» Humor » A FLINTSTONE COMIC, Ren'e Allistar [most difficult books to read txt] 📗

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Fred and Barney get back from their baseball game. Gazoo appears. He hopes they had a good time, but right off he senses that something is wrong...



“Did you have a nice time at the game?”




“No we did not!”



“You gave us tickets for way in the back row, where we couldn't see or hear a thing!”

Gazoo is utterly speechless!


What Is Gazoo To Do Now?



“Listen, Fred, Barney, I'm sorry. I tried...”



“Gazoo, save your breath. As I said before and I will say it again. We don't need you. We don't want you around.”



“Fred is right. You are nothing but trouble so scram! Get lost!”

Now they have really done it. Gazoo not being able to take any more of their cruel words, sits on top of the couch and begins to cry away...


Fred and Barney are besides themselves.



“All I have ever done is try to please you two.” He then blows his nose into a kleenex.

He continues with... “I know my powers get messed up sometimes. I really have meant well. You are not the easiest to please either. Always wanting this and that. You think material possessions is what makes life worth while. It is not my business to interfere with your beliefs. No matter what I do it all ends up the same. You get offended and it gets smacked right back in my face. Why can't you two just like me for once, without asking me for stuff?”



“Well, uh.”



“Gee Gazoo, we didn't mean to make you cry. I had no idea you felt that way. We like you, don't we Fred?”

Fred feels now like a first class heel.



“Well yes, we like you, Gazoo. It has nothing to do against you personally. It'snjust... Those powers of yours. They don't help. All they accomplish is getting Barney and myself into a whole bunch of trouble. Why, we'd be so much better off if you just stopped using them when your around us, period.”

Fred thinks real hard about what to say next. A frown then hits his face. “Gazoo I have told you before not to use them. What are you, some kind of knucklehead?”

Barney laughs.


“Gazoo, you are our friend, so you really don't need to use your powers to get our attention. Just be yourself. That is more than enough.”

Gazoo smiles. Barney is right. Why hadn't he listened to Fred before? He did try to get it through to him on other occasions, but Gazoo was bent on showing off.


“Fred, Barney, you really do think of me as your friend?”


“You bet! My advise though little buddy, just be yourself, and we will accept you. But leave those powers of yours alone.”



“Yeah. You don't need to show off to win our friendship. No fancy tricks. We like you just the way you are. No powers required.”


A Happy Ending


Gazoo is touched. Never in all his days, and he has lived a lot of them. He is much older than what people on Earth live to be. His tired old heart finally has begun to comprehend, what true friendship is all about...



“That's the nicest thing you two have ever said to me. Furthermore, I really appreciate it....Fred, Barney, you both are right, and now I believe I am finally beginning to understand that.”


Fred decides to take the whole family to the park and have a picnic. He asks Gazoo if he'd like to come too. Barney thinks it is a great idea.



“Say you'll come too Gazoo. The kids love you.”



“Oh yeah, Gazoo. The kids will love that alright. I'll bring our pet, Hoppy too, and Fred can bring Dino. I know they'd get a kick out of playing with the kids.”

Fred calls Dino now and he comes a yipping all the way as his tail wags so hard it about makes the ground shake. Gazoo smiles.


“You bet Fred, Barney, you got a deal. No powers. Nothing special. Just me. It looks like it is going to be a nice day after all.”


SECOND STORY: Gazoo's Next assignment

“Gazoo, I’m not convinced that you are doing any good for Mr. Flintstone or Mr. Rubble,” the Mighty Gazam told the Great Gazoo after Gazoo contacted Zaytox, his home planet to speak to their leader, the Mighty Gazam for his yearly review.

Gazoo had remained on Earth, in the stone age, serving these two dumb-dumbs now for 3 years. With no avail, as Gazam had put it so bluntly.

