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Ku-Chē: The Way of Being is a newly discovered ancient wisdom text. Long forbidden to be written or spoken and thought lost, the Ku-Chē is now available for the first time in contemporary English. Additional teachings and other supplemental materials are included to enhance the study of this new discovery of a timeless treasure. Ku-Chē: The Way of Being is above all else a fictionalized playful parody of ancient wisdom literature. A quick read for enjoyment and enlightenment or as Yz-Won, a 5th

Hobart is a pugnacious, yet lovable rogue, who manipulates his long suffering nephew into numerous tricky situations; including, hunting an ostrich with a smelly sock, visiting France in a home made balloon, exploding the farm's best cow, and shooting the world's only homing pig. Hobart is the kind of man that you like to meet, but can't wait to walk away from. His home made philosophy is: “Everything's okay, so long as there's plenty 'o beer ter be drunk.” Recently, widowed, Hobart is on the

These are a collection of short stories that I uses to excercise my brain when wanting to learn to be a good writer. Hopefully, you guys will think they're good. By the way, some of them may be unfinished, and that's mainly because I run out of ideas in hat particular story so please, don't be mad when it stops mid-sentence.