» Humor » A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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"How can I be a Lycan?!" I screamed at Daniel, who just stared at me patiently.
"After Malie and Agamemnon came-which, I should point out, was when you were gone-they broke the news to me. They also said soon you'd find your mate. They said she wasn't human, OR wolf, which should be good. I hope." Daniel said.
I pouted. Malie and Agamemnon are my parents, the alphas until I have my mate. In reality, I don't want a mate, or to be alpha. Even if I don't know what a mate is exactly, I don't want it. It sounds boring.
"What is a mate?" I asked.
"A mate is when one wolf guy likes a girl very much-" Daniel was getting on my nerves with his baby-talk. He treated me like a child.
"I get it, dipshit. I mean, is it like a soul mate, or is it like forced marriage?" I snapped.
"Soul Mate. It has the word MATE in it." Daniel said. "I can only HOPE you didn't imprint on poor Delilah..."
At her name, my heart raced, and a howl sounded in my head, as clear as Daniel's voice.
"What was that? A dog?" I asked, looking around.
Daniel laughed.
"No, it was in your head. Your split personality, your wolf is making it's interests known. One of which is my sister. I swear, if you go to my mom's house and you find out Delilah's your mate, tell me first. I want to know before Delilah screams while she's locked in a bathroom." Daniel's ears changed as he talked. His ears became somehow both fuzzy and hard like scales at the same time, pointing up like cat or elf ears. That's what I get for having a hybrid Nereid/Feline Person/Banshee/Elf friend. Strong, good vision, water-air lungs, fast, good voice, good hearing, and the BODY. I'm not gay, but I can tell that he's hot in a human girl's eyes. I can tell his sister is the same. She thinks like a human, in fact, she believes she's human, since no one will tell her about her dad. Her dad's a Nereid/Elf. A real elf, not a helper of Santa. Florence, of course, is a Banshee/Feline Person. Feline person being a result of a female cat becoming pregnant with cheetah's babies. Those babies are feline people. Yep, disgusting. Sorta my enemies.
But yet I'm in love with Daniel's sister...
"That's good to know that you're in love with my baby sister." Daniel said.
I covered my mouth, embarrassed.
"I said that out loud?" I asked.
Daniel nodded, giving me a killer look, before laughing.
"Don't worry. I can't stop fate. I can tell if your wolf howls at her name, and you're in love with her, Delilah's your mate. Have fun getting her to seal the bond." Daniel laughed.
He doesn't think I'll succeed. I already knew the bond of mates. It consists through basically sex. A few other minor things, like I have to draw blood, blah blah, but yeah. Sex. Never gonna happen, since Delilah doesn't like me.
"She likes you, but I think as a friend, or a brother. I can tell you're doubting her love." Daniel said.
His cell rang.

