» Humor » Call Us The Failures, Ann Nicole [fiction novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Call Us The Failures, Ann Nicole [fiction novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Ann Nicole

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Chapter One

ChapterOne: CallmeVicky

   I slammed my hand against my alarm clock until I found the snooze button. 6:00a.m. I inwardly groaned before pushing myself off of my bed. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a long sleeved sweater and some blue jean pants.

Nowwhereintheworldaremyboots, I asked myself, scanning the room. I searched in my closet and looked under my bed. Weren't there, that could only mean one thing.

"Ariana!" I yelled. My sister walked in a few minutes later. She was braiding her curly brown hair in a braid. She looked at me, "What?" She asked highly annoyed. "I have to get ready for school."

"Have you seen my boots?"

She rubbed her nose. "Uh, which one's?"

"The only one's that I wear."

Ariana shifted her weight on both of her feet. "Ohh, those." She said nervously, looking everywhere but me. "I was kind of going to wear those today."

I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking a couple of deep breaths before glancing back over to her. "No. No, you can not wear them. Now give them to me."

"Just let me wear them for today." She whined.

"No, my boots are like a size eleven and you're-you're a size six!" I accused, pointing at her tiny pale feet. "Now bring me my shoes before i'm late."

She rolled her eyes and trudged out of the room. I walked back over to the mirror and pulled my long black hair up into a ponytail. I added a little mascara to my eyes, and placed a little lip gloss over my lips. I closed my make-up kit and grabbed my book bag before making my way down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom I spotted my mother in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hey, Mom." I said, looking at the table to only see one plate. I frowned and looked back over to her. "Where's Ariana? Did she not want to eat this morning?" I asked, pulling up a chair to sit in.

My mom laughed and placed another pile of pancakes over to the side. "No, hun. She already ate, said she had to be at school early this morning. Something school related."

I nodded my head and took a bite of my pancakes. I wonder what she had going on. School didn't start till seven thirty and it was only 6:30. Hopefully she would be able to finish- Wait. School didn't start 'til seven thirty. I dropped my fork and darted out of my chair.

"Mom!" I yelled frantically.

"Yes, hun?" She asked, taking a bite of her eggs.

I grabbed my book bag and headed towards the door. "What shoes was Ariana wearing when she left?"

My mom leaned against the counter, placing a hand on her chin. "Um. They were these nice shoes. They were brown and had the cutest little-"

"Mom" I stressed. "Were they tennis shoes, boots?"

"Oh yes, she was wearing some brown boots. They looked absolutely to die for with the outfit she was wearing." She said, and looked down at my bare feet. "You should invest in some."

I groaned and headed towards the door. I threw on the pare of pink tennis shoes sitting by the door. "Bye, Victoria!" My mother called.

"Bye, Mom!" I replied angrily as I stepped outside the front door and entered my car.

Ariana was going to get an ear full once I got to her. She did this every time. It was like she didn't have her ownshoes. I stuck my key and the ignition. When the car cranked up I let it roll out of the drive way.

Today was Friday, notMonday. I wasn't supposed to be worrying about anything. Not Tests, quizzes, and I most definitely should have not been stressing out over my litter sister taking my shoes.


♣ ~ ♣ ~ ♣

    When I entered the school I wasn't in a hurry to get to class. I was in a hurry to get to my sister. I could see blood - her blood. That's how frustrated I was at the moment. I pushed my way through the crowded highschool hallways trying to get to Ariana's locker before the bell rung.

When I reached her locker she wasn't there. I scanned around the hall searching for her. Whereisshe. Whereisshe. Oh! Theresheis.

I began walking towards the locker where a short red haired guy was leaning over her as she leaned against the locker. She had a piece of her curly hair in between her fingers twirling it as she batted her eyelashes shamelessly. The red headed jock grinned and pointed towards his soccer ball and said something back and she giggled.

Yuck. When I was closer Ariana begin sending me silent eye signals, trying to get me to turn around. I looked down at her shoes and shook my head.

When I reached them I tapped on the Jock's shoulder. "Excuse, me. I need to speak with this girl."

He glanced at me and then back at Ariana.

"Go away." She whispered harshly. "Can we not do this right now?"

"Well, this could've all be avoided this morning, but you decided to ditch. So, no."

I turned back to the Jock and stared at him questionly. "Um, why are you still here?"

He placed his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back. I stumbled a few inches and then glared at him.

"The lady said she doesn't want to talk to you. So why don't you just get your high and mighty tail out of her face." The Jock said. My sister looked at me knowingly. She knew I had a horrible temper when I was messed with. It wasn't my fault that idiots, such as her boyfriend, always wanted to send me deeper into the fire.

