» Juvenile Fiction » Living the Life, Elle Marie Calhoun [the little red hen read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «Living the Life, Elle Marie Calhoun [the little red hen read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Elle Marie Calhoun

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The New


On a bright, sunny day, Jodie Amber Kelly and her friends were on their way to the mall. When they got there they split into groups: Melanie Johnson and Carley Harden, Derek Watson and Jason Fought, Conner Brown and Matt Loner, and Alex Andrews, Jodie Kelly, and Amanda Carter. They were supposed to meet back at the food court at 1:00. But right now is when things start to heat up.

When Derek was looking at the video games, a girl came up to him and asked, “Do you know where the food court is?” Without looking at her, he said, “Take a right and go straight from that and your there.” “Thanks. By the way, are you here alone? Not to be rude, I was just curious.” He stood up and saw her; he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He finally came back to reality and was able to say the answer to the question. “No, I’m with some of my friends. Oh yeah, I’m Derek Watson and you are?” “I’m Susan Hatchet.” “Since you’re heading to the food court you want to get something to eat?” “Sure. That’d be awesome.” When they got seated with their food Susan asked, “So do you have a girlfriend? Just wondering.” “Actually, no.” “Oh. Cool.” A few minutes later, he checked his watch and exclaimed, “It’s 1:00!” “So?” Susan replied. I’m supposed to meet the rest of the group right now.” “Where?” “Here you go.” He just realized. “Then you won’t be late. Um, here’s my number, you can call me if you want.” “Thanks. Um, here’s mine.” “Bye.” “Okay, bye.”

When Derek got back, his friends were mingling with each other. After that they went back to the van, it was completely full of people. Back at Carley’s house, all the girls were in the kitchen and all the guys in the living room. Derek, Jason, Conner, and Matt were sitting on the two couches in the living room. Then Matt asked, “So what did you do in the mall, Derek?” “Well, I kind of met someone when I was looking at the video games.” “What's this person's name?” Jason asked. “Susan.” “So it is a girl!” Conner exclaimed. “Of course she’s a girl, you idiot!” “Sorry, go on” “Well, I was showing her where the food court was and I began to stand up and then I saw her. She was beautiful.” “Man, so you met a girl, fell in love, what else?” Jason asked. “Who said anything about love?” “Sorry dude.” “That’s okay. Well we got lunch.” “Did you get her digits?” Matt asked. “You bet.” “Yeah!” all the guys shouted while high-fiving each other.

“Man, can you believe how loud those guys are?” Jodie asked. “Get used to it.”, Alex said. “I know.” “It sure is easy to know what they’re talking about.” Carley said. “Apparently, Derek is going to get a new girlfriend.” Amanda replied. “Oh yeah.” Melanie said enthusiastically. “So who do you like, Carley?” Alex asked. “I’m not telling you.” “Oh, come on.” “Oh well…” “Who? Who? Who?” Melanie asked enthusiastically. “Matt.”, Carley replied sheepishly. “Matt? Are you serious?”, “Jodie asked surprised. “Well, yeah. He’s amazing, sweet, oh and funny.” she responded with emotion. “Well whatever you say.” Amanda retorted. “So why don’t you ask him out?” Melanie asked. She was silent for a moment then Melanie responded to her silence, “Oh, I see. You’re waiting for him to ask you out.” “Yep.”, Carley answered. Jodie put her arm around Carley’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry girl, we could say something to him.” Carley pulled away for a second and asked, “What exactly? You’re not gonna say I like him are you?” “Of course not. We’re just going to talk about you to him.” “Well I guess that’d be okay.” “You bet it would.”

“Hey. Have you met my family?” Amanda asked Jodie the next day after shopping. “No. I don’t think I have. Well except for your mom and dad.” “Well my mom wanted me to invite you to meet the rest of my family.” “Why?” “I don’t know.” “Well I’d be glad to anyhow.” “Great.” “So what should I wear?” “Um probably something formal I guess.” “No prob. I got that new cattail dress. I could wear that.” “Ooo that pretty blue one?” “You bet.” “That’d be perfect.” “So what are we going to be eating?” “Fried chicken I think.” “Awesome I love fried chicken.” “I know.” They both laughed. “Come on, let’s get something to eat.” Jodie said happily. “Sure thing.”


That night at Jodie’s house: Alex calls her.


“Alex, it’s not that bad.” “Sounds boring to me.” “Of course it would.” Jodie pulls the dress over her head and lets it fall over her body. She slips on her clear wedges and puts on a necklace and bracelet. “What are you doing?” Alex asked from the other line. “Hey I got to go, bye.” “Bye.” The line disconnected. For the finishing touch, she put the earrings on that Jamie gave her for her 17th birthday. She grabs her purse and keys and leaves.

