» Humor » A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗

Book online «A Perverted Summer, Kylie [best pdf reader for ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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excuses for me. You just don't argue with Lyall.
"At least you HAD someone with you. But, really? You have to get asked out by my girlfriend's stupid adoptive brother?" I grumbled, walking away. I went upstairs and disappeared from sight, but still listened.

"He's just jealous that A: I'm hotter than his slut of a GF, and B: that a guy asked me out that wasn't him." I said, tossing my hair like a snob and taking a seat on the gigantic couch.
"Did you buy anything at the mall?" James asked.
"She bought half of the fucking mall!" Aaron yelled, though still upstairs.
"STALKER!" I shouted at him, causing the guys to laugh.
"Oh, is that the best ya got?" Aaron's voice showed signs of fake hurt. I imagined him clutching his chest as if he'd been stabbed there, and stifled a giggle at the idiocy of it.
"Ya know, I couldda said THAT YOU ARE A KILLER TRANSVESTITE WHO MOLESTS CATS SINCE I SAW YOU WITH FLUFFY WHEN WE WERE 7!" I shouted, again, causing the guys to laugh.
I pouted, they were laughing that I SAW that!
"Forget you. Gotta make a call." Aaron grumbled loud enough for us to hear, before I heard footsteps. And then he was down the hall upstairs.
"We'll help with the bags." The guys offered, and of course, I accepted.

At midnight, after having all of my new jewelry and clothing packed away, I came downstairs to see only Aaron on the couch, sprawled out, flipping through the channels of the TV.
"Hey." I whispered.
Aaron looked up, grinning at seductive grin, before he sat up.
"Hey." He said.
"Why are you so happy? The last thing I said to you was that you were a killer transvestite who molests cats." I asked.
"Because we're the only ones left awake, and we get the whole couch to ourselves." Aaron said, his voice seductive, causing me to flush. THANK GOD it was dark in the room, unless my blushing was really bright, Aaron didn't see it.
"Deino would freak out if she heard what you just said." I said.
As if on cue, there was a pounding at the door. Aaron sighed, paused the TV, and opened the door. From the fake-blonde hair in the wind, I KNEW it was Deino. She was yelling at Aaron about something, but Aaron seemed to care less. Then Deino saw me. She shoved past Aaron, stalking up to me, before slapping me across the face. Dear god, please don't let there be STD's on Deino's hand.
"You," She growled as I held my burning cheek. "You caused this, didn't you! What did you do? What did you say? I'll kill you, you deformed stupid bitch!" She growled, getting ready to strangle me. She squeezed on my neck, cutting off my supply of oxygen, causing me to gasp and claw at her. I nearly passed out when Aaron shoved Deino away from me by pulling Deino's hair. She screamed at Aaron, and slapped him the same way she slapped me. Big mistake for Deino. Aaron picked her up, and shoved her out of the door, laughing as she landed in mud, ruining her clothes, and most likely bruising her butt.
"Have a sucky life slut." Aaron growled, before he slammed the door. He turned to me, his eyes apologetic. He rushed to me, checking my cheek.
"Are you alright? Does it hurt? Damn, she hit you hard. You're okay, right?" He asked, his voice low. I put my head on his chest and sobbed, letting the pain escape through my silent tears.
"Ssh, it's okay. You'll never see that bitch again. I was stupid to let her in." Aaron purred, calming me.
"She's fucking strong for a whore." was all that I said, before I pushed away, wiping my tears.
I gasped as a wave of dizziness came over me, causing me to nearly collapse. Aaron put his arms around my waist, his hands brushing my butt, my arms around his neck, and looked me in the eyes.
"Are you sure you're okay? Why don't I put you in bed so you don't collapse?" Aaron suggested, his eyes close to mine. A light flicked on, and Daniel was there, seething with anger. Oh god, this must look deceiving. Daniel threw Aaron away from me, causing me to collapse onto my butt.
"Don't touch my sister!" He growled at Aaron.
"Danny, it's not what it looks like. His GF was here, pissed off, and nearly choked me to death." I said, breaking off in a real fit of coughs and gasps.
Aaron picked up the explanation.
"I got Deino away from here. Delilah doesn't look good, and she nearly collapsed. I was keeping her up, about to sit her down, and you came. NOTHING happened. I swear on my life I didn't try anything, right Delilah?" Aaron said.
I nodded, still coughing and gasping. Daniel's face softened. He stalked over to me, getting me a cup of water to help with my coughing. After I could talk and breathe again, I agreed with Aaron.
"Fine. I believe YOU Delilah. I DON'T believe Aaron." Daniel said, helping me up. I sat down on the couch, using Daniel's lap as a pillow.
"I came out because I heard Deino yelling." Daniel said. "Now I wanna watch TV."
"Or you don't want me alone with your sister." Aaron grumbled when Daniel changed the channel.
I glared at Aaron. What just happened? I thought about how Aaron held me up. It seemed sexual NOW that I think about it. I kicked him in the leg.
"What was that for?" Aaron asked as we watched Doomsday Preppers.
"That's for how you kept me from collapsing." I said, before dozing off into sleep.

