the crook of his right arm.


“Ha. Ha. Barkley.” He commented, “You are just so hilarious.”


“Well at least I’m good at something.” I replied sarcastically, pushing myself up from my seat as the second bell rung. I bent down and reached for my book bag. I tossed it over my shoulder and started heading towards the classroom door. Jackson stayed behind, watching as I left the classroom like the stalker he was.


He shouted to get my attention and I turned back around to meet his icy gaze. “Next time I see you you’ll be all mine.”


“Yeah?” I called back. “And the next time I see you you’ll be behind bars.” You sick pervert I added quietly before flipping him off and

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