After I regained my balance I walked back over to them. I poked in him the chest with my finger. "Don't you ever, I mean everlay your hands on me again." I said menacingly.

He smirked, and glanced down at my little hands. "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do? Slap me?" He teased.

I balled up my other hand and knocked him right in the nose. "No, I don't slap. But i'm sure you're quite familiar with that gesture." I said as he doubled over, falling to the ground in pain.

He attempted to push himself up, but let's just say he was having a pretty hard time with that. I rubbed my aching knuckles and turned back to my sister.

"Now about those shoes."

She took them off and threw them to me. "Here, take them! Now please, go. I don't won't him finding out who youare to me." She said quietly before directing her attention back to the sorry excuse of a man lying on the floor crying.

"Oh, Baby. Don't worry, i'll get you to the nurses office." She soothed as she helped him up from the ground. He held his bloody nose in one hand and had his other hand wrapped around Ariana's shoulder.

I looked at him, rubbing my chin. "You know, If you really want the pain to go away I can help you with that."

He his eyes widened quickly. "N-No, it's fine. It doesn't hurt anymore." He exclaimed, pulling away from Ariana and tapping his nose.

I narrowed my eyes, "Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" I asked sweetly, patting my fist, "Because if it does I could always-"

"No!" He yelled, and then embarrassedly looked away. "I mean, no. Really, it's all better. I was just being a baby."

I stared at him ten long seconds and he squirmed under my gaze. I raised up my hand as if I was about to hit him and laid it behind my neck. "Okay." I said lazily, "But remember if you ever-"

"Yeah," He cut in, "I got it." And then he quickly scurried down the highschool's hallway corridors.

I put on my boots, then stood up, and straightened out my shirt. "What a girl." I commented. 

Ariana glared at me. "He wouldn't have been that way if you hadn't almost killed him!" She shrieked.

"All I did was give him a little love tap. It's not my fault he's weak." I said, rolling my eyes.

She stood in the center of the hallway, with her arms clenched to her sides. If I didn't know any better I would've thought she was about to catch on fire. I pulled my book bag up onto my shoulder and shrugged.

"What can you do?" I asked just as the bell rung. I grinned and headed to the first block of the day. English.

I sat down in my regular seat and propped my feet up on the desk in front of me.

"Hola!" A squeaky female voice chirped.

I turned to see Emma placing her English books down on the desk besides me. She had her short blonde hair pulled into a side ponytail. Her thick rimmed glasses framed her icy blue eyes as she stared at me, waiting for my reply.

"Oh, hey." I said, sitting up from chair. "What's got this leprechaun so happy this morning?"

She sat down, placing her pale white hands on top of each other. "Oh you know, just this new book series that came out a couple of years ago. My mom bought it for my birthday yesterday."

I slapped my head, "I am sosorry. I can't believe I forgot."

Emma laughed shaking her head slightly. "It's fine. I knew you were probably busy with something." She said, waving her hand around in the air. "Now what I really want to know is what you did this morning." She said referring to my redden fist.

I sunk back into my chair. "I kindabeatupthiskidtoday."

"What?" She questioned with a smile on her face. "Not quite sure I heard you clearly."

I groaned and sat up. "I kind of beat this kid up this morning. Well, I didn't beathim up. More like I punched him in the face one time and he wimped out like a little girl." I said, ignoring Emma's smirk. "I just don't know what my little sister sees in that obnoxious jerk. He looks like a girl, acts like a girl, heck, he even talks like a girl! I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually a she trying to pass off as a male." I huffed. "I know i'm not the only one having these doubts."

Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "You ma'am, have problems."

"That's not the onlything she has." A annoyingly familiar voice sneered from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Lillian Falters, the school nerd. She had her short black hair pulled up into a neat bun. Her dark brown eyes narrowed into slits as she watched me turn around.

"Lillian, don't you have something better to do with your life other than bugging me twenty four seven." I sighed, rolling my eyes. "I mean I know you don't have many friends and you seem to have a hard time making them, but getting on my nerves everyday isn't the way."

"I do have friends." She stated matter of factly.

"Your books don't count." I winked, looking back at her. "Just so you know."

She scrunched up her nose. "Well at least it's better to have friends then aids."

"I don't have aids."

"Course you don't." She said swiping a piece of lint off her shoulder. "You just sleep around figuring 'Hey, i'm to good to catch aids' yeah, we'll see about that."

My body tensed up as I fought the urge to  punch her in the face. I couldn't figure out why everyone at school thought I was the biggest ever. My freshman year I had slept with one guy because he was my friend. He claimed it would be fun. The second time was last year, my sophomore year. There had been a new student who had shortly became one of my best friends after a few days being here. So on and so on, I thought he loved me and I loved him. I never slept with him because the exact day that I

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