» Juvenile Fiction » Deep Secrets, Selena [fantasy books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Deep Secrets, Selena [fantasy books to read TXT] 📗». Author Selena

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It was a cool night outside in the woods, so I was taking a hike back to the cabin. I held my flashlight in my hand trying to get through the woods, but while I was walking, I could feel someone watching me. I stop and look around, but I didn't hear nothing. I heard a wolf howling. I start walking much more faster than usual. I was mostly running, I didn't really pay attention to where I was going, so I tripped and rolled down the hill. When I finally stopped rolling, I stood up and felt pain on my arm. I felt my arm and it was wet, so I knew it was bleeding. I grabbed the flashlight and look around. I froze when I saw a girl lying on the ground. I went to her and flash the flashlight at her. Her long blonde hair was hiding her face. I hesitated a little before I got on my knees right beside her. My hand trembled a little when I smooth her hair out her face. Except for the deep cut on her forehead, she looked beautiful. To make sure she wasn't dead, I checked her pulse. I sighed in relief when I felt her pulse, but it was slow. I need to get her into a hospital before she do die. The cut on her forehead was still bleeding. I look around the area and I found my bag. I got the bag from the ground and went back to her. I sat back down on the ground right next to her and pulled out the first aid kit. I cleaned her wound, put gauze on her head and taped it. I did the best I could to stop the bleeding. I put the first aid kit and flash light back in my bag and put it back on. I stared at the girl and hesitated a little before I picked her up. I look around in the woods and start walking through the woods to the direction I was going. A few minutes later, it start raining. While I was walking, a few times, I would look down at her to see if she was alright. I finally made it out the woods and I saw my cabin. I went to my Jeep Wrangler and open the passenger door. I caught her before she hit the ground, sat her down on the seat and put the seat belt on her. I shut the door and went to the driver door. When I opened the door, she was leaning across the seat. I sat her up and got her to lean on the passenger door. I went inside the car, shut the door, and buckled my seat belt. When I put the car keys in the ignition, it didn't start.

"Please don't give up on me now." I said. I tried to start the car again, but it still didn't start. "Damn." I took the keys out and sat back in my seat. I need to get this girl to the hospital. I grabbed my cell phone out my pocket and tried to call 911, but there was no service. I groaned. So that mean I have to wait in the morning to call them. I hope she survive for the rest of the night. I got out the car and shut the door. I went to the passengers door and got the girl out the car. I carried her to the front door of the cabin, took out the key, and opened the door. I shut the door and locked it. I carried the girl to my room and laid her on the bed. Blood was going through the gauze, so I need to clean her wound again. I left out the room to get some pain killers and a glass of water. When I went back to the bedroom, she was laying on her stomach, groaning in pain. I rolled her back over on her back, took off the gauze and start cleaning her wound again to stop the bleeding. After I was finished, I bandaged up her wound. I got two pain killers pills out the bottle and put them in her mouth. I lift her up for she can drink it. She drank a little before she stopped. I sat the glass of water on the night stand and laid her back down on the bed. I pulled the covers on her, pulled a chair near the bed, and sat down. I lean back in the chair and stared at the girl. She start mumbling something, but I didn't understand anything. I hope she survive for the night. I took my cell phone out my pocket and tried calling 911 again, but there was still no service. I tried the phone in the cabin, but it still didn't work. I tried to stay awake to watch over the girl, but I was so tired that I fell asleep.


I woke up from a bad sleep and I feel someone staring at me. I stared at the alarm clock and it was 9:30 am. I jumped when I see the girl awake. She was sitting up, staring at me. She had the most beautiful eyes I ever seen. She followed my every move as I stood up and sat on the bed right next to her.

"Hi. You are finally awake. How are you feeling?" I said. She just stared at me, not saying nothing. Maybe she can't speak English.

"Are you hungry?" I did some hand movements of eating for she could understand, but she kept on staring me. "I found you in the woods last night. You was badly hurt."

