» Juvenile Fiction » Crazy for Me (Under Heavy Editing!), V.A. Monaghan [reading in the dark .txt] 📗

Book online «Crazy for Me (Under Heavy Editing!), V.A. Monaghan [reading in the dark .txt] 📗». Author V.A. Monaghan

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Chapter 1

Natalie's POV
I felt the music swirl around me. I let everything go. I did just what the My Darkest Days song said. I moved my body. I opened my eyes for a fraction of a second, just in time to see the group of gang bangers walk in. I turned around, letting myself be lost in the music again, but I felt their eyes on me. Every time it was someones first time in here, they stared at me. I'm not surprised, nor am I worried. Not only was I taller that most of the girls in here, standing at 5' 11”, but I was also the only one that wasn't deathly pale. I was more of a caramel color from my Mexican and Nigerian ancestry. Everyone else was white as snow, either naturally or from make up.
The song ended and it became Hip Hop Hour which only happened when a drug deal was about to go down and the visiting party didn't like the music. Sighing in frustration at the Mac Miller song, I walked over to the bar. While I was waiting for Dominic, the bartender, to finish with someone else, one of the guys from the gang walked over.
“Ay, can I buy you a drink?” he asked me.
I finally looked up into his face. When I say up, I mean WAY up. He was my kind of guy. He didn't really fit in with the rest of the group but they accepted him, just like the people here at the club accepted me. But he was definitely not a guy I'd want to piss off. The rest of the group he was with had all black guys in it and usually gangs were all the same race. This guy was white. He was a little tan but definitely Caucasian. He was at least five or six inches taller than me which said something considering my unique height. He had a very chiseled face with a jagged scar going down the left side that slightly disfigured the corner of his left eye. He was extremely built. As in he could probably bench three of me. The thing is, he looked maybe 17, 18 at the oldest.
I shrugged as Dom came up.
“Is it the usual chicka?” Dom asked me.
“Yea but this guy has my tab for the night.” I answered
“Hold up,” the guy cut in, “I asked if I could buy you A drink, not all your drinks.”
Dom set down the medium $1.50 cherry coke in front of me.
“I hope not even 2 dollars won't break the bank for you wigga.” I snorted.
He scowled at me, “I'm buyin your drinks. I think you should be a little nicer than that.”
I smirked at him and picked up my drink. As I started walking away, I realized he wasn't following me.
“Well are you coming to sit with me or not?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
The guy looked back at his boys and got a nod from what must have been the leader and followed me with swagger in his walk. I sat down at the table and I began sip my coke. I studied him more closely. His eyes were almost white because of how blue they were. His shoulders were probably 2 feet wide and broad. His pants sagged a bit, not as much as most but quite low. I couldn't tell what color his hair was because he had a purple bandana under a black flat billed hat. He had a black shirt on that was huge on him with some black Nike airs. Honestly he was a rugged bad boy type of way.
“So what's your name ma?” He asked me in his low sultry voice.
“Natalie.” I said before replacing my mouth onto the straw and looking at him expectantly.
“I'm Tate.” he said, giving me a grin and pulling the straw out of my mouth and putting it into his.

