» Juvenile Fiction » Twisted Fate, Ava Williams [best english books to read for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «Twisted Fate, Ava Williams [best english books to read for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author Ava Williams

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To wear a mask is to hide ones true pain and feelings. The constant hurt they feel divides one even more the longer they continue their facade.”


Brookell Jones was in pain. However, no one would have been able to notice, nor guess, that there was something truly bothering her. Especially not with the easy smile on her face and gleam in her navy blue eyes. Yes, Brook (as she was known by her friends and family) was not someone who'd ever appeared distressed, unless it involved her school and social life. No, not even when her brother, Ethan, committed suicide a few short weeks before, Brook didn't show signs of trauma or suffering; she merely comforted her mourning mother and moved on with her life.

Yet, as Brook amble slowly towards her first bell class, her mind wasn't set on participating in class as she usually would, nor was she interesting in doing anything aside from wanting to go back to the home she once knew and loved returning to everyday after school. Or that was until her parents starting fighting.

It seemed that Ethan's death was the final boiling point in her parents already failing marriage, and no amount of counseling would change that. Brook's home had become a center stage for World War III, and her parents failed to notice her existence anymore.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Brook stepped into Mr.Endress's U.S. Studies class and took her seat in the back of the class. It was only a matter of seconds before the seats beside her where occupied by her best friends Jesse Knowles and Alisa Piers.

"Hey, Brook," Alisa said in her usually preppy voice. Her wide, warm brown eyes taking in Brook's appearance.

"Hi," Brook mumble back in greeting.

"What's wrong Jones?" Jesse asked with a hint of concern.

Brook shook her head slightly, and muttered, "Nothing."

She could feel the two of them giving her concerned glances before turning to face the front of the class as Mr.Endress’s entered the room.

"Okay, settled down now," Mr. (as he was known by the students) said. He stepped behind his desk and continued, "As you all known tomorrow is testing day for the OGT, and I'm sure that almost all of you will pass."

"I'm sure as hell ain't passing Mr.!" students in the front of the class yelled, causing a round of snickers.

"Now, don't say that Robert," Mr. said. "I have complete faith in you."

"Ha! That's what Mrs. Snell said and I failed her class!" Robert Billings retorted.

The class erupted in fits of laughter. It took Mr. quite some time to finally manage to get the class back on track before her began the lesson.

Brook stared glassily at Mr.’s turned back, counting how many wrinkles she spotted on his blue polo. Then, she turned her attention to the open window in slight wonder. How would it feel if she just leaped out the window right then and there? Would she survive the fall? Would being momentarily suspended in the air feel nice and heart-pounding....

"Ms.Jones? Are you still with us?" Mr.’s slightly irritated voice broke Brook of her trance and she gazed up at him warily. "Good to see you finally decided to rejoin the world of the living. Now, as I was trying to tell you for the past few minutes, Mr. Benge would like to see you."

"Oh, okay." Brook stuffed her history book back inside her bag, zipped it up and hitched one of the straps onto her shoulder.

"See you in third bell," Alisa whispered.

"Yeah, sure."

Brook gave Alisa a small smile as she walked out the room and closed the door behind her. Slowly, she made her way up the the fourth floor and towards the school's psychologist office. She knocked once and waited.

"Come on in," a deep voice answered.

Brook opened the door and stepped into the small and relatively cozy room. She walked a few feet towards the large desk cluttered with files and papers and stared into Nick Benge's clear blue eyes.

"Mr.Endress told me you wanted to see me."

"Ah, yes. I did. Please take a seat." Mr.Benge waved at the white armchair in front of his desk.

Brook sat down and dropped her bag at her feet. She folded her hands on her lap and for a moment stared at the small, porky middle-aged brunette man curiously.

"So, why did you want to see me exactly?" She finally asked.

"Well, to be truthful, I was mostly wondering why you never came to see me." Mr.Benge said with a smile. "After all that's happened I'd constantly expected to see you barging into my office one of these days."

Brook tensed. "And what made you think I would need therapy? Do you think I was traumatized or something!"

Mr.Benge held up his hands. "Calm down Brook. There is no need to get defensive."

"I'm not getting defensive!"

"Then, just please calm down and let me explain my reasons."
Brook folded her arms across her chest and glared icily at the man. Mr.Benge took a small breath and began, "As I was saying I merely wanted to speak to you because I feared for you. After the death of you brother I expected you to be confused or angry, and I did not want you to take any dangerous risk due to those emotions and feelings."

