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Life of BJ... How it does look like from throwing one joke... and it continues endlessly... and endlessly....

This is Life of a BJ... now it starts a whole new chapter... Jokes from B... nothing more than a new space which is going to get fucked in and out.

Confusion is everywhere in life. Confusion is the path we often walk on and get more confused by people around us. Confusion gives way for some benefits to some people who like to cash our confusion for their benefit. So confusion is totally a benefit to someone and a loss to some others.

This book is contains a good amount of my old memories! I wrote all of this because I want to share it and to have you learn more about me and my past!

Cover is temporary as I am doing some of this at school. Sam has just turned eleven and got some more pairs of knickers. But what she doesn't realise is... they are magic knickers! Join Sam in her hillarious adventures - caused by her knickers!

Time goes on its merry way after Inky rearranges Jimmy's and Skip's faces. Skip still has two black eyes...Jimmy is missing a tooth. Then suddenly... Pop decides the time has come when young, innocent Skip needs to hear the facts of life, and so begins a difficult speech by good old Pop.