» Humor » A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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mall." Caspian said.
"He was talking to her on the phone when we got home." I brushed it off.
"He was talking to me, bitching me out about giving you my number." Caspian replied. "But I know you don't like him. He needs to get it through his head."
I looked away.
Caspian saw the hickey/cigarette burn on my neck.
"What is that?" Caspian asked.
"My mom burned me with her cigarette." I replied, not mentioning how I got a hickey on my neck too.
"It looks like a hickey too." Caspian grumbled.
"I know." I said.
"Caspian, leave her alone. You just told her that her...whatever Aaron is to her likes her, and know you're jumping on her about the burn on her neck, from an ABUSIVE mother." Marjorie said, sitting down in front of me.
She gave me a can of sprite, and I opened it, taking a sip.
"Has your mother always been abusive?" Marjorie asked, her hand on my knee.
I shook my head.
"She got that way around winter, when my dumb-ass step-father knocked her up." I grumbled.
"AND SHE STILL SMOKES?!" Marjorie exclaimed.
"My mother's a dumb ass." I replied.
"What about your father?" Marjorie asked.
"Dead. Been dead for a while. That's why Daniel's babying me, since I've been beaten by my mother, and had to deal with a dead father, plus 11 guys in the same house." I grumbled.
"Do you still live with your mom?" Caspian asked, his tone gentle.
"No. I left after she burned me with her cigarette the day before yesterday." I said.
"Ouch." Marjorie shuttered.
"I'm worried about my step-sister. She's due any day now. I swear, if my mother tries to harm that baby I'll take my sister from her." I said.
"Why would she harm her child?" Caspian asked.
"I'm her child. I didn't do anything and she would beat me." I said.
"Oh, right." Caspian said.
"Anything else you wanna get off your chest that's bugging you?" Marjorie asked.
"I already sorta knew Aaron liked me. The reason the burn mark also looks like a hickey is because Aaron decided to suck on my neck for no reason, and I have a hickey over the burn mark." I said.
"When did this happen?" Caspian snapped.
"The night I moved in with my brother." I replied.
"I'm gonna kill him." Caspian growled, getting up.
I didn't reply, so Caspian stalked off.
"I worry about those two. They are blindly in love, and I wasn't supposed to say anything about Aaron. He's gonna kill me." Marjorie said.
"They wear me out. I could use a nap." I said.
Marjorie laughed.
"Wait until Caspian wants to sleep with you. THEN you'll know tired." Marjorie laughed from my redness.
"Don't worry, it won't be anytime soon." Marjorie laughed.

When I heard the yell of pain, I knew Caspian found Aaron. I got up, running over to the crowd of people who formed around Caspian and Aaron. Of course, everyone loves to just watch and bet on people fighting. We all do it. Note the sarcasm. Caspian had socked Aaron in the face. Aaron slipped backwards in the sand, falling on his butt.
"You touched my girlfriend man, not cool!" Caspian growled, his hands around Aaron's neck. Aaron looked pale, confused, and pissed off at Caspian's attack.
"YOUR girlfriend? What are you talking about, this is your second damn date! And plus, I never TOUCHED ANYONE!" Aaron yelled, knocking Caspian off of him. They were equally sized and muscular, but in fighting, they had tactics all their own. Aaron shoved Caspian back into a rock, causing Caspian to slip and fall at the edge of the cliff. Aaron advanced on him, his hand raised to punch Caspian. I'd seen enough.

Chapter 8

"Stop you assholes! You're causing a scene!" Delilah said, fighting her way through the crowd, stepping in front of me. Lyall gained control, pissed off at Delilah for cheating on him.
"Move Delilah." Lyall growled.
Delilah shook her head.
"I said MOVE!!" Lyall yelled, shoving her off the ledge of the cliff into a bunch of rocks with no remorse, not after slapping her across the face. I gained control and tried to grab her, but it was too late. Damn you Lyall, damn you to hell.

