» Juvenile Fiction » Sweet Honey, tira burrell [best e book reader for android .TXT] 📗

Book online «Sweet Honey, tira burrell [best e book reader for android .TXT] 📗». Author tira burrell

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Once upon of time,I had a percet life.You know the basic family,a mom,dad,and a sweet naive innocent little girl(me).The family was rich and happy.The mom was a stay at home wife and my dad did work but had enough time to send with the family each day.Yea my life was great!I got everything I wanted.

But on my 6th birthday thats when everything with wrong.Lets see,I have to say at 9am sharp,I woke up.Feeling happy and excited,you it was my birthay and I was 6 so who wouldnt be happy about getting new toys.I went down stairs and my blonde hair in a taingle mess,holding on to my white stuff animal bunny.

"MOMMMY!!!DADDY!!!"I called down the stairs as I went feeling joyful and happy.You would think I would sense something wrong,since it was pitch black in the house and quiet,and usally my mom would had woke me up with a little b-day breakfast.But I thought it was part of the suprise,hey I was 6,give me a brake.Anyways walking down stairs trying not to giggle so much,I thought to myself I was pretty clever.Because my parents thought they had trick into a surpise but I already figure them out.

I walked into the living,it was pitch black so I couldnt see.I felt something hot and stick at the bottom of my feet.I made my way to the light switch.When I turned on the lights there I found my parents dead,not a peacful death.My mom jaw was snatch off and my dad head was missing from is body.

I screamed and then I heard a low chuckle at the corner of the room.I looked up and saw a stange man dress in all black.He had a black hoodie on but when saw his eyes burn into mine.They were red,not just any red but blood red.I felt hot salty tears come to my mouth and instead of running away I screamed "I HATE YOU!!!!!!I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ONE DAY!!!!!!"

Thats what shocked the strange man for a minute and then he busted out laughing.I grabbed a vase off the coffee table and threw it at him.It almost hit him by the head,thats when he looked at me again.His eyes burning into mine.He began to walk toward me,You would think I would run but I was ready to stand my ground like the lion I saw on animal planet.Show no fear,I told myself,he'll leave.

But he didnt,it felt like forever for him to walk to me.When he was in front of me,he lowered he hand on my head.I didnt even flinch because I was so mad.Then I looked up at him and he looked down at me.With a blink of an eye he was gone,only his low chuckle remained in the air.I cant remeber much from there,I believe thats when I blacked out.

Chapter 1 10 years later,My Sweet honey

Shit I screamed to myself,how the fuck did this happen.Heard police sirens getting closer too my location,I ran faster.I turn into alley thinking my way out but it turns out it was a dead end."fuck"I looked around to see if there was a door.There were two one on the left and other on the right.I turn to try the left but someone pulled by the arm.

I got ready to fight but I stop when I saw Mory.Mory but his put a finger to his lips meaning queit.Then he dragged me into the right door.

Once inside the door,Mory lock it.I looked around it looked abadon or years.
"Where are we?"I ask Mory.
"An old factorie,use to me dads fatorie,but you know the storie"Mory said in his irsh atcent.

In facted I did,Mory's dad got caught in drugs and became crazy,now locked up in a loonie hostpital.

"Come on Honey,we cant stay for long."Mory began to walk away I followed.He led me to some stairs,it looked like it went up to the roof.Thats when me and Mory heard dogs barking and banging on the door.

Mory and I raced up the stairs,we heard the door bust open which only caused us to run faster up the stairs.At the top of the stairs there was a door.Mory pulled out some sliver keys and put in the lock.

It turns out I was right the stairs led to the roof.I heard the police running up the stairs.Mory took my hand and we ran to the edge of the roof.I looked down and saw it was about a 300 feet drop to the ground,there was a building next to the factory.

Mory queezed my hand and I looked at him.We both nodded our heads and then let eachother hand.Mory jumped to the next building first landing on his feet.
"Come on"Mory shouted.I swallowed hard,thats when I heard the roof door crash open and I turn around to see two german shapers charging at me,I jumped then.

I landed on Mory.He looked at me and I at him,we both grinned.We got to our feet and began to run again,jumping building to building.Atfer a while the police gave up and turned around thinking they lost us.

Mory and I climbed down a building.

"Well,that was fun."I said grinning.
"I,it was."Mory gave me a light push,"Im pretty shore when you landed on me back there you were flirting."
"Yea,You wish."I pulled out my cell phone,"I'll call a cab"

After I called the cab me and Mory went to a light lap out in the corner of May St,so the cab could see us.I looked at Mory from the side,I have to say he quite handsome in the night light.He had Red hair but had the greenest eyes you ever seen.He was well built,meaning he could handle himself in a fight.

Our cab pulled up and Mory open the door for me.
"After you Honey"
"Thanks"I said I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.I climb in the car.

