» Humor » Random stuff to do thats funny/fun, By ShotDeadFrankie [good e books to read .TXT] 📗

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/> 14. Flush the toilet while they're in the shower.

15. Wear a sticker that says "I'm a retard!"

16. Eat your hair. (I've tried it. It works.)

17. When you shower or bath, yell "HELP! I'M DROWNING!!!!!!!!!!"

18. Snort loudly when you laugh and laugh harder.

19. Go into their room at 1 in the morning and yell "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!"

20. Try to climb the wall.

21. Say everything backwards.

22. In public yell "NO MOM I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU!!"

23. At everything they say scream "LIAR!!!!!"

24. Fill up the bath then drain it and repeat 5 times. When you fill it up the 6th time, try to get in it then yell "MOM! DAD! THE WATER IS COLD!!"

25. Try to swim in the floor.

26. Pretend to be a phone.

27. Wear a T-shirt pointing to one of your parents that says "I'm with stupid."

28. In a supermarket, point at everything you see and scream "I WANT THAT! CAN I HAVE IT?"

29. Switch the light button on and off for a few minutes then say "Oooohhhh... I get it!"

30. Tap on their door all night.

31. Throw a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket, sit cross-legged and cross your arms in the middle of the aisle until your parents let you buy what you want to have.

32. After everything they say, respond "Yeah, but no, but yeah, but no"

33. Claim you have been abducted by aliens before and tell all their friends.

34. When they ask you to call someone, stay where you are and yell their name.

35. Destroy the house and then go tell them, "I love you Mommy/Daddy"

36. Cling to them constantly and blame it on "separation anxiety".

37. If they ever take you to their job, touch EVERYTHING and spin on their desk chair.

38. Knock over every container of liquid you see "accidentally".

39. Do the opposite of what they tell you.

40. Bring home the absolutely opposite type of guy/girl they'd want you to see. Like a drop out or a goth or something. Tell them he/she's you new boyfriend/girlfriend.

41.Yell out mango everywhere you go
15 Random, Fun Things to Do In the Rain!

1. Go outside, and if you see someone, take the random person and make out with him/her, and say: "Yes! I finally got my dramatic kissing scene!"

2. Lay on your stomach in a puddle and scream: "I'm drowning, I'm drowning!"

3. In the pasanger seat of the car, roll your window down, stick your tongue out, soaking the driver: "I wonder why dogs only do this when its sunny out!" and laugh.

4. Make a farting noise, and say "Hear that thunder roar!"

5. When your outside, run around (reading lyrics) and scream words to Singing in the Rain.

6. Make someone laugh. Then look at them: "Gosh, your face is all wet. Suck it up, stop crying!"

7. Sit outside, and read an old book, and keep yelling "DAMN YOU, SKIES! WHY IS IT SO FUCKING WET HERE!" when your pages get soaked.

8. Gather all the family electronics, and lay them out on the grass on the curb, and let them get all wet.

9. When the family sees say: "I told you that (baby sibling/cousin/hated younng person) was evil!

10. Sit on the corner at the sewer, and hold out an empty can of soup with a sign on it "Poor, and Wet," and hope you don't get kidnapped.

11. Tell everyone around you that rain actually signifies the zombie apocalypse and that the term "acid rain" actually means rain that turns you into a zombie. Then put your hand outside the door, or window, and walk like a zombie. (Basically, start a fun/play zombie apocalypse.)

12. Collect all the neighborhood cats/felines and place them outdoors to go insane.

13. Place an empty inflatable pool anywhere outside that you can, and watch it fill up. Then place your younger sibling/a friend's younger sibling in it and tell them to go swimming.

14. For any cooking that requires water, place the bowl with all other necessary ingredients in it, let the water fill up, and make somebody nasty baking!

15. Go to the local pool, and bang on the doors because you want them to open, because it's so hot outside and you need to cool off in the pool.

Also, let me tell you that these are in no way ethical, or moral and performing the listed actions show a lacking in propriety and maturity. There's no reason to do any of these; they're just immature tactics to LAUGH at. Not attempt.
Have a nice day!

funny random ? and stuff

Funny Questions for Friends

If we say, we are here to help others, what are the others here for?
How can you be 'all ears' to something when you have just two? You should be 'both ears'!
How can you 'lend' someone a helping hand when you can't take it out?
Does one of your socks have a hole in it? Actually, both the socks are bound to have one hole each - one through which you put your foot inside!
Why do people ask, "going up?" even when they see you are standing at level 0 waiting for the elevator?
If a bus stops at a bus station, does your work stop at your workstation?
If it is illegal to drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If man evolved from monkeys and apes, how do monkeys and apes still exist?
What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?
If the universe is everything, and scientists say that the universe is expanding, what do you think it is expanding into?
Why are boxing rings square-shaped?
What's wrong in saying that there's nothing wrong in going wrong once in a while but it's very wrong to go wrong always? How many wrongs did I say?
What to do if an endangered animal eats endangered plants?
If you were a geometric shape, what would you like to be?
If you were of the opposite sex, who would you be like?
If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', is 'progress' the opposite of 'congress'?
Don't you think, the term, 'free gift' is a redundant use of words?
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
Would you believe in a liar who admits he is one?
If you are to take a picture of cheese, what do you think it would say?
Have you been to jail?
They accidentally step on your foot, then ask, "did that hurt?" Why?
Do you twist your tongue while saying a tongue twister?
Don't you think the eyes must be jealous of the nose for not letting them see each other?
What's the need to ask "what are you doing here?", on meeting at a movie theater?
If Iceland has ice, does Finland have fins?
What's the point in asking a waiter, "is that dish good?" Which waiter would say it isn't!
Aren't the ears already outside? So why say 'keep an ear out...'?
Why do people ask, "were you sleeping?" on waking you up from sleep?
How would you know if the dictionary had a wrongly spelled word?
Why do people say "you know..." How would you know before they complete?
What if a wrong number is busy? You would never know it's wrong!
What would you call the fear of fears?
What's the point in saying "what are you saying?" when you know what's being said!

Questions that Invite Funny Answers

It's not that the question should be funny every time. There are questions that can have funny answers. Here's a random list of questions like that. Ask them to your friends and enjoy a hearty laugh.
Relate the funniest incident in your life.
What was the funniest thing you did as a kid?
What's your pet name? And what was your pet's?
Which was the naughtiest prank you played in school?
Who was your first crush?
Who's the funniest person you have ever met?
List five things you would need to survive, if left alone on a deserted island.
Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
A punishment in school you remember even today...
What's the most hilarious thing that can happen to someone?
A prank pulled on you that you still remember...
The loudest you had laughed was when...


Publication Date: 01-13-2012

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