I slipped in the sand before falling off, twisting my ankle as I fell. I hit my head on a large, wet rock, cutting up my forehead, the salt water stinging my cut. The rocks were sharp, and caught against my skin. Not only did I twist my ankle, it got wedged in between some rocks at an odd angle, and I felt the bone snap. The pain was excruciating, and all I wanted to do was scream and pelt rocks at Aaron who smirked at me from above. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at my foot, which I was sure it was broken. I was scratched up, bleeding, and in pain. I was quite frail today for some reason. A few of the guys at the beach didn't seem happy with Aaron for hurting me. They got in his face, pulling him away and saying some pretty mean things. Marjorie ran up to me, saw me broken and battered, and screamed, dropping down next to me. I felt a wave of nausea, and I lied back in the sand, ignoring the pain, and the black dots that engulfed me.
"Why is Aaron so rough on frail girls?" Marjorie muttered, calling for Zane to come pick me up. I groaned, slightly losing consciousness when Zane heaved me up, carrying me like a baby. I clutched onto his arm as he walked to our towel, each time he slipped causing me to gag and nearly puke from the pain. Zane set me down on the blanket, assessing my injuries.
"Did he hurt you anywhere around your swimsuit?" He asked me, sadness in his black eyes. I shook my head, the gesture hurting my skull.
"I'll call your brother. What's his number?" Mckeyn said, causing me to jump.
I raddled off his name and number, and they called.
"Um, is this Daniel Rosye, Delilah's brother?" Mckeyn asked.
"No, not that. Delilah's hurt, we have to take her to the hospital. She's broken and battered, but responsive."
Another pause.
"Wanna talk to her?"
Another pause, before I was handed the phone.
"Daniel?" I croaked.
"Oh my god Delilah are you okay?" Daniel asked, worry in his voice.
"Why didn't Aaron help you, or protect you?" Daniel asked.
"Aaron was the one who hurt me." I croaked.
There was a pause.
"WHAT?! Where are you, I'm coming there." Daniel screeched.
"Here, I don't know where it's at. Talk to Mckeyn. She was the one who called you." I said, tossing the phone to Mckeyn. She raddled off the address, before hanging up. She looked at me.
"He says you and him are going to have a talk about this later." Mckeyn said, her voice grim.
"Go chase down Aaron for me Mckeyn." Caspian's voice caused my heart to leap. He was in front of me, tears shining in his eyes.
"This is my fault." He said.
I kissed his cheek weakly.
"No, it's my fault, for letting Aaron come with us in the first place." I replied, nausea becoming stronger.
The noises around me became warped, and I began to black out.
"It's okay Delilah, we'll get you fixed up..." Caspian's voice trailed off, and I blacked out.

"Okay Delilah, wake up. I'm almost done." The nurse's voice was sweet, so I did as she said. I came face to face with her gray doe-shaped eyes. She grimaced when I sat up, a cry of pain escaping my lips.
"Delilah, can you tell me where you are at? Perhaps the month?" She said, pushing her black hair out of her eyes.
"I'm at Ryence Rae Regal Health, and the month is June." I replied.
The nurse grinned, and I saw her name tag. Veronica, it said.
"Okay Delilah, we just gotta get some medicine in you, and you're free to go." Veronica said, before prancing out.
I was almost asleep when the sound of a creaking door woke me up. I figured it was Veronica, ready to inject a thousand types of medication in me. I grinned, opening my eyes, expecting Veronica. But no, it was Aaron. My grin wiped off my face, my heart skipping a beat and freezing over. All I wanted to do was kill Aaron. Shove HIM off a cliff. Seemed fair, but then again, who knows what medication they have me drugged up on? His face was grim, his eyes holding an unspoken apology, as he sat down where Veronica had been a short while ago.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey." I replied, my voice slightly annoyed.
"Look, Delilah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you. Hell, I didn't mean to get in Caspian's face-" I cut him off.
"But you did, and that can't be changed. It's gonna take more than sorry to fix the mess you caused." I snapped.
Aaron flinched, and the next thing I knew, Aaron was hugging me, sobbing onto the thin sheets that covered me.
"Delilah..." He sobbed into the blankets at the area of my chest.
"I didn't know guys cried like this." I stated.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Aaron said, using my sheet to wipe his eyes. He looked at me, his eyes red.
"I'm so stupid. You were trying to help, and I hurt you. You deserve to be pissed off at me." Aaron turned away. "I'm ignorant when I'm jealous." He muttered, thinking I couldn't hear him.
The door opened, and Veronica came bounding in with several pill bottles and needles she planned to put in me. Aaron saw the pile, and sniffled, nearly breaking into tears again. Veronica saw Aaron, cocking her head. Stupid nurse whore, I thought, my Aaron. I shook my head, correcting myself. He's not MY Aaron, he's no one's Aaron.
"Um...Sir, it's awful early for you to be visiting." Veronica said, before realizing. "Oh...You must be here to pick her up."
Aaron nodded.
"Can I get you to wait in the reception?" Veronica asked.
Aaron hesitated, before walking out.
Veronica gave me a pill from each bottle, and began to stick the needles in me. The medicine flooded my veins, causing me to sigh as the pain went away. When Veronica was done, she put the needles and pill bottles back, before turning to me.
"Is that boy your boyfriend, brother, just friends?" She asked excitedly.
"My brother's friend. And my friend too." I answered.
"He's cute."
Veronica helped me up, and at first I was wobbly, having the foot cast and all, but after she put a slipper over it, and settled me into crutches, I was more stable. She helped me out to the reception, which was just down the hall, to Aaron.
I went home with Aaron, who kept on glancing at me, as he drove.
"Pay attention to the road, not me." I snapped.

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