“But Gazam, I have served them. I’ve done what they asked even though it put them in tight situations, I always got them out of it,” Gazoo told him

“Yes, but you caused these situations in the first place. It just won’t do Gazoo. You are not living up to Zaytoxian morals. I see now that it just isn't working out you staying where you are, so I have decided to reassign you some place else. I will contact you when I’ve decided where,” Gazam told him then signed off.

Gazoo gave a sniff. He was really going to miss Fred and Barney. They’d become the best friends he’d ever had. How was he going to tell them he had to leave soon? “Oh, to make matters worse, I think I’m coming down with a cold,” he said and zapped up a kleenex and blew his long, pointed green nose into it. Part of the honk was with tears of sorrow having to leave.


“Hi Fred, Barney,” he sald after reappearing between the two of them as they sat on Fred’s hammock in his back yard.

“Oh hi Gazoo,” moaped Fred back.

Gazoo wanted to do one last, nice thing for the both of them. “Why so glum my friend?” Gazoo asked him.

“Oh, I couldn't get tickets for the Rocket-ford football game because they were all sold out. Barney and I really wanted to go too,” Fred snorted.

Barney sighed. “Yeah, was going to be a real great game too. Danson was taking the lead in the last game and has really shown some great progress,” Barney finally said.

“Is that all? Well cheer up good chums. Just so happens that I have two, front row seat tickets,” Gazoo told them as two tickets appeared behind his back. He then brought them forth.

Both Fred and Barney cheered right up. “My treat fellows,” Gazoo told them. Barney though, hoped what had happened the last time Gazoo sent them to a game, didn't repeat. Surely not?

“Really Gazoo? Oh that’s wonderful!” Fred outburst before Barney could open his mouth to protest. He smiled then. “Yeah! Oh gee that’s so swell of you Gazoo!" barked Barney then he looked off to the side and frowned.

Gazoo only chuckled, but he became sad. He then gave a sneeze not realizing power drew forth and changed the front row seats to the very last row instead without Barney or Fred aware, or even Gazoo for that matter.

So yes, it would be just like it had been going to the baseball game that time, only this game was football.

“Enjoy yourselves gentlemen,” Gazoo said then disappeared. His nose was starting to hurt a bit.

“Oh you bet we will! Thanks little buddy," Fred called out.


Boy did the boys’ smiles turn upside-down after being seated way in the back where they couldn't see a thing. And I mean WAY in the back. Much farther back than they had even sat at the baseball game that one time where Gazoo messed up.

These tickets that Gazoo's sneeze changed them, were the worst tickets ever, sold by a swindler to make matters worse, so they got seated on some park bench and given binoculars to watch the game with.

Fred was FURIOUS! “That rotten Gazoo did it to us again,” he harped unbelieving.

“Yeah, uh, I was afraid this was going to happen again, but I would of never thought Gazoo a cheap-scape!” Barney ended up hollering.

“Oooh, when I get my hands around that little, green neck!” Fred boomed gesturing his hands in a choke, well Barney got the picture. He felt like squeezing too.


That next day Gazoo appeared. He noticed his two best friends standing by a fence separating their neighbor's backyard from Fred's.

He happily floated over but then heard by their tone of voices that they were very upset.

He stayed on the other side of the fence now, out of sight and listened. “What we gonna do about Gazoo, Fred?” Barney was saying.

“I’ll tell you Barney, I‘m fed up. Last night was the last straw. I hate to say this and I'm glad he's not around to hear it, but I wish we’d never met that little guy,” Fred said.

Shot through Gazoo’s heart. He was so shocked to hear such awful, negative things being said. Especially after that one time, over the mistake concerning the baseball game.

They had apologized for being so awful towards him, but now Gazoo thinks maybe they never were all that sorry. He didn't see it coming, that’s for sure.

“He’s never done a good deed for us. Not a one. They’ve all backfired,” Barney grumbled. Gazoo was so hurt, worse than before. And he wasn't feeling so good today either. His cold was getting bad.

“I wish

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