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Cartoon generation 4 ponies...furries want it and we as a team here at turdish mountain know that...we will show you what it's like in a pony down under.

im still writing but its just me telling some things about my past realtionships

No matter if you're a man or a woman - we've all experienced at least ONE moment when we've had a horrible beauty mishap. Mullets, bad perms, over plucked eyebrows, or maybe you looked in the mirror and thought 'Oh, Mother (Nature)! How did my butt wind up on my belly?!' Yes, we've all had our tragic tales of beauty so we can all relate to the Tragic Tales of Beauty brought to you from the comedic mind of Southern Belle, L. Avery Brown. So, grab a tall glass of whatever you like and get ready

Excepts from a blog I maintained for a year and then ran out of things I cared enough about to make fun of.

.Cindy Switching Ella. Cindy and Ella has switched bodies. What will happen If this two complete opposite has switched? This story is not yet complete!!

Hi there, my name is Pilf. I'm part of an elite group of wonderful and powerful super-people. My power is to flip things, hence the name. For you weird ones out there: PILF=FLIP backwards. Back to business, I'd like to tell you this book is strange but can be sort funny at times (depending on your sense of humor :P). You'll get to meet great new characters like my good friend Kyle A.K.A The Linebacker, who happens to get in a lot of trouble. Since we're a team we fight to save him and we end up

my sister is one funny person. i decided i would make a log of her funny thoughts. i hope you get ready for an awsome ride of thoughts!

An all-new series by Bethan Rees. Alicia Soar is popular. She is in a band called 'The Geeks' - but, the problem is, it's full of boys. She's the only girl. Can she be the boys' Geek Girl without going completely insane?

Everyone has at least a little crazy in their families, and those that say they don't, are lying. My Dysfunctional Family is a compilation―I want all of your most insane, hilarious, just plain ridiculous family stories so we can all rest assured that we're not alone when it comes to bonkers relatives. If you want in, please PM me with your story and I'll add it to the book. Don't hold back!