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Will it be wrong if I tell both men and women look at females as symbols of progeny? With the world evolving higher every day in terms of technology, when will these narrow thoughts change into a broader one? Who will bring that transformation in thoughts as a whole? No one knows.

ridiculous, doesn't does the title said 'IF YOU BELIEVE THAT, you will believe anything." NB: this are just jokes i made up and anyone who finds this offensive or disturbing in anyway has my sincerest apologies.I'm just trying to be funny(if that is possible) but yeah so read and tell me what you think please.

The funny series Of Luke and his lil sis Lucy!!! what will luke do when his lil sis lucy will not stop bothering him about how he is going to die in Kinderarten this is a major happening for Luke will he he die after his sister embaresed him in school or will like just have to get pay back well read to find out!!!

Two twins loose their mother in a land called Donckle Dorve.

Humans need to know basic rules. They can be taught if you start early and are consistent. You will then have a smooth-running household. No matter what your human says.

I always seem to get fired from jobs. I don't know why...some say it's because of my big mouth, but come on, that couldn't possibly be the reason. Eventhough my mouth spits out stupid things 99% of the time. -- Hayley is a nineteen year old girl who is living alone and surving off of Ramen noodles and poptarts. She needs a job, but can never seem to get one. She's always getting fired or turned down. But she doesn't let that hurt her pride, she goes around putting up flyers and applying for

The story is about how a girl and her 3 best friend get sucked in to one big video game that combines between each of there favortie games. They thouaht that video game characters dont have a life and that eh....well maybe it's just to easy to live it if they did they have to be sucked in to prove that they don't what life is to these characters in these games.It's sort of an adventure and confidence boost story so if you would like to join the adventure open the front page cause

A parody of Douglas Adam's writing style. In the tradition of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, (but thankfully, much sillier) an alien wants to go on holiday to earth and experience human culture like all the young Nardee on his world but his ever so boring dad (like every stereotype Nardee father) couldn't see the point and is only interested in sitting down and drinking nothing but the exotic and expensive stuff. His son uses that advantage and strikes a deal with him which ensures his trip
