» Juvenile Fiction » Love's Ghost, Kelly [superbooks4u .txt] 📗

Book online «Love's Ghost, Kelly [superbooks4u .txt] 📗». Author Kelly

The Accident

Chapter 1: The Accident.

“What are you doing?” I yelled at Chris over the pounding music. He was dancing crazily with his arms flailing around in the air, and jumping fast. I laughed at him, and Chris sensed it because he stopped. He put a hand on the small of my back and pulled me close to him.
“I’m not doing anything.” He said with a serious face. “I don’t do fun because I’m an adult now.” Chris pretended to scold me. I look at him as if to say ‘whatever’. I punched the side of his arm, which made him yell. “What was that for Arial?”
“That’s for thinking that adults don’t have any fun.” I put my hands on my hips, but moved now and then from the people bumping into me. “Plus just because you’re eighteen now doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.”
“It can’t be childish fun. I’m to mature for that, so what kind of fun do you have in mind?” Chris said pulling me close to him. My hand rested perfectly on his chest by my head. He was so much taller me, which was good since I’m a taller girl.
I smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. Pulling away to look at him, I knew he thought the same. A little smile came across his face. Chris had his arms wrapped around my waist, and had us swaying slowly to the song that played. Everything was just so easy with him, and nothing could ruin what Chris and I have. We hardly fought about anything, and if we did, we couldn’t stay made at each other for long. Chris was my soul mate, and I know that sounds cliché but I really can’t describe it any other way. If anything happened to him, I don’t know what I would do.
“Do you love me?” I heard him say in my ear. This made me look at him with a confused look.
“Of course I love you. What would make you think I didn’t?” I asked.
“I just wanted to hear you say it again.” He said taking my hand. I froze in the spot I was in. What was he doing? “Arial Barrington, I love you with all my being. I’m so crazy about that I’d do anything for you just so I can see you smile. Life doesn’t have a meaning unless it’s something to do with you. I want to be the only man that holds you at night, to care for you when you’re sick. To comfort you when you cry, let me grow old with you. Give me the honor of making every day for the rest of your life as happy as I can possibly make it be. Arial Barrington, will you buy a white dress, walk down an aisle, and meet me at the altar so that we can get married?”
Chris was down on his knee, holding a ring box that had the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. I tried to open my mouth to say yes, but I couldn’t. So the next best thing was to nod. His smile got bigger when I finally found the words to say yes. We kissed passionately in the middle of everyone, but no one seemed to notice. It was just us there, happy in our own little world.
“I can’t stop looking at this ring, babe. I love it.” I said, excited like a little kid on Christmas. We were riding close together in his truck. It was raining lightly, and the sound of it calmed me especially when Chris had his arm around me.
“I’m glad I could please.” He smiled. We stopped at a red light, the roads were empty, but us. Chris pulled my chin up to him so we could kiss. I wish I could’ve always had that moment and many more with him. Sadly that wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
We were jerked forward, and I hit my head on the dash. Glass was shattered everywhere, and I felt it fall in my hair mixed with rain. Pain surged through my entire body. My vision was blurry, but I saw Chris slumped over on the stirring wheel with blood on the side of his face. I tried calling for him, but I couldn’t. I started to slip into unconsciousness, and I didn’t fight it as I shut my eyes.
I woke up in a haze as I saw flashing lights and feet walking around me. Was I lying on the ground? Someone grabbed my hand, and I wanted to yell from the pain only there was no energy for that. I went numb, and blacked out again, welcoming the heavy sleep.

Life without...You

Chapter 2: Life without…You

My eyes fluttered to the annoyance of the endless beeps and hums of something. My vision was blurry, but finally clearing up. A bright light stared back at me, and I tried to move my head the other way. This excruciating pain went through my spine. Instinctively, my hand shot up to feel my neck to see what was wrong. A pinching sensation was in my hand so I stopped moving. All the pain settled but I didn’t know what the needle in my hand was for. Then it all came rushing back. The first thing that rushed through my mind was: where is Chris?
Slowly I sat up to see a hospital room filled with my parents and Chris’ mom. Tears stung my eyes, my mouth opened and I felt myself choke. I was choking on the words to ask for him. My mom stood up and came to me. Her eyes were red and puffing from crying. She took my hand and pushed hair out of my face, obviously she knew what I wanted.
“Hey baby girl. Are you feeling alright?” She said, tearing up again. I swallowed hard, and gripped her hand tighter, fighting through the hurt. As if to ask my still unanswered question. The only thing that she did was start to cry, and put her head down beside me.
My heart shattered into oblivion. The air felt like it got knocked out of me. I knew what had happened without her words, and I think that hearing them would’ve been worse. Hopeless, empty was what I felt. I felt dead, but somehow I was still functioning. This couldn’t be happening to me. No…No! NO! Why now? Why? Why, why?! I couldn’t cry my tears were even in shock. My body didn’t know how to react to this.
“I’m so sorry honey. They did all they could.” Chris’s mom said. I shook my head. I couldn’t accept that for an answer, ‘they did all they could’. Telling that to me was like saying, ‘they gave up on him’.
“That’s not good enough for me.” I said bitterly. I wanted to role over so I wouldn't have to face them, but the sharp pain reminded me I couldn't. Wanting to be left alone, i pulled my hand away from my mothers.
"Let's leave her alone for a little." My dad said, pulling my mom away from my bed side. "We can't just leave her." Mom said. "Yes, yes you can." I had to say if I ever wanted to be alone.
I saw my parents walk out the room, but Chris' mom stood at the foot of my bed looking at me. "I know it tough, honey, but don't shut out the world for too long. You aren't the only who is suffering from this." She said, then left.
As soon as the door closed, the flood gates released the tears that were held back, for what seemed like forever. They were streaming down uncontrolably. It was no use trying to wipe them away, so I just let them fall.
A nurse walked in with a tray of food. The lady was smiling at me like everything in the world was perfect. "How are you doing today, sweety?" She said. I just looked at her emotionless. "Don't worry you'll be able to get out soon. I know it's not the best place in the world to be, but if you need anything just press the button." She pointed to a little remote before walking out.
I didn't even try messing with the food that was on the tray. Carefully I pushed it away, trying not to hurt my self. Tears started to flow from my eyes again. Why did you have to go Chris? It wasn't your time. This isn't right! I thought to myself before laying back down to cry myself to sleep.


Text: all rights reserved so no taking, but please comment:)
Images: google images
Publication Date: 07-10-2012

All Rights Reserved

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