» Juvenile Fiction » Granny's Stories, Pat Johnson [korean novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Granny's Stories, Pat Johnson [korean novels in english .txt] 📗». Author Pat Johnson

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by Pat Johnson, author

This book is dedicated to my grandson who has ADHD and is struggling to learn how to read. This e-book is designed to help children that are struggling to learn how to read and find themselves getting discouraged when they try to read longer stories.

The stories in this e-book are short, fun, and easy to read. There may be some words that a child might have trouble reading at first but with a parent's help they will soon be reading each and every word.

If you know of someone who has a child that is struggling to learn how to read, please tell this about this e-book.

I hope this e-book of Granny's stories makes reading easy and fun like it has for my grandson.

Pat Johnson, author

The Cat and The Bird

The cat sat down by the tree.
She was looking up.
A bird was up in the tree.
The cat licked her mouth.
The cat began to climb the tree.
The bird flew away.
No bird for lunch today.

The Brown Dog

The brown dog ran up the hill.
The brown dog's name was Mutt.
He sat down.
The brown dog barked.
Ted called the brown dog.
Mutt ran to Ted.
Ted gave Mutt a bone.
The brown dog wagged his tail.
Mutt was happy.

Up and Down

The blue sky is up.
The brown ground is down.
The sun is up in the blue sky.
The green grass is down in the
The moon is up in the dark sky.
The yellow flower is down in the
Look up! Look down!

Hole in Her Pant's

Dora has a hole in her pants.
The hole is at her knee.
Dora also has a scratch on her
Dora was running and fell down.
Granny put a patch on her pants.
Granny put a patch on her knee.
Her knee and pants are both fixed.
Dora ran off to play.

Ice Cream

My friend and I like to eat ice
cream in the summer.
I like chocolate.
My friend likes vanilla.
I like mine on a stick.
My friend likes his in a cone.
Our faces and hands get sticky.
Ice cream is yummy for our tummy.

My Dinner Chore

My chore is to set the table.
I put a plate at each place.
I put a fork at each place.
I put a napkin at each place.
I put a glass at each place.
I like to set the table.

Can You...?

Can you ride a bike?
Can you jump rope?
Do you like to go to the park?
My sister and I like to jump rope.
She has a red bike.
I have a blue bike.
We like to jump rope and ride our
bikes in the park.

Grandma's Helper

I like to help my grandma.
I like to fold the bath towels.
It is hard work because they are so
I like to help wash dishes.
I wash the glasses, forks, spoons,
and knives.
I like to vacuum the floor.
Grandma says I am a good helper.

Tom and Mike

Tom is a gray and white cat.
Mike is a small brown mouse.
They live in the same house.
Tom lays on a rug.
Mike lives in a hole in the wall.
Mike likes to try and drink Tom's
milk from his blue bowl.
Tom chases Mike back into his hole.
Mike is too fast for Tom to catch.

Summer Vacation
I love summer vacation.
I can sleep late.
I can play in my pool all day.
I can watch cartoons all day.
Summer vacation is fun.
The days are longer and hot.
I can wear shorts and go barefoot.
Yeah for summer vacation!

Mr. Fox
The fox is red and white and wears socks.
The fox is wearing two red socks.
The fox is wearing one blue sock.
The fox is wearing one purple sock.
The fox is wearing a stripe sock on his tail.
The fox looked at the clock.
The fox raced around the block.
The second time around the block, the fox tripped over a rock.
The ox laughed to see the fox trip over a rock and fall on the clock.
All the socks fell off the fox.
Now the fox was just a plain red and white fox with no socks.
The fox picked up his socks, put them in a box and ran away.

Frog on a Log
The small green frog sat on a log.
“Croak, croak” said the frog as he sat on the log.
A fly buzzed by the frog.
Zap! The frog's long tongue caught the fly.
“Arf, arf” barked a small black dog at the frog on the log.
The frog jumped from the log into the bog.
Splash! No more frog sitting on the log.
“Arf” barked the small black dog as he ran back into the woods.
No more frog on the log.
No more small black dog.
All was quiet in the bog.

The Spider
The small black spider sat on the wall.
Jack saw the spider.
Jack did not like spiders.
Jack grabbed a shoe to smash the spider.
The spider ran up the wall fast to keep from being smashed.
The spider was smashed flat on the wall.
No more spider to scare Jack.

