» Humor » Nanny Manny, --A-- [best free ebook reader for android TXT] 📗

Book online «Nanny Manny, --A-- [best free ebook reader for android TXT] 📗». Author --A--

Prologue:Meeting The Real Hayley

"Current Occupation?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't have one." I said matter-of-factly. I mean, if I had another job right now, I sure as heck would not be applying to work at Chucky Cheese for my summer job. All the annoying little brats screaming when they don't get what they want, the late night shifts, and oh, don't forget the middle aged perverts.
I glanced back over to where the manager of Chucky Cheese was standing. She looked about thirty-ish, if not in her forties...She had short, cherry, red hair that landed just above her shoulders and killer blue eyes. Her gaze looked so intense as she stared at the large papers in her small tan hands, reviewing them over and over. They were probably my forms, I thought, running my hand throw my hair. I let out a deep breath witch apparently caught her attention.
The manager shot her eyes to where I sat slouched over in her arm chair, looking like I wanted to die. Which I did, if you cared to know. The short skinny lady then sat down in the chair that was located in front of me, and smiled, "Hayley." She chirped, eyeing me up and down. "I think that you will do good here. Only eighteen years old, no criminal records, an overachiever, and you love working with kids. I'd have to be a complete idiot not to hire you!" Miss. Manger lady finished, taking my hands in hers and looking directly in my eyes, "I want you to work for me."
Now before I decide on what to say to, 'Miss. Manger Lady's Offer.' I just want to tell you how freaking creepy this is right now. 1. What kind of old lady gets happy about hiring people? 2. Why in the world is she holding my hands? And 3. I promise she looked like an old perverted man getting ready to attack me right now. -- So you are probably thinking, 'What's wrong with all those things? Take the job!' But in my mind, all I can think about is, 'Where's the nearest escape exit?'
I looked back at Miss. Manger Lady, feeling very uncomfortable. Which was an understatement. I gave her a weak smile, and pulled my hands free from hers, then cleared my throat. "So um.." I looked around awkwardly trying to think of something smart to say pronto. But with my luck I just had to blurt out, "I have a rare talking disorder that makes me eat a lot, and I’m afraid that if I work here I’m going to end up eating everyone. So yeah, I can't work for you." Oh yes, I really did just say that. You see, when I get really nervous my brain sends stupid crap to my mouth and the words just come now.
The manger lady looked at me, trying to comprehend what I had just said. She opened her mouth, then closed it, then opened it and closed it again, continuing this process for five minutes straight. Until she finally managed to get the words out. "Sooo, what you're saying is, that you have a talking disorder that makes you eat a lot of food, which consists of people?" She asked unsurely, and kind of scared.
"Yes." I replied, in a Duh, what else would I mean by that.
She didn't say anything else, just stared at me for a long time. So I pushed myself off of the plush chair and headed towards the door, but before leaving, I just had to say leave her with some hope of my return. I grabbed the door know, then turned around and smiled, "Maybe I’ll come back another time when the doctors can cure me."
And I promised you she almost had a heart attack right then and there. I chuckled and skipped out the front door of the Chucky Cheese building beaming. Thanks a lot stupid talking disorder! Now I lost another job, but I guess it was for the best this time.


Publication Date: 02-20-2013

All Rights Reserved

To my boring teenage life D:

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