She look like she was about to say something, but she didn't.
"Do your head still hurt?" She looked a little uncomfortable.
"Where am I?" she said
"Oh. So you speak English?"
"I thought I had to do sign language for you could understand me."
"Where am I?" She repeated the question.
"You at my cabin."
I'm not going to let a girl stay here. I already went through a bad break up. I'm not going to let another girl in my life. I think she had hit her head really bad.

I opened the kit and took out the items I would need to clean her wound. Now that she was awake, I was certain that the antiseptic would hurt like hell. I snipped off a few strips of tape and stuck the ends on the back of my hand to make it easier to bandage.

"Is it alright if I have a look at your wound?" I asked.

At first she eyed me with slight wariness, but she eventually murmured a soft "Yes". With feelings of anticipation, I sat next to her. Lifting a gentle hand to her temple, and gingerly peeled the cloth from her flesh. I wanted to wince as I saw how deep and ugly the wound still was, but managed a small smile instead, hoping to calm any fears she might be harboring.

"At least the bleeding has stopped." I said. I placed the soiled bandages in the wastebasket beside the bed. "You've still got a doozy of a lump." I commented, viewing the black, blue, and purple tinge of the surrounding skin.

"Doozy?" she inquired, remaining statue- still as I examined her marred temple. Her grip on the cover was tight again.

"What?" she said

I looked into her eyes for a second before focusing my attention back on my task.

"There's a big bump and bruise along with a deep cut." I explained, thinking that the word 'doozy' didn't sound quite as bad as the truth did.

"You are a physician?" Her voice was odd. There didn't seem to be the slightest hint of emotion in her voice. It was almost a constant monotone. There was also something strange in her behavior. She was attacked- or whatever it had been- and now found herself in a stranger's bed with a gash on her head, and she hadn't even batted one of those long silken eyelashes.

"No," I admitted, keeping my attention on my work and not the fact that this was the closest I had been to a female in a long time. She was definitely more potent when awake. "I'm not a doctor, but I wanted to keep your cut from getting infected until we could get you to a hospital."

"No." The one word was flat, but insistent. "I will stay here until I can contact my people and return home."

I frowned. I didn't like the sound of that. "You need medical attention. You might have a concussion and I have a feeling that whatever problems you may have at the moment are far more than I'm willing to handle." I said calmly. "I found you out in the woods and felt it was my duty to bring you back here and get you some medical attention, but that's as far as my hospitality goes."

Changing the subject for the moment, I went back to the cleaning the wound. "This will sting a bit," I warned. "All I have is alcohol to clean your cut." I tore open the foil packet and extracted the soak cotton pad. Holding my breath, awaiting her reaction to the searing heat of the alcohol, I touched it gently to the gash on her brow. She didn't even flinch.

"Doesn't this hurt?" I asked.
"Yes. The pain is agonizing." she said
"Then, why didn't you say anything?" Her lack of emotion nagged at me. "I'd probably be screaming." I finished wiping the cut, and tossed the pad in the trash.
The girl just shrugged. "It would not lessen the pain by voicing discomfort." She remained still as I finished dressing her wound.

"Who are you? Rambo?"
"Forget it" I taped the ends of the gauze "Where you come from, you've probably never heard of him." I gently smooth the ends of the tape, stealing a little more time to be close to her. She reached up and took me by the wrist, her eyes intense as they bored into mines.

"I do not like it when you touch me."

I jerked my hand free from the shackle she had made with her thumb and middle finger. "I'll keep that in mind." I aimed for a tone of anger, but my voice came out in a whisper as I was locked in my unnerving gaze.

She is so weird. I need to hurry and get her out of here. She nodded and let her hand drop to the blanket. I watched with a frown as she slowly ran her palms over the cotton sheet and fluffy comforter like a blind person trying to discern the material. Too weird.

"Look.." I said
"I'm looking." She interrupted me. I blew out a breath of agitation. I smooth my hair out my face. I was tired, I wanted a shower, and I was hungry. This girl is being so difficult and she is getting me a headache.
"You can't stay

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