I was awoken by my shoulder being shaken. It was Aaron, again. But at least I wasn't pegged with a tennis ball.
"Daniel had me wake you up. He grabbed Krispy Kreme, and Starbucks for everyone. Might wanna get ready." Aaron said.
I sat up, the covers falling off of me. I was only in my zebra-stripe bra and underwear! I felt my cheeks get hot, and I looked up to see Aaron was flushed a red.
"I-I'm gonna shower. Thanks for waking me up." I said, rolling out of bed.
I went into my closet grabbing a black boob-showing tube-top, along with some EXTREMELY short shorts with no pockets, that were sure to tease Aaron, and about half of my housemates who were single. I grabbed a new strappless bra and a clean pair of underwear, and my cell. I walked into the bathroom, closing the door, before opening up my phone. I copied Narcissus's number into my phone and sent him a quick text, that soon turned into a conversation. It went something like this:

me: hey, it's the girl you met at the mall, Aaron's friend's sister. I forgot to mention, my name is Delilah.

Narcissus: Hey Delilah. Forgot to mention, sorry bout Deino, she can be a bitch.

me: This may sound rude but, is Narcissus ur real name?

Narcissus: *laughing* it isn't. Deino is Deino, and she hates my name, so she calls me Narcissus. It just grew on me.

Me: what's ur real name?

Narcissus: Caspian.

Me: The name just turns me on. It's not a stupid name.

Caspian (Narcissus): I know. But DEINO gave me that name.

Me: Srry, gotta strip naked and take a shower.

Caspian: Ooh, I wanna see.

Me: Perv. Bibi

Caspian: Bye

I stripped off my lingerie, before stepping into the steamy water, taking as LONG AS I COULD.

After I was out of the shower, I put on my clothes, throwing on deoderant and perfume. I combed through my hair, leaving it down. I put on a little lip-gloss, before grabbing my phone and shoving it in my bra, since I had no pockets. I looked in the full length mirror. The tube top was fitted to my body, showing my curves, as if the tube top was sewn to my skin. The tank top showed the top of my boobs that looked bigger and rounder thanks to my bra and shirt. The short-shorts showed off my legs, making me look taller. With little make-up, I still looked pretty. I walked out to see Aaron waiting for me. He looked up, seeing me, and completely flushed a bright red, his mouth becoming slack.
"God, Aaron, stop drooling on my floor." I said, hoping I wasn't red from how he was gawking at me.
Aaron closed his mouth, holding out his hand. I took it, letting him lead me downstairs. When I got there, everything paused to gawk at me. Even the TV turned off. And these guys NEVER stop watching TV. I tried to ignore it, but Daniel stopped me.
"Why are you holding hands with Aaron?" He asked, glaring at Aaron.
"No reason. Why are you questioning me?" I retaliated.
"Because...touche." He said, tossing me a doughnut from the box.
I sat in the middle of the couch, and tried to ignore the pervert boys staring at me, except for my brother, who was still glaring at Aaron. Aaron retreated from my side. He-he, boys. Too easy to charm. A text caught my attention. It was Narcissus...I mean, Caspian.
The texts went like this:

Caspian: U outta da shower?

Me: Yep

Caspian: Good...Do you, uh...Wanna go to the beach with me and a few of my friends? Aaron can come if he bugs you.

Me: Hmm...Let me think about it...

Caspian: Deino isn't coming...


Caspian: Great. Txt me Ur address and I'll pick ya up. Bring a swimsuit, and a change of clothes, I'll take ya 2 da boardwalk.


Caspian: Tell Aaron he's invited, I'd like a word with him.

Me: Only A word? Not a sentence?

Caspian: HAHA

Me: Gtg, got 11 housemates wondering who the hell Caspian is...SINCE THEY ARE READING MY TEXTS...THAT or they're staring down my shirt...

Caspian: Ohh...Did you tell them about the baby yet?

There is no baby, but my housemates didn't know that...Daniel looked furious, Aaron somewhere between shocked and hurt, but still, he looked HILARIOUS! The rest looked surprised.
"BABY?!" They exclaimed.
I erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, I can't believe you actually fell for that! Ha!" I said around a fit of giggles.
I went back to texting.

Me: You gave my brother a heart attack, he was reading that lie of yours.

Caspian: O,o You're welcome.

Me: Aaron had the funniest look on his face LMAO! oUo

Caspian: Tell him I say hi asshole. ;P

Me: I'll also ask him if he wants to come with.

Caspian: Bye <3

Me: Bibi

"Aaron, Narcissus says hi asshole!" I said, not looking up.
"OOOH...Caspian is Narcissus." Daniel said. "I thought they were two different guys."
I faked a dumb face.
"Me too! I guess stupidity runs in the family." I snapped.
Daniel frowned.
I got up, taking Aaron's arm, and dragging him down the hall.
"I'm borrowing him for a minute to talk to him." I shouted as I dragged him up the stairs.
"What?" Aaron asked, as I shut my door.
"So, do you?" I asked.
"Do I what?" Aaron asked.
"Do you wanna come to the beach with Caspian and I?" I asked.
Aaron ran a hand through his hair.
"I guess." He said.
"YAY!" I shouted like a giddy child.
I kept him in the room as I fussed over which of my swimsuits I should wear, but he wasn't

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