Tate's POV
We walked into some freak show underground club. They were playing some type of that wack ass rock music that had a little bit of rap to it. We knew eyes were on us when we walked in. We looked back at the crowd with boredem. Everyone knew how this shit went. We were in charge. This was our turf. You mess wit any of us an you gonna get a cap in your head. The first person we saw though was a fine looking girl right in the middle of the dance floor. She looked like them except they were all pale as fuck and she...wasn't. I'd compare her to my moms caramel squares she makes for Christmas. She noticed us looking at her and turned her back on us. Wow...she had an attitude. You could tell just by the look she gave Jonjon. No one gave Jonjon a look like that. As if he wasn't anything except another nigga lookin at her. Jonjon didn't usually do deals but this group was getting a little independent and he need to settle some stuff with them.
The changed the kind of music when we got to the back. They always did when we got to these places. We were dealin an these people didn't want to make the dealers mad cuz it could get pretty messy for them.
“Big boy,” Jonjon called me over to him, “go over and talk to that miss that gave us sass earlier. She seems your type.”
I looked over at her with her black skinny jeans, converse, and a tight band t-shirt very doubtful.
“She's tryin to prove that just cuz she's black or Mexican or whatever, don't mean she can't do her thing. You the only white boy at the top. Go over and feel her out. I ain't sayin you gotta marry her. I'm just sick of seein you mope around when we got our girls around.”
“Ight man. Call me over if you need me.”
He just nodded at me and then turned his head to the emo guys sittin across the table. I walked up to the girl. She was standing at the bar waiting for the bartender.
“Ay, can I buy you a drink?” I asked
She turned side ways so she could look at me better. Of course I could see her better now too. She had big brown eyes with heavy black make-up around them. She didn't have anything on her lips from what I could tell but they looked great with out it. She had high cheek bones and her hair was jet black and was really long. Her shirt had some band called Asking Alexandria on it and her converse had drawings on the white parts. Her legs were real long and she was taller than most girls. She had curves that were out of this world and had me unintentionally licking my lips. I don't think she noticed though cuz she was busy checkin me out. I could tell the scar on my face had her curious but, unlike most girls, she didn't ask questions.
She just shrugged. The bartender walked up and asked her if she just wanted the usual. Damn, if she's friendly with the bartender she's gotta come here a lot.
“He's got my tab tonight.” She said nodding towards me.
“Hold up...I said I'd buy you A drink, not all yo drinks.”
The bartender putdown a plastic restaurant cup with pop in it.
“I hope not even a 2 dollar cherry coke will brake the bank for you wigga.” She said smirkin at me.
Did she really just call me that? I worked hard for my boys to respect me. I'd earned the right to jump anyone that called me that and this girl gonna say it to my face. I said somethin about me buyin her drinks so she needed to be nice to me. She just smiled and started to walk away. I didn't know what to do. Whenever I needed a girl, I just found some hoe lookin for a good time. They threw theselves at me, not the other way around. Just when I was gonna walk back to my boys she turned back around.
“Well are you gonna sit with me or not?” she asked kind of sounding bored.
I followed behind her after getting a nod from Jonjon not sayin anything. Instead I watched her hips sway. I'm not sure if it was on purpose put they swayed with the Mac Miller song and it had me mesmerized to the point I barley noticed she'd gotten to a table.
“So what's your name ma?” I asked while she sipped on her cherry coke. It was kinda drivin me crazy, not even gonna lie.
She took her lips off of the straw for a second to say, “Natalie.”
“I'm Tate.” I said, taking the pop that I bought away from her and taking a drink from it.

Chapter 2

Natalie's POV

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. He gave me an innocent look. He had really pretty eyes. I couldn't get over how pretty they were. The scar just highlighted them. I had just opened my mouth to say something to him when I felt something vibrate in my bra. I turned my back to him so I could get my phone out. It was brother calling.
“Hey...I gotta take this.” I told Tate.
He nodded and grabbed my hand and led me out the back door of the club.
I finally answered the phone to an irritated Nate.

Me: Hey bro...what's up?
Nate: Where are you?
Me: Where do you think Nate? I always go know that.
Nate: I know, I know...I just don't want you to get into trouble.
Me: I've been doing this for over a year now and I have yet to have trouble. I'm always home by midnight and I keep my grades up. Those were your only rules.
Nate: I'm sorry for worrying sis. I know how horrible it is for you to actually have a steady father figure in your life.
Me: Nate...I'm not getting into this with you right now.
Nate: Like hell you aren't! You won't talk to me in person so I'm gonna tell you right now. You need to get over yourself and stay home at night. Running away won't help anything and neither will drinking away your sorrows.
Me: Why would I drink Nate? Does that make sense to you? And I did have a father figure for over half of my life. I had a dad until you chased him off by saying he killed mom and now he's dead because of you! If you hadn't pissed him off he wouldn't have been drinking that night and I'd be back in Texas instead of intruding on you and Macy's perfect life.
Nate: Your a little spoiled bitch! I never chased him

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