» Juvenile Fiction » Christmas Wish, Indira Nankoosingh, Indira Nankoosingh [best life changing books .txt] 📗

Book online «Christmas Wish, Indira Nankoosingh, Indira Nankoosingh [best life changing books .txt] 📗». Author Indira Nankoosingh, Indira Nankoosingh

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Christmas Wish


This tale is about two lovable male cats. Their names are Chewy and Tiger. Chewy has beautiful long black fur with a bit of brown highlights. He's a strong and loving feline who is always laid back and loves to snuggle. He's quite handsome too, but doesn't seem to know it. Tiger, however -- knows he is, with his short grey fur, black patches and stripes and white around his mouth. If you looked at him you would think he was Santa Kitty with his white beard. He would even strut in the company of the females. He's also quite determined in getting what he wants through his persistent chatter and playful charm.

The Escape

Chewy and Tiger lived with one human ever since they were kittens; until both ran away from her. She was always mean to them, and showed them no affection. Sometimes they would not, receive any food and water for many days at a time, so they would have to search for their own food once they were old enough to hunt, and they didn't have a problem with that though, since the basement of the house, was infested by rats.

One day when their owner was opening the screen door at the front of the house, they quickly darted out. The old woman tried to run after them to take them back into the house when they turned and noticed that she had stopped. They saw that she was trying to catch her breath, and realized that she can never catch up to them now. Chewy and Tiger continued to run far into the woods, so that they would not be found. They soon made a temporary home large enough for two in an old willow tree. Both boys slept on twigs and hunted for their food. Something, they did not expect at all. The twigs made them itch and the hunt for food were difficult, since the small animals in the woods were faster, and outran them. One night they sat in front of the willow tree looking up at the stars, until they saw a star shining brightly in the night sky and together made a wish; the same wish.


A few weeks later Chewy and Tiger woke up more energized than ever before. Suddenly, they heard the scuttling of tiny feet just outside their cave entrance and voices loud enough to wake all the animals that lived in the woods. The boys quickly ran outside and saw rabbits, squirrels, raccoon and a family of deer scattering about, as if they were running for their lives. A doe turned to them, and yelled out, as she ran.

"Find a safe place to hide. Quick! A storm is coming!"

The moment the deer spoke Chewy and Tiger were almost blown off their paws by a strong wind. Quickly, they ran back inside their cave worried that the wind would sweep them off into the pale blue sky, and they would be lost to each other for good. They huddled together, hoping that the tree was strong enough to keep its roots. Unfortunately though, they soon found themselves meowing in fear, as the tree ripped its roots off the ground, spinning towards the sky with them in it. Chewy and Tiger held on to one another tight, hoping that they would not be separated during this terrifying ordeal. The boys awoke and found themselves lying on a bed of snow. They realized that they were still alive. When they stood, they felt a little dizzy and just stood for a moment; at least until, they were sturdy on their feet. The snow all around them rested in layers upon the ground that went for miles into the woods, and the clearing.

"We're alive. We're alive," yelled Tiger, in excitement, just before he asked, “Where are we?"

"I wish I knew," replied Chewy, a little dazed and confused.

The boys began searching the area, and saw the tree they were living in lying twenty feet from where they were standing. Chewy and Tiger soon discovered that they were not in the same woods they had remembered. The woods seemed the same, except for the snow that was now added to the scenery. Chewy realized that the sun was going down and decided that they needed to find shelter for the night. They continued searching through the woods until they came to an old shack. They entered cautiously looking for any sign of life. Chewy realized that the shack had been abandoned. All the furniture was broken and lying on wooden ground. Even the air seemed musty.

"It doesn't seem like anyone had lived here, for a long time," commented Tiger.

"Well at least we have shelter until we figure out what to do next, but we'll worry about that tomorrow morning. In the meantime let's go hunt for food. I'm famished," said Gats, after he investigated the shack.

Tiger suddenly realized he was hungry too, and agreed. Chewy and Tiger both went outside to search the surrounding area for food, and realized that they didn't need to go far. They heard some scuttling under some dead leaves nearby. Tiger pounced, then lifted the leaves to look under and was happy to see his catch of the day. There were two scrawny rats lying stunned from the force of the attack. Chewy glanced at the mice and thought they were too scrawny to satisfy their hunger, but still commented.

"Well they would have to do for tonight, I guess."