The drive was short; it only took a few minutes. She got out of her car and knocks on the door. The door opens and a guy about 20 years old appears in the doorway. “You must be Jodie, I’m Aaron.” He reached his hand out to shake hers. She shook it and he squeezed her hand. She smiled and said sweetly, “Nice to meet you, Aaron.” Amanda suddenly appears in the doorway and says excitingly, “Oh, Jodie so you’ve met Aaron. Well, don’t just stand there. Come in, Jodie.” “You look amazing, Jodie.” “Thanks Manda. You look pretty awesome yourself.” “Thanks.” She smiles happily. “Hey I’m Allison. I’m the oldest girl in the family.” A tall blond girl that looked about 19 said as she approached Jodie. “Oh wow nice to meet you, Allison.” “Allison is also the bossiest girl in the family.” Amanda commented behind Jodie. “Hey!” Allison said offended. Amanda just laughed grabbing Jodie by the arm and pulling her along.

Amanda brought Jodie to her other brother, Andrew. “Jodie, this is my brother, Andrew. Jodie. Andrew. Jodie.” She gestured to Andrew and Jodie so that they would meet properly. They shook hands and Jodie smiled sweetly at Andrew, he grinned back and lightly squeezed her hand. “Andrew also attends Alabama State University, and is majoring in history. He wants to become an archeologist one day. Isn't that cool?” Amanda gestures with both arms to Andrew, who was now blushing. He was embarrassed. Jodie chuckled under her breath and Andrew saw. “Are you laughing?” he demanded. “No.”, Jodie replied, trying not to laugh. Andrew stood there, Amanda serenading him, no wonder he was embarrassed. As Andrew stood there, Jodie started to lightly chuckle. Amanda kept babbling on and on about Andrew. Jodie began to laugh and Andrew noticed and said, “What are you laughing about?” Jodie bit her lip and answered with a small grin, “Oh nothing.” “Yeah right.” he said walking toward her. Amanda went her mother’s side and said with a smile, “I think this could work out.” “I don’t know, Amanda. I don’t think they seem to click.” Amanda’s mother said. “They just need some time.” “Maybe…”

Jodie came back to her place with a drowned out smile on her face. She had had fun, but not like she expected to. Jodie had been looking for love for quite awhile, but never found anyone that she thought was worth her while. She had had many boyfriends in her lifetime. But none of them she ever believed that she truly loved. The truth was that she just wanted someone that would love her for who she is and wouldn’t judge her. She was waiting for someone she thought she may never meet.

A Step Forward

The next day, Carley finds Jodie sitting at the ball park. “Hey Jodie, how’d last night go?” Carley asked. “Alright I guess. Could have been better.” “I have an idea. C’mon, now.” Carley said grabbing Jodie and dragging her along. “Where are we going?” Jodie asked running with Carley. “You’ll see.”

An hour later, Carley and Jodie arrive at the coffee shop. “What are we doing here?” Jodie asked when they came inside. Before Amanda could reply, a guy with sandy blonde hair walked out of the door marked, “EMPLOYEES ONLY”. He was about 5’9, tan skin, nicely built, gorgeous… “Carley, what are you doing here? You’re off today.” his voice was like honey, incredibly sweet. “Yeah, I know, Ryan. But I wanted to talk to you about a date night where you sit at a table and after 15 minutes, a different person comes to your table.” Right then, Jodie perked in, “That’s what you were planning?” “Well yeah. I’m gonna find you a boyfriend.” Carley said smiling. “Well Carley, that sounds like a pretty good idea.” Ryan said suddenly looking directly at Jodie with huge brown/blue eyes. “That’s awesome.” Carley said giddy with joy. Right then, Ryan began to walk toward Jodie, extending his hand, “I should introduce myself. I’m Ryan Carter, and you are?” I’m Jodie Kelly.”, she said taking his hand and shaking it. “Wow, his hand is soft.” Jodie thought. “Well, Jodie, I guess I’ll see you Friday night.” Ryan said grinning. “Okay...” Jodie replied. And then he was gone…

“Hey, Matt! Wait up!” Melanie yelled to Matt when she saw him walking. She finally caught up to him and began to speak again, “Matt, you want to have lunch? I need to talk to you about something.” “Yeah, sure.” Matt replied.

Once they were inside with their food, Matt began to speak, “So what did you want to talk to me about?” He picked up his sandwich and took a large bite out of it. “Well, I was wondering something. What do you think of Carley?” Melanie said picking up her food as well. “Well. To be honest with you, I’ve had the biggest crush on her. She’s just so beautiful and eccentric.” “For how long have you had these feelings?” “I realized it 3 years ago when she volunteered to tutor me in Algebra. I noticed how cute she looked when she was in thought, the way her hair shined whenever the light hit her, how adorable her smile was when she laughed. I really like her, Mel.” “Matt, why haven’t you talked to her about how you feel?” “I didn’t think she felt the same way. I thought she only saw me as a friend.” “Matt, she does feel the same way and thought you only saw her as a friend. You have to tell her, immediately. Here’s the plan in 20 minutes, head to the coffee house and tell her how you feel.” “Okay.” As Matt walked off, Melanie pulled out her phone and called Amanda, “Hey Mandy, get the stuff. See you at the coffee shop in 20.”

“You’re last name is Carter?” Jodie said to Ryan looking into his eyes. “Yeah.”, Ryan retorted. “Do you know Amanda Carter?”

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