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All this story is about is unlucky event happening to one certain person.

A very short, slightly humorous misadventure involving a remote-controlled ceiling fan, a dining room table with a footstool on top, a screwdriver, and someone who struggles with self-esteem when it comes to DIY projects. And aside from temporary emotional scarring, no-one was injured during the ensuing chaos.

Just testing this out being stupid, thought I would share with you all a quick sample of my test :)

How a woman feels finding out she is going through the change of life in 100 words.

Bubblegum is just an average young pixie, yet she wants one thing...and that is to compete in the annual pixie races. In her clever ways, Bubblegum will receive more than she expects.

Mrs Fortune, a junior superhero from a line of superheroes with the ability to change the fortune of anyone around her discovers one of the worst things about being a junior hero: an upset overly obsessed super villain.

Lauren Twigg is a girl at a cooking class that is teased because she has a monobrow and will not shave it off.

This blog is a labour of love, I cannot guarantee that every quote is worded accurately but every effort has been made to do so. I appreciate any mistakes you find being pointed out in your comments. This is for the fans, the actors, the crew and everyone involved in the making of this classic series which made television history.

Skip Morley and Jimmy McGuire have carelessly shot a match from the second floor balcony of The Comet Theater, into the hair of a girl below them on the main floor. Pandemonium breaks out. Skip and Jimmy immediately leave, hoping that no one sees them in the chaos.