» Humor » A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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giggled as Aaron pouted.
"Stupid Cocoa Puffs...Wait, never mind. Delilah baby don't be so cold, I just wanna play!" Aaron called from the other side of the couch. Daniel set his empty bowl on the table.
"Aaron.." Daniel growled, getting up to punch Aaron for touching the only girl in the house AKA me.
Aaron gulped, scampering back, before scooting off the couch and running away. Everyone but Aaron and Daniel laughed. I even giggled. It's good living with my overprotective older brother.

"Cummon, I havva group of friends that I need ta meet up with." Aaron said. More like growled.
We all went our seperate ways. Christopher, Liam, and Darwin went to the arcade. Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, Aaron, and I went to the mall. Daniel, James, and Justin went to the beach. Since there were 6 of us, and there were six seats, two in the front (Kevin and Gavin), two in the middle (Conner and Josh), and two in the back, so I was stuck in the back with Aaron. These other guys just WANTED me groped in the back of their car. Gavin swirved the car, causing me to slide into Aaron's arms. I grunted.
"Ya okay?" Aaron asked, unbubkling me, and pulling me onto his lap.
"Let go of me." I said.
"No." He purred into my ear.
"Hey Aaron, aren't ya meetin up with with ya babe? She'd be pissed if she saw ya with anotha girl on ya lap." Kevin called from the front.
Aaron shoved me off his lap, forcing me back into my seatbelt. So Aaron has a girl? More like a slut. Aaron was constantly sneaking sluts into my mom's house, and that's why she kicked all of them out, leaving it just me and her...Until George came. After that, well...Pretty much everyday was like yesterday. Yeah, I was abused and bullied, by my BIRTH-MOTHER!
"What's your girlfriend's name?" I asked sincerely.
"Deino. You don't know her. And Delilah, don't talk to her. Or me. Or ANY of my friends." He growled. I clutched my chest, pretending to be wounded.
"That really hurt Aaron baby. Right over the bruise from mother beating me." I said.
Aaron's face softened into pity, and sadness.
"Sorry, didn't mean to sound malicious." Aaron said.
I clapped my hands like a baby.
"Hey, look, you learned a new word! I should be upset more often, that's when you build your vocab." I giggled at Aaron's angry facial expression.
A knock on the window scared me crapless. I jumped, causing Aaron to laugh as I clutched my chest, hoping my heart rate would slow. The person who knocked on the door was female, with poorly-died blonde hair, and obviously surgically done giant boobs, and pink, pink on her lips, her clothes, and her nails. It was obvious she wore color contacts, her eyes a blue that looked freaky.
"That, would be Deino. Bye bimbo." Aaron said, before hopping out of the car.
"Bye ass-wipe!" I yelled, going the opposite direction of Aaron. I bumped into a guy about my age, with tanned skin and dyed electric blue hair, to match his light blue eyes. He licked his lips, eying me up and down.
"Ain't ya a pretty thing. Where's ya friends?" He asked, his hand wrapping around my waist.
"Let go of me, I'm meeting my BOYFRIEND here." I lied, pushing away from me, and backing away, the whole time glaring at him.

Chapter 5

"Where's Narcissus?" I asked Deino.
"Over there. Ugh, he found a bitch to fuck, it seems." Deino checked her pink nails.
Narcissus was talking with Delilah. MY Delilah. Hurt and anger swept through me, causing Lyall to growl.
He's stealing your girl, the only one your family will survive with. GET ME MY MATE BACK!

OUR mate, I thought.
Yeah sure, MY mate.

I watched Delilah trying to get away from Narcissus. She wasn't used to attention. She didn't take it well. Lyall growled again.
WE will be the ones to steal her innocence. Not some stupid Nereid-looking mundane.

My wolf growled.
So I looked to Deino.
"Call him over here, that girl seems disturbed by your brother."
So, Deino called for her brother.

"Narcissus, over here!" I heard a snooty girl call. It was Deino. I took the chance to scamper off before Narcissus could molest me.
"Comin!" I heard him yell. I scampered into the mall. Kevin, Gavin, Conner and Josh left WITHOUT ME! I went into Hot Topic, my favorite store, buying anything and everything that I liked and that fit me, including a shirt that said Come to the dark side, We have cookies,

