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Elena is your average high schooler. She gets good grades, likes, has an affinity for turkey sandwiches, and is absolutely boy crazy. What isn't so average about her life — is her best friend Mat.

Same as last. Cover temporary, no real people. I like doing a few books at once. Jodie is a meanie. She got hold of my PREVIOUS diary, and flushed it down the toilet. Ooops. Luckily, Mom took me to Paperchase and I bought a new notebook. Now the troubles start again...

Violet Vasquez is on a constant rollercoaster with her life it seems like. Shes the oddball of her family, the lame one of her friends, and the weird one to society. She goes through a series of emotions that onl she can, nd her life just sprials out of control. But maybe, she can see the best of it with a new person who comes into her life. just maybe.

Everyone makes mistakes when they enter the dating world. I just happened to make a few more then most people. Looking back on my years from 16-18 I realized that others could learn from my mistakes.

The days you get up and your like "I don't want to do to school" or you ask the question "Why do we have sucky days" you just want some thing exciting to happen. Some times we just wake up on the left side of the bed if you know what I mean!!! ITS TIME TO MAN UP AND LAUGH AT SOMEBODY WHO HAD A WORSE DAY THAN YOU!!!

dat boi go to hell. What he do? he don't knnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

ఆ సాయింత్రం ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ నవ్వులు కేరింతలతో గడిపారు. అంతా మితిమీరిన, హద్దులు దాటిన రీతిలో. నాకు గాలిలో ప్రాక్టికల్ జోక్ వాసన కనిపించింది.

War nur ein paar Minuten länger weg. An der Autoscheibe, klebt der Dreck, von einem Blatt. Das ich Bescheid bekomm, weil ich die Parkzeit überschritten hab. Habe billig eingekauft und auch gespart, drum finde ich diese Nachricht, very hart. Ein bischen gebummelt, Schaufenster geschaut und hab dabei die Zeit verhau n. Der Einkauf wurd mir doppelt teuer, darum: Wenn s mich das nächste mal wieder in die Stadt, zum Schaufensterbummel zieht, fahre ich mit meinem Drahtesel.