The boys devoured their food within seconds. They went back into the shack and found some old blanket lying on the floor. The boys both kneaded the blanket -- before they snuggled up close and fell fast asleep. Elf The next morning Tiger was awaken by the sun shining brightly through the window and stretched while softly purring. He glanced over at Chewy and saw that he was still curled up and snoring. Tiger quietly walked over to the door and went outside to search for food. While Tiger searched the area he ran into a white feline dressed in green with a hat to match.

"Hello my name is Kit. Your name is Tiger, right?" She paused to look around, and then asked, "Where is Chewy?"

Tiger was too busy contemplating as he glanced at the cat dressed unusually before him. He soon realized that she was talking to him.

"Sorry, did you say something," he asked.

The white cat appeared annoyed and repeated her question. "Yes, I said, hello, my name is Kit. Your name is Tiger, right? Then I asked where is Chewy?"

"Okay, okay, relax. How do you know our names anyways?"

"I have my ways of knowing these things," answered Kit, as she glanced around the area for Chewy before she asked, "Well, where is he," answered Kit,

"He's still sleeping," replied Tiger, now annoyed by her attitude.

"Well go wake him. I have a lot of work that I need to get back to," she said frowning.

Tiger was about to go inside to wake his brother, when he saw Chewy exiting the shack. When Chewy joined them he noticed the other cat before him, and turned to Tiger.

"Who is she? Where did she come from?"

"Chewy, this here is Kit, and Kit, this is Chewy," answered Tiger, in a blunt manner.

"Hi," said Chewy.

"Hi." replied Kit, before she continued, "Now come on, we need to get going, and I do not have time to waste. We should arrive within a half hour, if we hurry.

"Come on. We need to get going. We should arrive, within a half hour, if we hurry."

"Where are we going," asked Chewy, as both boys tried to keep up with Kit.

"We are going to Santa Clause’s cottage," answered Kit.

"Really, we are going to see Santa? Did you hear that, Chewy? We are going to see Santa, Alright! Did you hear that Chewy? We are going to see Santa," exclaimed Tiger, as he pounced around in excitement.

"Yes, I heard." Chewy then turned to Kit, "You are kidding us, right," asked Chewy, not believing what he was hearing.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Santa sent for you boys early this morning," answered Kit, now frowning.

"Santa, here we come," exclaimed Tiger, now calm as he tried to keep is excitement down a little.

Chewy smiled to himself at the thought of meeting Santa, even though he did not fully believe in Santa Claus and that that a round jolly man with a red suit with a bag of toys really existed. He didn't want to disappoint his brother though -- seeing how excited Tiger was. It wasn't long before they were treading through snow, that would have been over their heads. There was not even a trail that they could follow, but luckily, the snow was a bit tough, so they did not sink too much with every step. Chewy and Tiger noticed a cottage not too far before them, and saw that it was decorated with lots of colorful Christmas lights. The boys admired the scenery, as they continued toward it.

The Cottage


Once they were standing at the front of the cottage, Kit knocked on the door, and then turned to the boys to speak, before she went on her way without saying, Goodbye.

Chewy and Tiger was about to say, Bye, but Kit was already gone. She was no where in sight. They then turned to see a woman in her 50’s -- with a dress that appeared, as if it was from the pioneer era.

"Come in, come in. Just don't stand there. Hello, boys, I have been expecting you," she exclaimed, with joy. She gestured them toward the kitchen, "Have a seat at the table boys while I fix up some goodies."

Chewy and Tiger both sat, and watched in excitement at all the wonderful food that lay out before them. Laid out onto the table, was grilled tuna from a can, baked chicken pieces, and lots of sweet goodies such as cakes, cookies, muffins and pies. The boys' mouths began to water, and they couldn't wait to get their paws on all that delicious food. The woman smiled warmly, and urged them on.

"Go on boys, eat up. Santa is at the workshop now, but he will return, in a few hours."

Chewy and Tiger devoured all that they could eat in one sitting, and then went over to the fireplace to keep warm. While they did so, Mrs. Claus tidied up in the kitchen. Moments later she joined them, and told them stories of the old days before Santa became the man he is today. As they listened, with sparkles in their eyes they both began to feel so tired that they both curled up and fell fast asleep. It was 9 pm at night when Chewy had awoken, and saw Santa enter the cottage. Tiger had woken soon after and was so excited to see that Santa was back.

"Ho, Ho, Ho," laughed Santa as he saw Chewy and Tiger running towards him. "Hello boys, I hope you both have been good this year. Ho, Ho, Ho."

"We have Santa; we've been really

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