With a picture of a cartoon devil holding a tray of cookies on it. In the end, I had about 17 bags from Hot Topic. After that, I went to Temptation, a jewelry store, and bought about a thousand peices of jewelry. After that I went to Bare Minerals, getting a bunch of make-up. I went to a shoe store whose name I forgot, buying heels and boots, and converse. In the end I spent nearly a thousand dollars on stuff. Thank god for my father leaving all of his money to me. My father was really rich, and he left the house that Daniel lives in to Daniel, as well as some family heirlooms, and some furnature. I, got ALL of his money, AND his company, which makes LOADS of money. THAT is why my mom kept me around until George came. I HAD THE MONEY! I walked the halls, occasionally seeing guys that snuck glances at me, but I kept mostly to myself. I was halfway through a batch of cookies from a bakery when I bumped into Aaron. Literally. I nearly dropped all of my bags, but the guy I met earlier, Narcissus helped me as Aaron just stood there, flirting with Deino, who STILL hadn't noticed me.
"Next time, watch where you're going." I growled at Aaron. I turned to Narcissus. "Thanks."
He saw my thousand bags and laughed.
"Ya sure ya didn't bring any friends?" He said.
"I'm sure...Well...I went with my brothers friends, but they ditched me to hang with each other, or to make eyes at their girlfriends. Huh, Aaron?" I snapped.
THAT caused Aaron to notice me.
"Oh, hi." He said, before turning back to Deino, who was giggling.
Narcissus raised a blue eyebrow.
"You know him?" I nodded. Narcissus turned to Aaron and Deino, who were now kissing. Ugh. "I'll meet up with ya later." He said, before helping me with my bags.
"Where to?" He asked.
"I should really put these in the car." I said. "You don't have to help me, really. It's fine-" Narcissus shook his head before he interrupted.
"I pulled Aaron here to be with my sister. It's my fault he ditched you. The least I can do is help you. I mean, all they do is giggle and suck each other's face." He said the last sentence in disgust. I lead him towards Hot Topic, near the garage where the SUV is parked.
"You sound like you hate the idea of love." I stated.
"I hate the idea of Aaron and my SISTER IN LOVE." He spat.
"You have a girlfriend? Why didn't you bring her along." I asked.
"I don't have one." Narcissus answered.
"You know, considering that you hang out with Aaron, you're not that bad of a guy." I said.
"Oh, I'm not like them. I just hate the idea of Aaron groping my bimbo sister in an alley." Narcissus shuddered.
"You think you have torture? I live with my brother, and 10 other guys, one of which, being Aaron. Guess who and how I was woken up?" I said, as Narcissus held the door open for me.
"Who...and how?" Narcissus asked.
"Aaron decided to come in my room, and hit my face with a tennis ball until I woke up, then he demanded I let him sleep in my bed. As you can see, THAT'S worse." I said.
"Wow, 11 guys living with you. Any of them ya dating?" Narcissus asked.
I shook my head.
"No." I said.
Narcissus raised an eyebrow as I unlocked the SUV, opening the HUGE trunk. Narcissus helped me pack the stuff in, before he pulled out a sharpie and wrote a number with his name on my arm.
"Call me when you get a chance, kay?" He said. "Shit, I should get back before Deino and Aaron grope each other in public. Bye." Narcissus scampered off, leaving me stunned. A guy GAVE ME HIS NUMBER! I wanted to scream. I had never really dated a guy, and I believed I was ugly from that. But Narcissus, with his electric blue spikey hair, and his sea blue eyes, and his tan skin...Oh, I could swoon.

Chapter 6

An hour later, I met up with the guys and Delilah. I was grumpy, I didn't need to deal with Deino's fake crap. I needed it to end. I took one look at Delilah's arm with Narcissus's number and flipped out. My wolf, Lyall, growled.

My heart crumbled. Daniel was right; she didn't love me. I felt my breathing catch, and my heart racing.
"You ARE SO NOT going out with him. I'm NOT allowing it. I'll tell Daniel." I kept on snapping at Delilah.
"Oh why don't you go eff yourself. You caused me to trip, drop my bags, including my cookies." She growled.
I did?
Of course you did, dipshit, but you were too busy making eyes at that slut to notice.

Lyall growled in my head.
"OOOH, AARON'S JEALOUS!" Gavin shouted as he drove us back to the house with the rest of the guys. Delilah was mauled by Daniel.
"Are you okay? Were you with one of the guys at least when you were at the mall? Did Aaron touch you?" Daniel saw the number on her arm. "You WERE ASKED OUT?!" He yelled, causing everyone who didn't know to gape at her.
"The guy who asked me out is nice. He was with me longer than any of the other guys. They ditched me once we parked." She said, jerking a thumb at Kevin, Gavin, Conner, Josh, and I. They paled and stuttered excuses to Daniel, who glared. Lyall did the

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