» Humor » A FLINTSTONE COMIC, Ren'e Allistar [most difficult books to read txt] 📗

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2 Comic Book Stories

Brought To You and Illustrated by Allistar

© Copyright 2012 by the Public's Child Publishing Comany/Allistar





All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from The Public's Child/Allistar.



Adapted by The Public's Child Publishing Company/Allistar


Copyright permission authorized to publish with these trademark characters of the Flintstones in this original story book granted on 12/28/2012 by ABC-CLIO Inc.


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 I grew up watching the Flintstones and it had a very big impact on me and my household. It entered into the way I lived my life and certainly into my heart.

 Gazoo was my favorite character. I drew many pictures of him while I was a teenager. I wrote this book when I was still in high school.

 It was a real dream of mine to publish this little book finally. I did not know one thing about how to get it copyrighted or get publishing rights to it, but God has helped me find a way.

 I want to take a moment now and Glorify the Lord for the gifts to draw and write that He has given to me.

 Thank you Holy Father for giving me the opportunity to express myself in my paintings and my words in this comic.






I grew up watching the Flintstones and it had a very big impact on me and my household. It entered into the way I lived my life and certainly into my heart.

Gazoo was my favorite character. I drew many pictures of him while I was a teenager. I wrote this book when I was still in high school.

It was a real dream of mine to publish this little book finally. I did not know one thing about how to get it copyrighted or get publishing rights to it, but God has helped me find a way.

I want to take a moment now and Glorify the Lord for the gifts to draw and write that He has given to me.

Thank you Holy Father for giving me the opportunity to express myself in my paintings and my words in this comic.




FIRST COMIC STORY: Friendship Is The Greatest Power


 It is a beautiful day out. The sky is blue. It is one of those type days when you think you can conquer the world...


The Great Gazoo

 “Hello everyone. I am the Great Gazoo and I am great indeed! Today I am going to pop in on my two good friends, Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Let us go see what my dumb-dumbs are up to, shall we...”


Gazoo overhears a conversation now that Fred and Barney are having and he does not like what they are saying. No, not at all...



 “Barney, Gazoo is no good. All he has done lately is cause havoc...We would be so much better off if we never met him. What you think? I wish he never came here.”



 “Yeah. I have to agree, Fred. Gazoo is nothing but trouble. What should we do if he appears? Just ignore him?”



 By now Gazoo is hopping mad!


The Great Gazoo not feeling so great right now

 “Well! I cannot believe what I have just heard! All the loyal service I have given them and they go and stab me in the back!”



 Gazoo is very uptight and not sure what to do now. Maybe it was all his fault why Fred and Barney feel the way they do? He just is not sure what he has done so wrong? He sits and ponders on this for a while...



 “Hummmm. I guess I could do something really nice for them not using any of my powers, since it is obvious they do not like that. Just do some kind of a..... Good deed! That's it! A good deed!”


A Solution To The Problem


Gazoo thinks and thinks and thinks... He then gets an amazing idea.



“I know what I will do! I will give them two tickets for the upcoming Rocketfield Baseball game. I know Fred and Barney want to go but with their present budgets they just cannot afford to splurge on them. Nothing can go wrong with a true gift of friendship!”

Some time passes and the men finally come home from work. Gazoo is excited about the new gift he is about to give them...

Gazeoo appears now before them. Fred and Barney feel a bit leery because he always startles them and they are never prepared for when the little green menace just pops in unannounced...






“Oh no! Barney it's Gazoo. Just act like you don't see him, ok.”



“You think he will go away, Fred? Huh? Do you think so? I wonder what he wants?”



“I don't know, Barney, but one thing I do know for absolute sure.”



“What's that Fred?“



“That Gazoo is nothing but trouble...”


Gazoo feels very righteous right now and he cannot wait to spring his surprise on them. But he is patient and enjoys their display of emotions. Silly humans get so emotional at times...

But he decides now enough is enough and should tell them what he wants. Fred's face is getting very red.



“Than I guess your just not interested in the surprise I have for you.”




“What surprise, Gazoo? Whatever your selling, we don't want any.”



“Yeah, that goes double for me.”



“Suit yourselves, boys. It sure is a waste to throw out two perfectly good tickets to the Rocketfield Baseball game, that I just happen to have.”

Fred's ears perk up. Had he heard right?


“You do?”



“What did he say, Fred?”


Gazoo stretches and gives a big yawn. It is about time for his nap. He lays himself comfortably in the air now tiring of these two humans and their constant inconsistencies.



“Well, do you want the them or not?”



“We want them! We want them!”



“Oh yeah! You bet we do, Gazoo!”



“It is my pleasure, gentlemen...”



“Gee, that was sure swell of you. Thanks Gazoo.”




“Yeah. We really appreciate the gift Gazoo. It was awfully nice of you.”


The Baseball Game Incident

So the men go off to have a great time at the game.

Only, they didn't invite Gazoo.

He sure would of liked to have been included, but he would never of told them that.

No one would have been able to see him if he went. Only Fred and Barney cause they were the ones who had found him. He thought it rude to invite himself so he waited, but Fred and Barney never invited him to come along...

Fred and Barney are NOT having a good time.

Fred should of known there would be trouble receiving anything from the Great Gazoo. It always came with a catch.



“Barney, the tickets Gazoo gave us were no good. They were for way in the back row where we can't see a thing!”



“Uh Fred, I can't hear anything either.”

By now you can imagine that Fred's face has turned beet red. He grits his teeth.



“What were we thinking, Barney, that we could trust Gazoo? He never gets

things right. Why, if I ever get my hands on him, I'm gonna wring his little

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