» Juvenile Fiction » True Love, E.L.Smith [phonics books txt] 📗

Book online «True Love, E.L.Smith [phonics books txt] 📗». Author E.L.Smith

Chapter one

Hey my name is Megan Scott, i'm 21 years old. Just finished up college at Washington University. Majored in journalism. And this is my story of what really happened that summer of '12.

Summer 2012

Ok, so this is gonna be like a diary entry thing, so here it goes. . .

June 21, 2012

Ok, so today i woke up late and had to rush out the door and get down to the bus stop all before six. i work at a local hotel as a maid. i was fresh out of college, with no where to go. my parents had both been dead and had no siblings. so yeah, no family left, and no one to tye me to this god forsaken island off the coast of Washington. But, something was keeping me here and i don't know why. i rode the bus down to the hotel because i didn't have a car anymore, i had to sell it to be able to live here still.

i got off the bus and wasted no time as i ran inside threw the bitter rain. it was always rainning here, but it rained more inland than here. i walked into the maid's area and opened my locker to reveal a clean and organized mess. lol, i know what your thinking, and yes you can have messy organized things.

i grabbed my apron and then out away all my stuff. i quickly raced out into the hallway and with my asignments in hand. ever since i started working here last winter, i've been given the worst rooms and jobs. this is because of my lovely father. thank you so much Dad! grrrr!!! i hate him and love him at the same time. when i was just ten years old my mother died. when this happened my father turned to alcohol and drugs. most nights i had to cook or clean or whatever. then when daddy finally came back he was so drunk or drugged that he didn't even realize that his own daughter was the one he was beating when he got like this. yeah, i was beaten repeatedly for several years before i told anyone and when i did tell someone they called the police and finally my father was put away. i was about 15 when this happened, and i was thrown into foster care.

but when my mother first died, my father's company grew more and more. and all this was thanks to a Mr. Christopher Steel. Christopher helped my father cope with it all for a while, until one night while at a bar they got drunk. my dad's a mean drunk, so when an arrguement broke out, they took the fight outside. in a back alley, they had a fist fight, and both were bloody and a mess, but everyone said how my father had won. well, after the fight, everyone dispersed. but a group of gangsters beat the crap out of em, and left them for dead. when the police found them, my father was barely alive, but Christopher. . . he was pronounced dead on the scene. When i was toold that my father was in the hosptial, i rushed there only to find him unconscous and a very angry lady outside his door. i was father's only family, so i was terified of what i might find.

The woman greeted me with a slight smile and then sneered at me. i stood, a terified 11 year old, with a thirty something witch who kept throwing murderous glances at me. she kept trying to get me to let her in to see my father alone. i said no, and she would slap me again and again. finally she left cursing and i stood crying there in the hallway. after my father woke up and things got sorted out, i found out who the scary lady was.

Her name was Alissa Steel, Christopher's wife. she had found out that her husband and my father were found bloody in a alley behind a bar. the few witnesses that there were, they said Christopher and my father had fought and Christopher had lost. so, naturally, Mrs. Steel was mourning her loss with her three children, two boys and one girl. she blamed my father and called him a murderer. the investigation started and i learned the whole story. i may hate my father, but i don't believe that he would kill Christopher, who was once his best friend.

i sighed as i cleaned threw my last room of the day, thank god! it might have been the cleanest of them all, but it was still pretty gross. i swiftly finished and exited the room. i cleaned myself up and grabbed my stuff to go home. i walked out into the pouring rain, and waited at the bus stop. i pushed my wet hair from my face, and saw a bright white light.

i felt myself go flying through the air and hit the cold, hard pavement. blood immediately flowed out of my cuts and scrapes. black spots danced across my vision and i slowly lost conscousiness.
Side Note: I gtg to, will write more laterz.


Text: All rights reserved for the author E.L.Smith
Images: all rights reserved for the author E.L.Smith
Publication Date: 10-27-2012

All Rights Reserved

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