"Is that all?" She asked, eyes narrowed. "I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr.Benge but I'm not confused and or feeling angry towards Ethan. He did what he did because he felt alone, but that doesn't mean I'll end up the same way."

"Is that so?" The man mused.

"Yes." Brook stood up and grabbed her bag. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have class to go to."

"Allow me to write you a note first," Mr.Benge said already reaching for a pen and a yellow Sticky Note. He quickly scrawled across the paper and held out the piece of paper.

Brook walked up to his desk and took the note from h is hand, muttering a stiff "Thank you", she turned and exited the room, making sure to slam the door behind her, and stormed back down to her U.S. class. How dare he, She thought angrily. How dare he think that...that I would do anything as stupid as Ethan did?

Sighing softly, Brook came to a stop outside Mr.E's classroom, and with another deep breath, opened the door and stepped inside. She could feel eyes watching her as she crossed the room and handed Mr.E the pass. He gave her a crude nod and Brook quickly took her seat.

"What did Benge want?" Alisa asked softly.

Brook shook her head softly. "Nothing really," she whispered back. "Only concerned, I guess."

"What for?" Jesse butted in.

Brook shrugged. "No reason."

"You three in the back," Mr. E called, startling the three teens. "No private conversations unless you plan on sharing with the rest of the class."


M r. E scoffed and returned to his lesson. Alisa snickered softly and soon Brook couldn't help but to giggle along. It felt nice to laugh, to act normal, she decided, even it was just for a little while.

* * *

At one point in our lives we must deal with weakness. But it is that weakness that makes us a bit stronger, or brings more misery to our hearts.”


Brook gathered her books as the final bell of the day rang, and a sea of students poured out of Bill Hughett's Astronomy class. She kept her eyes lowered and tried to appear focused on the task of putting her things away when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Somewhat startled, Brook gazed up at into her teacher's concerned filled face. She groaned softly. This was the thousands time that her teacher's stopped her to ask if she was all right, if anything was going on, or if she needed someone to talk to. Straightening up she ran her fingers through her dark hair and sighed warily.

'Brook,' Mr. Hughett began, looking slightly uncomfortable. "I've noticed a change in you the past few days, and I'm wondering if anything is wrong."

"No, Mr. Hughett, nothings wrong," Brook said bluntly. She slung her bag strap over her shoulder and gave the frowning man a small smile. "I'm serious, by the way. There's nothing wrong with me. Just a bit worried about the upcoming OGT."

"Oh, I see," Mr.Hughett grinned, and patted the dark-haired on her shoulder. "And, really, Brook, if you're concerned about the OGT come talk to me. I have a few great tips that can really help you."

"Thanks, Mr. Hughett." Brook waved good-bye to him and walked hurried out of his room. She made a quick stop to her locker and grabbed her jacket and umbrella, and turned to leave just as fast. Pulling on her jacket, Brook walked out of the campus grounds and made her way back home. Her pace was slow, and for many reasons. She didn't want to return home to find her parents still arguing for the littlest of things. No, she couldn't deal with seeing the weakness in her mother's eyes, the anger in her father's and the hatred that rolled off of both of them. She came to a halt and gave a dry sob.

It wasn't fair. None of it was. She didn't deserve any of this. Sniffing, she wiped away her tears and continued her sluggish walk back to the place she'd been expected to call home. She hated it when she cried. Her Dad always told her that crying was just another sign of weakness that she had to be strong and push through life. But, no matter how hard she fought back the tears, may they are because of anger or pain, they always fell and each time she felt as though another piece of herself had been torn apart.

To preoccupy with her thoughts Brook failed to notice that she was being followed, until she was tackled from behind. A scream tore itself from her throat and she trashed against her attackers hold.

'"Let me go!" she cried, hoping her scream would draw some attention.

"Jeez, Jones, calm the hell down. I was only messing around," Jesse's deep voice said directly in her ear.

Brook tore herself from his hold and turned around to glare at him. "Damn it Jesse? You scared me shitless."

"Sorry." The blond teen frowned and stared into Brook's face. "Where you crying?"

"What? Of course not. Don't be stupid."

Brook turned and made to stalk away when her wrist was caught in a strong grip. She was twirled around to face the disbelieving face of her childhood friend. "Don't try that crap with me, Brook. You're eyes as red and puffy. You were crying and I want to know why."

"Look it doesn't involve you, so back off," Brook snapped.

"It does actually. You're not all right, are you? Something's bothering you and you know it."

"And what if something's bothering me? Gods, Jesse for once in your life

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