In the car,we rode in silcence.I broke the it by saying
"Do you know what happen to Pam and Eric?"
"I believe they got caught.Its a good thing you followed me"
"Yea,good,You didnt even slow down for me.I thought I was last for a minute."
"Sorry,but I thought you could keep up,plus I did find you"
"Whatever."I put my head on Mory shoulder,Mory chuckled."getting sleepy?"
"Shut up,and be a good pillow."
Mory chuckled and put his arms around me pulling me closer to him.

When arrived home,foster home,Auntie greetted us at the door.She had a smile on her face but not a good smile,a dark one.Shit,did Pam and Eric rat us out,I ask myself.

When we got inside we saw Pam and Eric on the couch with there heads down.Eric peak up at me,his said hazel eyes fulled with tears.Eric was only 12 years old the youngest of the foster kids gang.I gave him a weak smile.

Auntie wave the driver good-bye and I heard the door slam behind.I heard a big smack,I looked to see that Auntie had hit Mory across the head.Mory rubbed his head and said "Ow".

"What were you kids thinking robbing a gas station,dont I give you enough money?"Auntie put her hands on her hip and glared at all of us.
"Well,that cashier wouldnt let Eric buy a candy bar because he was a foster kid!So we thought to get-"Pam busted out through her tears,Auntie cut her off.
"No I didnt raise anyone of you that way.You are all grounded!You are so lucky Paul was able to help you kids."

Paul is a police man and is dating Auntie.So thanks to him after everything we done did,our recorders are steal clean.

"Oh Come on!It wasnt thier fault,I came up with it"I shouted at Auntie."Just ground me"
"No,you may have planned it but everyone didnt have to follow.Now all of you go to your room!"Auntie pionted at the stairs.

Mory went first,I second,Pam and then Eric.My room was shared with Pam.And Mory with Eric.Our doors were right across from each other.Eric tucked my shirt before I went in.
"Sorry,I snitched on you guys"Eric looked at me with his hazel eyes.
"Its okay.Puppy."I said patting him on the head.Puppy was Eric nickname since he still had a baby face and he looked like a small puppy when he was sad.

I went into my room after that,Pam was already in her bed on the left side of the room.I went to my bed and sat down on it and began to take off my shoes.Pam got up and turn on the lights.

"Pam!"I put my pillow over my head,the bright light hurted my eyes.
"Sorry,but you know I have to wrap my hair ever night or I might get split ends."Pam said going ove to the dresser.Pam had light brown skin and had jet black hair that went to he shoulders.After about 3minutes of digging around in the droors,she got out a hot pink scarf.She ramped it around her head,and then turned off the lights.

I snuggled up in my bed and then everything went black.

I felt cold breathe and I looked up the window was open.Damn it Pam,I said to myself.I go up and went over to close the window,but I saw something move in the streets below.A man wearing a black hoodie,I gasped.The man looked up at me and i saw blood red eyes.I felt rage boiling into me,that man who murder my parents.So he came back to finish the job.I grabbed my coat and busted out my room and went down the stairs.

I ran outside,and looked left and right on the sidewalk.No one was there, I began to shout,"What are you waiting for I'm right here!!Show yourself."Thats when I felt someone behind me and I turned.The man in the hoodie was behind me.I started throwing my fist but he dodge them all.He grabbed both my hands,still fighting, and his face got close to mine it was to dark in the hoodie to see his face,but i felt ice cold lips pushing against mine.

I stopped my fighting when he kissed me,I felt a spark during the kiss.He let go of my hands and I slupped to the ground.He squaded down next to me and whisper in my ear,"We will meet again,My SWEET HONEY."He pulled away and I saw his mouth,it was in a crooked smile.He stood up and walked away.I wanted to chase after him but my legs wouldnt let me.I sat there for a while until I felt someone helping me up.

I looked up to see Mory looking down on me,his green eyes looked worried.

"You alright?"Mory ask helping me stand.
"Yea,I th-"Thats when I fainted.

Chapter 2:Waking and meeting him

I woke up in to annoying beepping sound.
"Pam turn off your fucking alarm clock"I shouted.Then I saw Auntie next to my bed,she looked at me with tears in her eyes.
"Honey?You okay"Auntie ask putting her hand over my forehead.
"Yea,why what happen?"
Auntie huged me not answering my question.
"I'll be back I ahve to get the doctor."Auntie said wiping the tears and left the room.

Dotor,why in the-ooooohhhh.I looked around the room.I was in a hostiptal room.I looked down seeing I was wearing a stupid hostiptl gown.I tried to get out the bed but the tubes that were attach to me held me down.I was about to yack them off when I heard the door open.

"Auntie,can you-"I shut myself up seeing it wasnt auntie but a man.The man had pitch black hair and golden eyes,looking around early 20s.His hair was smooth back and he was wearing a tan plants with

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