Chapter 1

I awoke to an angry mother. She stood over me, with a cigarette hanging out her mouth, as she glared down at me. The stone cold look she gave me no longer affected me, since I had grown to expect her glares to bare into my soul. Her pale white stomach was bloated, her pajama shirt unable to fit over it, like any pregnant woman only a month away from labor. The thought of a mother like mine raising an innocent child made me cringe, and I usually just pushed the thought away. Yes, my mom is pregnant with my step-sister. I had learned last winter, a week before George had moved in, and my older brother moved out with his friends. I missed them, since they were my protection from several beatings.
"Wake your lazy ass up ya freeloadin hunka crap!" She yelled in my face, her wispy blonde hair in her face. Usually I would have just laughed, since her country-like accent made her ghetto talk hilarious, but today I was short for words.
I ignored her, flipping over and away from her. I snuggled up against the cold white wall, pulling the fleece blanket close around my body. I didn't see it coming, but I knew from the stinging pain in the back of my head that she slapped me.
"Ow! I'm up!" I snapped, sitting up and looking at my mother.
"Pack ya things. Ya have taday ta get ya things and get da hell outta here." She growled.
Yes, my mom can't speak with good grammar with that cigarette in her mouth. Then again, without a cigarette, she can't speak good grammar either.
"No, I'm not leaving until next week." I complained.
I had planned to be out by now, but there was complications with the apartment I planned to rent. In other words, someone beat me to renting it. I only had a week to find a new home, and my mom is now pushing me out. Wonderful, huh?
"Taday." She snapped.
"Next week." I replied, checking my nails
"Look, ya stupid brat. Next month is ma due date, and George's baby ain't gunna live a wink with ya. I ain't gunna let an angel be polluted by ya devil attitude." She spat, the cigarette nearly falling out of her mouth.
George is my stupid step-dad, who pretty much hates my guts, for reasons I don't know. Ever since he started dating my mom, he told her how I needed to, in the polite form, sleep with a guy and die. He insisted I leave before his little 'angel' was born. Then again, he insists my mother quit smoking, but we ALL know how well she is at that. The cigarette in her mouth is proof whose in charge.
"I haven't got a place to live." I argued.
My mom forced me up, shoving me against the wall. My mother was strong for a knocked up woman in her thirties.
"George is lucky he doesn't have to worry about having an ugly deformed child like ya. Like ya brother and ya dad." She spat, picking her fat cigarette out of her mouth.
She pressed the cigarette against my neck with force. I felt the flame flare up, as she embedded it in my neck, pushing harder and harder, as she smirked. I screamed and cried, salty tears rolling down my cheeks, before resorting to slapping my mother. I hoped she hadn't left a scar on my neck, as she staggered back, dropping the cigarette onto the floor. I broke into tears, getting up and locking myself in my walk-in closet, as my mother banged on the door.
"Get changed and leave, Delilah!" My mom yelled at me, satisfaction and venom in her voice.
I sobbed, doing exactly as my mom said, pulling on a lilac purple half shirt over my zebra-stripe bra, and black skinny jeans in place of my pajama pants. I fixed my natural flame-red hair, throwing on lilac purple heels. I grabbed my purse, before running out of the house, past my mom and into my purple slug-bug. I sped off, to the nearest shopping center, before I called my brother.
"Hello?" My brother's voice came from the phone.
"Daniel? That you?" I asked, holding back a sob of relief.
"Delilah, what's wrong?" Daniel asked.
"Mom kicked me out, but not before she burned me with her cigarette. Can I move in with you and the guys? I have no where to go." I said, my voice cracking as tears spilled.
"Yeah...I'll come pick you up. You drive away from mom's?" Daniel asked, his voice soft.
"Yeah. In the McDonalds parking lot by her house." I answered, sniffling.
"I'll bring one of the guys to take my car back." Daniel said.
I sniffled again. Thank the lord for Daniel.
"Thank you Danny." I said, relief flooding my voice.
"Mmm-hmm." He said. "Bye."
I hung up. before sitting back in the seat and blasting my radio to clear my head.

Chapter 2

I nearly dozed off before my brother came. He knocked on my window, causing me to jump. He had blonde hair like my mother, the color of honey, but he had my heterochromia eyes, green and gray. He laughed, gesturing me to roll down the window, and to turn down the radio. I did just that.
"Brought Aaron with me. Don't fall asleep. He may take the opportunity to draw on your face." Daniel laughed.
I gave Daniel the puppy dog eyes.
"But, I'm too innocent to have my face mauled." I said, scooting over into the passenger seat.
"I'm making Aaron drive you home, but don't worry, I'll kill him if he bugs you." Daniel said, causing me to pout.
"Hey gorgeous." Aaron said, sitting in the driver seat of my bug, and grinning at me.
"Aaron, if you touch her, I'll chop your hands off, if you attempt to kiss her, I'll chop your lips off, and so help me if you attempt to get it out of your pants, I'll kill you and feed your groin to ducks at the park." Daniel growled.
Aaron gulped, snapping his legs closed.
Daniel was more of a parent than my dead father and my dumb mother.
"Okay, okay, god. You're so hateful." Aaron laughed, buckling up.
I buckled up, blasting the radio.
"Bye." Daniel said, closing Aaron's door.

"So how was your life?" Aaron asked.
"Horrible. My mother attempted to brand me with her stupid cigarette. It hurt." I said.
I swear, I heard Aaron growl. THAT was sexy. I wanna hear that again.
"Did you just growl?" I asked, giggling.
"No." Aaron brushed it off, red rising in his cheeks.
I payed attention when one of my favorite songs came on. It was Rumor Has It, by Adele.

She, she ain't real,

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