The Man and The Pan

The man was hungry.
The man found a can of beans.
The man opened the can put the beans in the tan pan.
The man put the tan pan on the stove to cook.
The man dumped the beans into a tan bowl.
The man ate the beans with a spoon.
The man was not hungry any more.

The Race
The clock read six o'clock.
It was time for the race around the block.
His friend Ace always won the race because he was faster.
Tom stretched and went out the door.
Ace was waiting for him.
They lined up, counted to three and took off.
Ace was ahead in the race.
Ace turned around, running backwards.
Ace stuck out his tongue and said, “I am winning.”
Ace fell on the ground when he tripped over a rock.
Tom laughed as he raced to the finish line.
“Yeah!” yelled Tom. I won the race!

Fun Sentences

1.Buck the duck was stuck in the muck by the truck.
2.The truck was stuck in the muck.
3.The clock was on top of the block.
4.The man ran a fast pace in the race.
5.It was a blast from the past.
6.The bright light in my eyes blinded my sight.
7.The cat chased the fat rat around the mat.
8.The mother was walking and talking on her phone.

Bug in a Rug

The little green and black bug sat on the tiny round rug.
The bug's name was Tug.
Tug lived under ground.
It was cold and snowing outside.
Tug was warm inside his under ground house.
Tug was as snug as a bug in a rug.

On The Farm

The cow was black and white.
The cow gives us milk.
The momma pig was light brown.
The momma pig had ten piglets.
The sheep has curly white wool.
The yellow dog herds the cows and sheep to the barn two times a day.
There are also white chickens.
We get eggs from chickens.
In the field lives a bull.
Do not go into the field.
The bull is mean and will chase you.
The farm is a fun place to visit.

The New Toy
The boy has a new toy.
The toy is small and has wheels.
He holds the toy in his hand.
The boy put the toy on the floor and gives it a push.
The toy zooms over the floor.
Do you know what the new toy is?
It is a red car.

Mom Makes a Cake

I like to eat the cake that mom makes.
I get to open the cake box.
I get her the bowl to mix the cake in.
I get my mom the eggs.
The cake mix is yellow.
I get to lick the spoon when mom is done.
She puts the cake in the hot oven.
The cake smells good.
After mom takes it out of the oven she lets it cool.
When it is cool mom put white frosting on the cake.
We eat the cake for a snack.

Over and Under

The black horse jumped over the fence.
The yellow dog ran under the fence.
The boy jumped over the ditch.
The children ran under the water hose.
The mouse dived under ground as the hawk flew overhead.
I like to camp under a night sky.
My sister likes to jump over the rope.
The children bat a ball over the net.
The dog laid under the table.

The Wagon

My little wagon is red with black wheels.
I like to be pulled in the little red wagon by my father.
I like to push my dolls in the little red wagon.
I like to ride to the store with mom in my little red wagon.
The gray cat does not like to be pulled in the little red wagon.
The gray cat jumps out and runs up the tree.
The little white dog sits in the little red wagon.
I give her a cookie.
The little white dog eats the cookie and jumps out.
I love to ride in my little red wagon but my cat and dog do not.

Inside Outside

His dog lives outside in her dog house.
The boy lives inside a house.
It is raining outside but it is dry inside.
He likes to ride his bike outside around the block.
She likes to color inside on the table.
Today we are having lunch outside.
Oh no! It is raining so we have to back inside to eat.
In the summer I like to be outside in my pool.
In the winter I like to stay inside where it is warm.

The Hike

Today my mother and father are taking me on a hike.
We are going to hike at the nature park.
On the hike we saw a small green frog sitting on a log.
Croak went the frog as he jumped into the water.
We also saw a bright colored bird sitting on a tree branch.
I like to take a nature walk with my mother and father.
We had fun.
I want to go on a hike again.

The Zoo

My grandpa took me to the zoo.
We rode the zoo train.
I saw a mommy lion with a baby cub.
The daddy lion has a big brown mane.
We saw white polar bears swimming.
We saw a monkey sitting on a rock.
An elephant was eating hay.
My grandpa got me a red balloon.
My grandpa and I had fun at the zoo.

Kick Ball

Dick likes to play kick ball with his friend Mick.
They play in the field behind Dick's house.
Dick kicks the ball to Mick.
Mick kicks the ball back.
Dick and Mick take turns kicking the ball to see who kick it the farthest.

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